Sunday, October 7, 2012

Islam is the Kingdom of God on Earth

Islam is the Kingdom of God on Earth

In examination of that marvellous vision of the Prophet Daniel (chapter vii) we saw' how Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was escorted by the myriads of celestial beings and conducted to the glorious presence of the Eternal; how he heard the words of honour and affection which no creature had ever been favoured with (2 Corinthians xii); how he was crowned to the dignity of the Sultan of the Prophets and invested with power to destroy the "Fourth Beast" and the "Blasphemous Horn." Further, we saw how he was authorized to establish and proclaim the Kingdom of God on earth; how all that human genius can possibly imagine of the highest honours accorded by the Almighty to a beloved Servant and to His most worthy Apostle could be ascribed to Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) alone. It should be remembered that among all the Prophets and Messengers of Allah, Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) alone figures like a tower above all; and the grand and noble work he accomplished stands a permanent monument of his honour and greatness. One cannot appreciate the value and importance of Islam as the unique bulwark against idolatry and polytheism unless the absolute unity of God is earnestly admitted. When we fully realize that Allah is the same God whom Adam and Abraham (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) knew, and whom Moses and Jesus worshipped, then we have no difficulty in accepting Islam as the only true religion and Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) as the Prince of all the Prophets and Servants of God. We cannot magnify the greatness of Allah by conceiving Him now as a "Father," now as a "Son," and now as a "Holy Ghost," or to imagine Him as having three persons that can address each other with the three singular personal pronouns: I, thou, he. By so doing we lose all the true conception of the Absolute Being, and cease to believe in the true God. In the same way, we cannot add a single iota to the sanctity of the religion by the institution of some meaningless sacraments or mysteries; nor can we derive any spiritual food for our spirits from feeding upon the corpse of a prophet or an incarnate deity; for by so doing we lose all idea of a true and real religion and cease to believe in the religion altogether. Nor can we in the least promote the dignity of Muhammad if we were to imagine him a son of God or an incarnate deity; for by so doing we would entirely lose the real and the historical Prophet of Mecca and fall unconsciously into the abyss of polytheism. The greatness of Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) consists in his establishing such a sound, plain, but true religion, and in the practical application of its precepts and principles with such precision and resolution that it has never been possible for a true Muslim to accept any other creed or faith than that which is professed in the formula: "I believe there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) is the Apostle of Allah." And this short creed will continue to be the faith of every true believer in Allah to the day of the Resurrection.

The great destroyer of the "Eleventh Horn," that personified Constantine the Great and the Trinitarian Church, was not a Bar Allaha ("Son of God"), but a Bar Nasha ("Son of Man") and none other than Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) al-Mustapha who actually founded and established the Kingdom of God upon earth. It is this Kingdom of God that we are now to examine and expound. It would be remembered that it was during the divine audience of the Sultan of the Prophets, as given in Daniel, that it was promised that:-

"The kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdom under all heaven shall be given to the people of the Saints of the Most High; its (the people's) kingdom (shall be) a kingdom forever, and all dominions shall serve and obey it" (Daniel 7:22 and 27).

The expressions in this prophetical passage that the Kingdom of God shall consist of "the People of the Saints of the Most High," and that all other dominions or powers shall serve and obey that people, clearly indicate that in Islam the Religion and State are one and the same body, and consequently inseparable. Islam is not only the Religion of God, but also His earthly empire or kingdom. In order to be able to form a clear and true idea concerning the nature and the constitution of the "Kingdom of God on earth" it is necessary to cast a glance upon the history of the religion of Islam before it was perfected" completed, and formally established by God Himself under His Apostle Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him).

