Sunday, June 30, 2013

200+ Evidences/Proofs from the Bible -Jesus Son of Mary (pbuh) was NOT Crucified

200+ Proofs from the Bible that Jesus Son of Mary (PBUH) was NOT crucified
A Historical event of Jesus crucifiction is recorded in Mathew27, Mark15, Luke23, John19 which historian wrote the event of Jesus crucifiction irrespective of that its accepted as the main base and pillar of Christianity available in the Bible (NSRV). However bear with me you will find an amazing fact which matches in the Last testament, Bible Old testament and Bible New testament, Early Christian Writings and the real historical evidences.

Part 1 : The Holy Scriptures  (The Glorious Quran -The Last Testament)
Part 2 : The Holy Scriptures  (Bible New & Old Testament NT & OT (Canonical Gospels )
Part 3 : The Holy Scriptures  (Bible NT (Non Canonical Gospels & early christian writings)
Part 4 : Early Church Fathers & Present Doctors of divinity conclusion on crucifixion on record
Part 5 : Historical records

Part 1 : The Holy Scriptures  (The Glorious Quran -The Last Testament)

Surah Nisa / Chapter 4
“156. That they rejected Faith; that they uttered against MARY a grave false charge; 157. That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of MARY, the Messenger of Allah.;- but they killed him not, nor CRUCIFIED HIM, BUT SO IT WAS MADE TO APPEAR TO THEM, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, WITH NO (CERTAIN) KNOWLEDGE, BUT ONLY CONJECTURE TO FOLLOW, for of a surety they killed him not:- 158. Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;-” 

Listen this verse in the following video the ORIGINAL WORD OF GOD is recited from Quran!!!

The Last Testament (Quran) says Easa (Jesus) (Son of Maryam (Mary) / (Servant/Prophet/Messenger of Allah) was NOT CRUCIFIED.

Important Note:
Muslims believe in Quran i.e. Word of God and this is sufficient for the  muslims as evidence that Jesus son of Mary PBUH was not crucified but was rather Saved by Allah (God All mighty) and Jesus son of Mary will be sent by Allah as a major sign of the end times not as a new messenger as the line of messengers is finished with the Last Prophet & Messenger Muhammad (PBUH). So Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) will not bring any new message but he will be sent as a major sign of end times, he will break the cross and will confirm that he was never crucified and it was only a misconception and will kill the false Messiah and will kill the pigs. He never allowed pig consumption refer here 

Christians believe in the Bible therefore the following proofs and evidences have been given from the Bible itself. Note again Muslims don’t need any other proof except from the Quran which is enough for them which is that Jesus son of Mary was not crucified or killed. Now the question of who was crucified instead of Jesus son of Mary or at what stage Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) was released or when precisely he was saved by Allah (God Allmighty) is not a concern for the muslims.
When muslims call that there is similarity of Quran and Bible in this matter it means that Christians indeed have no certain knowledge and they follow only conjecture and are in doubts about this event. Upon careful view of different books/gospels (Canonical/non-Canonical) Old/New Testaments/Apocrypha etc… we find that there are other personalities who were crucified in place of Jesus son of Mary. Questions arises whether Jesus son of Mary was arrested at all to begin with? Or whether he was arrested and then released by Pilate? Whether it was Simon the Cyrene carrying the cross or somebody else instead of Jesus son of Mary? Muslims are not concerned about the timing of arrest/release etc.. of Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) they only know that God himself told in the Last testament (Quran) that Jesus son of Mary (also famously called Jesus son (Bar) of the father (Abba))  was not crucified.

Part 2 : The Holy Scriptures  (Bible Old & New  Testament- Canonical Gospels)
New/Old Testaments

    1)    Jesus (King of the Jews) (Matthew 27)
Matthew 27:17 So when the crowd had gathered, Pilate asked them, “Which one do you want me to release to you: JESUS BARABBAS (SON OF THE FATHER), or Jesus (King of the Jews) 

Note here that Jesus Barabbas (i.e. Jesus Son of the father) was released and was never crucified and instead someone else who was claiming to be King of the Jews (i.e. Jesus King of the Jews) was crucified.
Meaning of Barabbas - The New Testament (Bible) says Jesus Barabbas (meaning Jesus son of the father/ Servant of God) was RELEASED. {Barabbas In the Christian narrative of the Passion of Jesus, Barabbas, according to Greek texts Jesus bar-Abbas and Aramaic: בר-אבא, Bar-abbâ, means "son of the father") the Palestinian Syriac lectionaries and some of the manuscripts used by in the 3rd century, all support the fact that Barabbas' name was originally Jesus Barabbas "Bar-Abbâ" could also be a polite way to refer to a boy whose father's name was not known (who is born without a father particularly Miraculously), though no contemporary usage of this kind has been identified. Hyam Maccoby and some other scholars have averred that Jesus was known as "bar-Abba", because of his custom of addressing God as 'Abba' in prayer, and referring to God as Abba in his preaching. Benjamin Urrutia, co-author with Guy Davenport of The Logia of Yeshua (the Sayings of Jesus) agrees completely with Maccoby and others who aver that Yeshua Bar Abba or Jesus Barabbas must be none other than Jesus of Nazareth