1. Islam before Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was not the Kingdom of God upon Earth, but only God's True Religion
Those who believe that the true religion of Allah was revealed only to Abraham (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and preserved by the people of Israel alone, must be very ignorant students of the Old Testament literature, and must have a very erroneous notion of the nature of that religion. Abraham (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) himself offered tithes to the King and Imam of Jerusalem and was blessed by him (Genesis xiv: 18). The father-in-law of Moses was also an Imam and a Prophet of Allah; Job, Balaam, Ad, Hud, Loqman, and many other prophets were not Jews. The various tribes and nations like the Ishmaelites, Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, and others which descended from the sons of Abraham (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and Lot, knew God the Almighty though they too, like the Israelites, fell into idolatry and ignorance. But the light of Islam was never entirely extinguished or substituted by idolatry. Idols or images, which were considered as "sacred" and as household gods by the Jews, as well as their kindred nationalities, and usually called "Traphim" (Genesis 31 xxxi) in the Hebrew, were, in my humble opinion of the same nature and character as the images and idols which the Orthodox and Catholic Christians keep and worship in their houses and temples. In those olden times of ignorance the idols were of the kind of "identity card" or of the nature of a passport. Is it not remarkable to find that Rachel (Rahil), the wife of Jacob (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and the daughter of Laban, should steal the "trap him" of her father? (Genesis 31 xxxi). Yet Laban as well as her husband were Muslims, and on the same day raised the stone "Mispha" and dedicated it to God!
The Jews in the wilderness, inebriate with the wonders and miracles worked day and night-their camp shadowed by a miraculous cloud at daytime and illuminated by a pillar of fire at night, themselves fed with the "manna" and "Salwai" -as soon as the Prophet Moses disappeared for a few days on the misty top of Mount Sinai, made a golden calf and worshipped it. The history of that stubborn people from the death of Joshua to the anointment of King Saul, covering a period of more than four centuries, is full of a series of scandalous relapses into idolatry. It was only after the close of the revelation and the Canon of their holy Scriptures in the third century before Christ that the Jews ceased to worship idols, and have since remained monotheists. But their belief in the Unity of God, though it makes them Unitarians, does not entitle them to the qualification of being called "Muslims," because they have stubbornly rejected both the persons and the revelations of Jesus and Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him). It is only through submission to the will of God that a man can attain peace and become Muslim, otherwise the faith without obedience and submission is similar to that of the devils who believe in the existence of Allah and tremble.
As we possess no records concerning the other peoples who were favoured with divine revelations and with the Prophets and Imam sent to them by God, we shall only content ourselves with the declaration that the religion of Islam existed among Israel and other Arab peoples of old, sometimes more luminous, but mostly like a flickering wick or like a dim spark glimmering in a dark room. It was a religion professed by a people who soon forgot it, or neglected it, or transformed it into pagan practices. But all the same there were always individuals and families who loved and worshipped God.

It seems that the Jews, especially the masses, had no true conception of God and of religion as the Muslims have had of Allah and Islam. Whenever the people of Israel prospered and was successful in its wars, then Jahwah was acknowledged and worshipped; but in adverse circumstances He was abandoned and the deity of a stronger and more prosperous nation was adopted and its idol or image worshipped. A careful study of the Hebrew Scripture will show that the ordinary Jew considered his God sometimes stronger or higher, and sometimes weaker, than those professed by other nations. Their very easy and reiterated relapse into idolatry is a proof that the Israelites had almost the same notion about their EI or Yahwah, as the Assyrians had of Ashur, the Babylonians of Mardukh, and the Phoenicians of their Ba'al. With the exception of the Prophets and the Sophis, the Muslims of Torah, the Israel of the Mosaic Law, never rose equal to the height of the sanctity of their religion nor of the true conception of their Deity. The faith in Allah and a firm conviction and belief in a future life was not ingrained and implanted in the spirit and in the heart of that people.
What a contrast, then, between the Muslims of the Qur'an, the believers of the Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him)an Law," and the Muslims of Torah or the Mosaic Law! Has it ever been seen and proved that a Muslim people abandoned its Mosque, Imam, and the Qur'an, and embraced any other religion and acknowledged that Allah was not its God? Never! It is extremely unlikely that a Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him)an Muslim community, so long as it is provided with the Book of Allah, the Mosque and the Mullah, could relapse into idolatry or even into Christianity.
I am aware of the certain so-called Tartar families who embraced the Orthodox Christian Faith in Russia. But I can assure my readers, on authentic authority, that these "Tartars" were those Mongols who, long after the subjugation of Russia and the establishment of the "Altin Ordu" by Batu Khan, were either still pagans or newly converted to Islam and seem to have been forced or induced to join the Russian Church. And in this connection it should not be ignored that this happened after the Muslim power of the "Golden Horde" ("Ahin Ordu") tumbled down at the tremendous invasion of Timur Lang (Tamerlane). On the contrary, Muslim traders and merchants, in China as well as in the dark continent of Africa, have always propagated their holy religion; and the millions of Chinese and negro Muslims are the fruit of these unpaid and unofficial Mussulman missionaries. It is evident from the above that the true religion of God before Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was only in its infancy, that it remained immature and undeveloped amongst the Hebrews, although it shone brilliantly in the life of the true servants of Yahwah. Under the direction of the God-fearing Judges and the pious Kings of Israel, the government was always theocratic, and as long as the oracles of the Prophets were favourably received and their injunctions duly executed, both the religion and the nation prospered.

But the true religion of God never took the form of the Kingdom of God as it did under the Qur' anic regime. Allah in His infinite wisdom had decreed that four great Powers of Darkness should succeed each other before His own Kingdom was to be established. The great ancient civilizations and empires of the Assyro-Chaldeans, of the Medo-Persians, of the Greeks and of the Romans, had to appear and flourish, to persecute and oppress the people of God, and to perpetrate all the evil and wickedness that the Devil could devise. All the glory of these great Powers consisted in their worshipping the Devil; and it was this "glory" that the "Prince of the Darkness" promised to grant to Jesus Christ from the top of a high mountain if he were only to follow him and worship him.

2. Christ and his Disciples Preached the Kingdom of God
They were, it is true, the harbingers of the Kingdom of God upon earth. The soul and the kernel of the Gospel of Jesus is contained in that famous clause in his prayer: "Thy Kingdom come." For twenty centuries the Christians of all denominations and shades of belief have been praying and repeating this invocation, 'Thy Kingdom come," and God alone knows how long they will continue to pray for and vainly anticipate its coming. This Christian anticipation of the coming of the Kingdom of God is of the same nature as the anticipation of Judaism for the coming of Messiah. Both these anticipations exhibit an inconsiderate and thoughtless imagination, and the wonder is that they persistently cling to this futile hope.

If you ask a Christian priest or parson what he thinks of the Kingdom of God, he will tell you all sorts of illusory and meaningless things. This Kingdom is, he will affirm, the Church to which he belongs when it will overcome and absorb all the other heretical Churches. Another parson or priest will harangue on the "millennium." A Salvationist or a Quaker may tell you that according to his belief the Kingdom of God will consist of the new-born and sinless Christians, washed and cleansed with the blood of the Lamb; and so forth.

The Kingdom of God does not mean a triumphant Catholic Church, or a regenerated and sinless Puritan State. It is not a visionary "Royalty of the Millennium." It is not a Kingdom composed of celestial beings, including the departed spirits of the Prophets and the blessed believers, under the reign of a divine Lamb; with angels for its police and gendarmes; the Cherubs for its governors and judges; the Seraphs for its officers and commanders; or the Archangels for its Popes, Patriarchs, Bishops, and evangelical preachers. The Kingdom of God on earth is a Religion, a powerful society of believers in One God equipped with faith and sword to fight for and maintain its existence and absolute independence against the Kingdom of Darkness, against all those who do not believe that God is One, or against those who believe that He has a son, a father or mother, associates and coevals.

The Greek word euangelion, rendered "Gospel" in English, practically means "the enunciation of good news." And this enunciation was the tidings of the approaching Kingdom of God, the least among whose citizens was greater than John the Baptist. He himself and the Apostles after him preached and announced this Kingdom to the Jews, inviting them to believe and repent in order to be admitted into it. Jesus did not actually abrogate or change the Law of Moses, but interpreted it in such a spiritual sense that he left it a dead letter. When be declared that hatred was the root of murder, lust the source of fornication; that avarice and hypocrisy were as abominable sins as idolatry; and that mercy and charity were more acceptable than the burnt offerings and the strict observance of the Sabbath, he practically abolished the letter of the Law of Moses in favour of its spiritual sense. These spurious and much interpolated Gospels report frequent parables and references of Christ to the Kingdom of God, and to Bar-Nasha or the Son of Man, but they are so corrupted and distorted that they have succeeded, and still succeed, in misleading the poor Christians to believe that by "Kingdom of God" Jesus only meant his Church, and that he himself was the "Son of Man."

These important points will be fully discussed, if Allah will, later on; but for the present I have to content myself with remarking that what Jesus announced was, it was Islam that was the Kingdom of God and that it was Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) who was the Son of Man, who was appointed to destroy the Beast and to establish the powerful Kingdom of the People of the Saints of the Most High.

The religion of God, until Jesus Christ, was consigned chiefly to the people of Israel; it was more material and of a national character. Its lawyers, priests, and scribes had disfigured that religion with a gross and superstitious literature of the traditions of their forefathers. Christ condemned those traditions, denounced the Jews and their leaders as "hypocrites" and "the children of the Devil." Although the demon of idolatry had left Israel, yet later on seven demons had taken possession of that people (Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26).

Christ reformed the old religion; gave a new life and spirit to it; he explained more explicitly the immortality of the human soul, the resurrection and the life in the next world; and publicly announced that the Messiah whom the Jews were expecting was not a Jew or a son of David, but a son of Ishmael (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) whose name was Ahmad, and that he would establish the Kingdom of God upon earth with the power of the Word of God and with sword. Consequently, the religion ofIslam received a new life, light and spirit, and its adherents were exhorted to be humble, to show forbearance and patience. They were beforehand informed of persecutions, tribulations, martyrdoms, and prisons. The early "Nassara," as the Qur'an calls the believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, suffered ten fearful persecutions under the Roman Emperors. Then comes the great Constantine and proclaims liberty for the Church; but after the decisions and the Trinitarian Creed ofthe Nicene Council in 325 A.C., the Unitarian Muslims" were submitted to a series of new and even more cruel persecutions by the Trinitarians, until the advent of Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) (upon whom be peace and blessings).

3. The Nature and Constitution of the Kingdom of God
There is a royal Islamic anthem sung aloud five times a day from the minarets and the mosques in every part of the globe where the Muslims live. This anthem is followed by a most solemn worship to Allah by his faithful people. This royal Muslim hymn is called Adhan (Azari). This is not all; every action, enterprise and business, however important or trifling it may be, is begun with the words bism'l-Liih, which means "in the name of Allah," and ends with an al-Hamdu tn-uu« meaning "praise be to Allah!" The bond of faith which binds a Muslim to his Heavenly King is so strong, and the union between the Sovereign and His subject so close, that nothing, however powerful or seductive, can separate him from Allah. The Qur'an declares that "Wr: are nearer to him than the hablu'l-Warid' (Qur'an, 50:16), which means "Allah is nearer to man than the life-vain."
Never was there a favourite courtier who, in his sentiments of affection, devotion, obedience, and respect for his beneficent monarch, could ever equal those which a Muslim entertains towards his Lord. Allah is the King of the Heavens and Earth, He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords in general. He is the King and the Lord of every Muslim in particular, for it is a Muslim alone who thanks and praises his Almighty King for all that happens and befalls him, be it prosperity or adversity.
Nearly three hundred million Muslims are endowed-more or less-with the same feelings of faith and trust in Allah.
It is evident, therefore, that the nature of Islam consists in its being the only real and truly Theocratic Kingdom on earth. Allah need no longer send Messengers or Prophets to convey His oracles and messages to the Muslims as He used to do to Israel and other Hebrew peoples; for His will is fully revealed in the Holy Qur'an and imprinted on the minds of His faithful Subjects.

As to the formation and the constitution of the Kingdom of God, inter alia, the following points should be noted:-

(a) All Muslims form one nation, one family, and one brotherhood. I need not detain my readers to study the various quotations from the Qur' an and the Hadith (Tradition of the Prophet) on these points. We must judge the Muslim society, not as it presents itselfnow, but as it was in the time of Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and his immediate successors. Every member of this community is an honest worker, a brave soldier, and a fervent believer and devotee. All honest fruit of the toil belongs by right to him who earns it; nevertheless the law makes it impossible for a true Muslim to become excessively wealthy. One of the five 5 obligatory pious practices of Islam is the duty of almsgiving, which consists of sadaqa and zakdt, or the voluntary and the obligatory alms. In the days of the Prophet and the first four Khaliphas, no Muslim was known to be enormously rich. The national wealth went into the common treasury called "Baitu '1- Mal," and no Muslim was left in need or want.
The very name "Muslim" signifies literally "a maker of peace." You can never find another human being more docile, hospitable, inoffensive and peaceful a citizen than a good Muslim. But the moment his religion, honour, and property are attacked, the Muslim becomes a formidable foe. The Qur' an is very precise on this point: "Wa lii ta'tadu"-"And you must not transgress" (or take the offensive). The Holy Jihad is not a war of offence, but of self-defence. Though the robbers, the predatory tribes, the semi-barbarous nomad Muslims, may have some religious notions and believe in the existence of Allah, it is the lack of knowledge and of religious training which is the root- cause of their vice and depravity. They are an exception. One can never become a good Muslim without the religious training and education.

(b) According to the description of the Prophet Daniel, the citizens of the Kingdom of God are "the People of the Saints." In the original Chaldish or Aramaic text, they are described as "A'mma d' qaddtshid' I'lionin," an epithet worthy only of the Prince of the Prophets and of his noble army of the Muhajirin (Emigrants) and the Ansar (Helpers), who uprooted idolatry from a great part of Asia and Africa and destroyed the Roman Beast.

All the Muslims, who believe in Allah, in His angels, Books, and Apostles; in the day of the Resurrection and Judgement; that the good and evil are from Allah; and perform their pious practices according to their ability and with good will, are holy saints and blessed citizens of the Kingdom. There is no grosser religious ignorance than the belief that there is a person called the Holy Ghost who fills the hearts of those who are baptized in the names of three gods, each the third of the three, or the three of the third, and thus sanctifies the believers in their absurdities. A Muslim believes that there is not one Holy Spirit, but innumerable holy spirits all created and ministers of the One Allah. The Muslims are sanctified, not by baptisms or ablution, but their spirits are purified and sanctified by the light of faith and by the fire of zeal and courage to defend and fight for that faith. John the Baptist, or rather Christ himself (according to the Gospel of Barnabas), said: "I baptize you with water unto repentance, but he who comes after me, he is stronger than I; he will baptize you with fire and with the holy spirit." It was this fire and this spirit with which Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be on him) baptized the semi- barbarian nomads, the heathen Gentiles, and converted them into an army of heroic saints, who transformed the old waning synagogue and the decaying church into a permanent and strong Kingdom of Allah in the promised lands and elsewhere.

4. The Permanence and the Dignity of the Kingdom of Allah
Is doubly assured by an Angel to Daniel. It is stated that "all the nations under the heaven shall serve the People of the Saints of the Most High." It requires no proof to say that all the Christian Powers show a particular respect, and even deference when necessary, not only to Muslim Powers, to Muslim sacred places and mosques, but also to the local institutions of their Muslim subjects. The mystery of this "service" lies in this: in the first place, the Muslims always inspire respect and fear through their dignified behaviour, attachment to their religion and obedience to just laws, and their peacefulness; and secondly, because the Christian Governments, as a rule, treat the Muslims with justice and do not interfere with their laws and religion.
Space does not permit us to extend our observations over other points of this Divine Religion and Kingdom, such as the Muslim Khaliphas, Sultans, etc. Suffice it to say that the Muslim Sovereigns are subject to the same Qur'anic laws as their compatriots; that justice and modesty are the best safeguards for the prosperity and stability of every State, Muslim or non- Muslim; and that the spirit and the principles of the Book of Allah are the best guidance for all legislation and civilization.

Israel is the name of a person who is a Prophet. Israel is not a country. Jacob's (Yaqub PBUH)'s another name is Israel. The corruption in the land is spread by the children of Israel. But OFCOURSE this Israel state is not the representative of Jacob (PBUH) BECAUSE JACOB (PBUH) WAS A MUSLIM BY RELIGION . The 10 jewish tribes were found who embraced Islam in Afghanistan. It is this Bani Israel (Children of Israel (Jacob) which is cursed by God Allmighty and these jews of Bani Israel who are still falsely looking for some davidic messiah with david's seal and associate themselves with Jacob which many christians support due to ignorance. The David's (Dawood PBUH) seal was about the fusion of this human world and the world of jinns implying Allah had given the authority on jinns to Solomon (PBUH) the son of David (PBUH). Because of Bani Israel's rejection of Jesus (PBUH) and Muhammad (PBUH) Allah (God Allmighty) has cursed the jews. Even these bani Israelis tried to kill Jesus (PBUH) son of Mary but they couldn't do it. Allah saved him

These are the zionist jews of aipac community real rulers of America controlling all US foreign policy and all money thru Feds money creation is not a problem as its not backed by gold, these zionists jews (who are partially supported by some deceived christian americans) set rulers of their choice in the world who are bound not to speak against Israel's corruption on land and these are the zionist jews who did 9/11 and the ignorant american majority will have to leave their TV screens and wake up and realise the truth.

Extinction of Israel
In the context of calculation of numbers and years

This is a lengthy topic that is popular among Muslims and there is no doubt that the events mentioned in this context shall inevitably occur, as the Prophet, blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, has informed us. But when? The knowledge of that lies only with Allah. Hence, we should not abandon Jihad but remain prepared for it.
AI-Bukhari and Muslim reported on the authority of Abu Hurairah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah, blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, said:
"The last Hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him, but the Gharqad tree would not disclose anything, for it is the tree of the Jews."
All Divine religions speak about the future and reveal some of the matters of the Unseen. There is no Prophet who did not tell his people of the matters of the Unseen. The news of the matters of the Unseen came in different forms. Some were explicit and some were not. Some came through clear revelation and some came through true dreams seen by a Prophet or by even an ordinary person. Some happened soon after and some were delayed and only occurred after many years or even after centuries.
Muslims believe in the Tawrat but they also believe that it has been changed and corrupted. They certainly believe that a part of the authentic and original Tawrat still exists. Therefore, they do not rule out that this authentic part contains some prophecies whose origin was Divine revelation, though these prophesies may need some interpretations.
Here, our goal is to interpret the Qur'anic prophecies that had earlier been mentioned in the Tawrat, Allah, High and Exalted, says in Soorah Al-Isra:
"And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture: indeed you would do mischief in the land twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant! So, when the promise came for the first of the two, We sent against you slaves of Ours given to terrible warfare. They entered the very innermost parts of your homes. And it was a promise (completely) fulfilled. Then We gave you a return of victory over them. And We helped you with wealth and children and made you more numerous in manpower." (Soorah Al-Ista 17:4-6)
Approximately fifteen years ago, an Egyptian writer produced a research paper about the numerical inimitability of the Qur' an based upon the number "19" and its multiplications. People were initially impressed with his work. Soon, they realized that the author was a religious deviant.
As a result, they took a negative stand against this man's work. This stand was aggravated by the fact that the number "19" is a number that lill' Baha'is regard as sacred. The rest of the story has been explained earlior;

After an exhaustive study of the man's work, we found out that there were introductions to the work indicating the existence of a mathematical structure based upon the number "19". These introductions are the only authentic part of his work. This mathematical structure is exceptionally wonderful.
In 1991, another book was published titled: 'Ajibah Tis'ata 'Ashara Bayna Takhalluf AI-Muslimeen Wa Dalaalat Al-Mudda'in. In this book, the author discussed in detail the dazzling inimitability that overwhelmed the people. For, mathematics is an inductive science based upon certain fundamentals and is not a matter in which personal opinions are applicable. It has been found out that the number "19" is noticeably repeated in the existing relationship between the sun, the Earth and the moon which indicate that there might be a universal, mathematical Qur'anic statute. The author of the book says: "I could not imagine that this number is the basis for historical approximation relating to the Jewish history; and at the same time, relating to the Qur' anic numerical and then astronomical law until I came across a speech given about the new world order. It was this speech that opened the doors of observation fof me. I am not saying that this is a prophecy; nor I am claiming that things derived from this study will definitely take place. These are just observations which I would like to share with the readers. I will leave them to make their own conclusions. However, discussing questions the readers may have while going through these observations is outside the scope of this work." The foreword, as I mentioned earlier, was a lecture by the Iraqi writer, Muhammad Ahmad Rashid. It was a speech about the new world order. A part of the speech reads: "When the announcement of the establishment of the state of Israel was made in 1948, an old Jewish woman visited the mother of Muhammad Rashid (the author's mother) crying. When she was asked of the reason for her crying while all the Jews were happy she said: 'The establishment of this state will cause the slaughter of the Jews'." Rashid mentioned that he heard the Jewish woman saying that the Jewish state will last for 76 years.
In my opinion, the speech could have been better without mentioning the incident, for people tend to be skeptical stories regarding future e-vents from old people. This makes the matter more complicated and drives the educated ones to shun stories like this. But I said to myself: "Does it harm you to verify this? Perhaps, that old Jewish woman heard that prophecy from the Rabbis. It is impossible that this prediction could have been a product of her imagination and personal analysis. Moreover, the Rabbis still possess remnants of the revelations although they are mixed with man=made illusions and myths." That was how I started.

1. According to the ambiguous prophecy, the state of Israel will last for 76 years which is (4 x 19); and it is expected that the year is lunar because the Jews use lunar months and add a month every three years in order to harmonize between the lunar and solar years. The Year 1948 was correspondent to 1367 A.H. In the light of that, if the prophecy is true, then the state of Israel will last till 1367 + 76 = 1443 A.H.
2. Soorah Al-Isra is also known as Soorah Bani Israel (Soorah concerning the Children of Israel). The beginning of the Soorah mentions the prophecy that Allah revealed to His Messenger, Moosa, peace be upon him. This prophecy touched on two acts of mischief that the Children of Israel will collectively - as a state, according to the contemporary term - perpetrate in the blessed land. And those acts will be perpetrated in utter arrogance and haughtiness. The Verses 2 to 6 of the Soorah AI-Isra read:
"And We gave Moosa (Moses) the Scripture and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel (saying): 'Take not other than Me as (your) Wakil (Protector, Lord, or Disposer of your affairs, etc). 0 offspring of those whom We carried (in the ship) with Nooh (Noah)! Verily, he was a grateful slave.' And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture: indeed you would do mischief in the land twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant! So, when the promise came for the first of the two, We sent against you slaves of Ours given to terrible warfare. They entered the very innermost parts of your homes. And it was a promise (completely) fullfilled. Then we gave you a return of victory over them. And we helped you with wealth and children and made you more numerous in manpower."(Soorah Al-Isra 17:2-6)
The Children of Israel perpetrated their first act of mischief before the advent of Islam. As for the second one, all indications tell us that it was the establishment of the state of Israel in Palestine in 1948.
It is also observed that the expression "the final (and the second) promise" is mentioned in the Qur'an twice. The first time when the "second promise" is mentioned and the second time before the end of Soorah AI-Isra (Verse 104). If we count the words from the beginning of the discussion about prophethood, "when the final and the last promise comes near (i.e. the Day of Resurrection or the descent of Christ ('Eesa), son of Maryarn (Mary) (peace be upon them) on the Earth). We shall bring you altogether as mixed crowd (gathered out of various nations)", (Verse 104), we will realize that the number of the words is 1443 which is the number we arrived at during approximation (i.e. 1363 + 76 = 1443).
3. The Messenger of Allah, blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, migrated to Madinah on 20/9/622 AD. Ibn Hazm Az- Zahiri believed that AI-AI-Isra (the Prophet's night journey from  Al-Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa in Al-Quds (Jerusalem)) took place a year before his migration to Madinah, according to the sensus of the scholars (i.e. 621 A.D) We have some doubts about the authenticity of the census on this date, for it could not be imagined that the revelation of the beginning of  Soorah Al-Isra could be delayed for so long after the occurrence of the event itself.
If the prophecy mentioned by the old Jewish woman is true, then the extinction of the state of Israel would be in the year 1444 A.H. because the Isra took place a year before the Hijrah and this number (1444) equals to that (19 x 76). You would recall that 76 lunar is the lifespan of the state of Israel. What this translates to is: the period between revelation of the prophecy and the extinction of Israel is 19x the lifespan of Israel.
4. When the Earth revolves around the sun one single time, it would have revolved around itself 365 times and the moon would have revolved around the Earth 12 times. It is observed that the word (Yaum). mentioned singly is found in the Qur' an 365 times and the word (Shahr) mentioned singly is found in the Qur' an 12 times, though we have to bear it in mind that we are using the 'Uthmani version. Therefore, we did not count words such as (Yaumaizin) because its form is different from that of (Yaum) or (Yauman).

We now need to know how many times the word Sannah (which means year) is mentioned in the Qur'an. It is mentioned singly 7 times and mentioned in plural form 12 (sineen) times. So if we add 7 to 12 we get 19. Why the number "19" again?
When the Earth returns to the same point once, it would havo revolved around itself 365 times and the moon would have revolved around it 12 times. But in order for the moon and the Earth to return to their respective original states, the Earth must have revolved around the sun 19 times (i.e. 19 years). Here, we would notice that the Earth has revolved more than once and, therefore, we have lost the count of the single words. It is noteworthy that in every 19 lunar years, we have 7 leap years (of 355 days each) and 12 regular years. When we add the two numbers together, what we get is again "19".
And this indicates the harmony between the solar year and lunar year.
5. In the year 935 C.E., Prophet and King Solomon, Peace be upon him, died and the corruption started. Therefore, the beginning of the first act of Mischief of the Children of Israel mentioned in Soorah Al-Isra took place in the year 935 C.E. and the end of the second and last of their act of mischief will take place in the year 2022 C.E. or 1443 A.H. Therefore, the number of years between the beginning of the first act of mischief  and the isra is 1556 solar years; and the number of the years between the Isra and the end of the second act of mischief is 1444 lunar years. It would also be noted that  the number of words Soorah Al-Isra contains is 1556 words.
A question now arises: Do the historians agree that the date of Solomon's death is 935 CE.? If the reader wants a quick answer, he should look up the name "Sulaiman" in the renowned dictionary, Al-Munjid Fil-Lugnah. Wal-A'lam. Though many books of history indicate that Solomon, peace be upon him, died in 935 CE., there are some sources that claim that he died in the Year 930 CE. or 936 C E. Since it is difficult to determine the most correct date, I decided to establish it through the Qur' an.
6. The only place where the Qur' an mentions the death of Solomon, peace be upon him, is in Soorah Saba', Verse 14. In this Verse, Allah, Most High, says: "Then, when We decreed death for him (Sulaiman) nothing informed them Jinn) of his death except a little worm of the earth, which kept (slowly) gnawing away at his stick."
The number of letters from the beginning of Soorah Saba' till the end of Verse 13 - of the same Soorah before mention is made of Solomon's death - is 934 words. After that the next letter of the next Verse is (FAE -Arabic alphabet) which is a conjunctive preposition that serves as a link. If we add this letter to the said 934 words what we get is 935; and we have earlier mentioned that Solomon's death took place in the Year 935 CE. In this way, we have, through Qur' anic numerical study, arrived at the point that the most preponderant view concerning Solomon's death is 935 CE.
Please note that Verse 13 of Soorah Saba' that mentions the extent of Solomon's kingdom has 19 words which consists of 83 letters. Then what do we get if we multiply 84 by 19? The answer is (84*19=1596).Since we know that Solomon ruled for 40 years, according to the Old Testament, what remains of the numbers after deducting 40 years is 1556 which is the number of the letters of Soorah Al-Isra.

7. The Jews announced the establishment of their state on Palestinian land on 15/5/1948. We cannot accept that this date is the date of the establishment of that state because it was not actually established on this date. For, after the announcement, the Arab armies started a war with the Jews until the United Nations issued a resolution on cease-fire. The Arab League endorsed this resolution on 10/6/1948 in what was called "the first cease-fire". It was the actual date that the state of Israel was established. After about three weeks, war started again and the United Nations issued another resolution on cease-fire. The Arab league agreed on this resolution on 18/7/1948 in what was called a "second cease-fire". It was then that the establishment of the state of Israel completely took place. 
The number of days from the time of the establishment of the state of Israel commenced and the time it was completed is 38 days (which means: 19 x 2). We know that the actual establishment of the state of Israel was when the first cease-fire took place on 10/6/1948; we also know that 10/6 was the date that the Six-Day War ended in 1967 CE. Therefore, the number of years since the first cease-fire of 1948 to the Cease-fire of 1967 is exactly 19 solar years.
Since we do not know whether the Year 1556 CE. has more or less months, we then need to consider the Year 935 CE. There are 1556 solar years between the time of the perpetration of the first act of mischief and the occurrence of AI-AI-Isra; and between AI-AI-Isra that took place on 10/10/621 and 6/3/2022 (the date of Israel's extinction), there are 1400.4 solar years. Then how much is the difference between tho first and second periods? 1556 - 1400.4 = 155.6 years. What is then the number 155.6? Actually it is 1/19 of the total number of the two periods. For, the period between the beginning of first mischief and the end of the second one is 1556 + 1400.4 = 2956.6 /19 =155.6
The number 19 is 10+9. If we multiply 155.6 *10, we get 1556,which translated into the first period; and if we multiply it by 9 we get 1400.4 which translated into the second period. Therefore, the total of the two period is @19@; ten of it is deducted before Al-isra and the remaninig nine will come after Al-Isra. The basic unit between the two period is 155.6

8. When Solomon, peace be upon him, died in 935 CE., the state divided into two: Israel in the north - it was ruined in 722 C E. - and Judea in the south. It was also ruined in the Year 586 CE. By this, Judea could have lasted for 136 years more than Israel. However, we find that Philip Hitti writing in his work, History of Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, says:
"When Israel was ruined, 19 kings had already ruled it." He then writes: "Judea also had 19 kings." This attracts our attention. For, Judea, as we have earlier mentioned, lasted 136 years more than Israel, yet it was also ruled by 19 kings!! Will the lifespan of the present-day Israel also be 19 Knessets?!
(From the book: Zawal Israel)
Courtesy : The Unchallengeable Miracles of the Quran by Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad

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