Tradition of Patronymic surnameMany Christians have argued about the tradition therefore there is a need to address the tradition at the time of Jesus here first. Barabbas meaning (Son of the Father/God (Metaphorically not literally) is one of the Patronymic which is used for pious people and people at that time used to give them certain name of glory and respect for example Barnabas (Son of Encouragement) Acts 4:36 and you can see the earlier Jewish tradition even righteous people were called sons of God and even in the Dead Sea Scrolls describe the keepers of the scrolls as the “Sons of Light.”

Such metaphorical language is typical of Semitic languages, both then and now. By comparison, we find the Bible describing believers as “sons of the king” (Matt. 17:25–26) or “God’s sons” (Matt. 7:9 and Heb 12:5), God’s elect as “sons of Abraham” (Luke 19:9), and students as “sons of the Pharisees” (Matt. 12:27, Acts 23:60). Elsewhere in the Bible, we find “sons of the kingdom” (Matt. 8:12), “sons of peace” (Luke. 10:6), “sons of this world” (Luke 16:8), and “sons of thunder” (Mark 3:17).. This phenomena you will find even recently when Britishers used to give a name for respect like "Sir" and Benjamin is Bin Yameen which means Son of the right etc.. Righteous people are recognised and praised by giving a beautiful surname. So Jesus Barabbas (Son of the father/God) is a metaphorical name of praise for Jesus son of Mary. Bible has been forged to convince with cruci-FICTION to the gentiles which was the main objective of Paul.

Messiah - Another point where our Christian brothers and sisters were confused was the term Messiah. Many Christians labour under the misconception that there was only one messiah and that was Jesus. There are many messiah mentioned in the bible however bible translators translate the term and they say the anointed but almost anywhere you look into the old testament there are talks about the anointed the word is being translated as Messiah. But when they talk about Jesus they don’t translate it they use the term messiah or the Greek equivalent Christ. So two people named Jesus. 

Messiah is the transliteration of a Hebrew term, Mashiach. The New Testament (Greek) equivalent is Christos (as in Christ like in Jesus). Both terms mean "the anointed one." The verb mashach, found about 140 times in the Old Testament, means "to smear, anoint, or spread." Description: The verb was frequently used for the ceremonial induction into leadership. 

Who were the anointed of the Israel? That’s the KEY question here in understanding Messiah and basically we know from history that there were three (3) groups that they were the Messiah or were the anointed ones of the Israel. 

Three types of leaders were anointed:

1) One Prophets occasionally, Prophets - represented God among the people (1 Kings 19:15-16).

2) second the high priest of Judiasm and we know that Jesus was not one of the high priests because we have the list of high priests from Josefus (Priests - represented the people before God through sacrifices and prayers (Ex. 28:40-41).) and

3) three the King of Isreal or someone claiming to be the King of Isreal. All Christians believe as written in the bible that "Jesus (pbuh) said, "My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36)." Kings - defended and ruled over the people on Gods behalf (1 Sam.16:12-13).

Implications: The anointing meant that someone was authorized to serve God in a position of “honor and responsibility”.

So at the time of Jesus (Son of Mary) people did not consider him as Messiah because his own received him not (John 1:11) and also Barnabas did not quote him as Messiah neither in the bible nor in his Gospel (Gospel of Barnabas). 

Jesus was made Messiah by Allah (God Allmighty) himself and was sent to the jews ONLY. But Jews wanted themselves to anoint someone (political leader) according to their expectations. Very important concept below!!! (Yusuf Estes)

   2)    John 21
“Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’ but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews.” instead Jesus denied the charge by saying in John 18:36 Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world.’’
Who ended up getting crucified?
Mathew 27:32 As they were going out, they met a man from Cyrene, named Simon, and they forced him to carry the cross. This happened when Jesus (king of the jews who was claiming to be king of the jews fainted and fell down and could not carry that pole (Historians say) /cross (Christians say) and historians/ doctors of divinity tell us that it was Simon who ended up getting crucified. 

Simon The Cyrene:
As we learned from the Second Treatise of the Great Seth, Simon the Cyrene bore the cross instead of Jesus. Actually, this very idea could be even demonstrated by examining the current canonical gospels.
New American Bible & Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB):
   3)    Mark 15:
" 21 They pressed into service a passer-by, Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming in from the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to carry his cross.
22 They brought him to the place of Golgotha (which is translated Place of the Skull).
23 They gave him wine drugged with myrrh, but he did not take it.
24 Then they crucified him and divided his garments by casting lots for them to see what each should take.
25 It was nine o'clock in the morning when they crucified him."
  4)    Luke 23:
"26 As they led him away they took hold of a certain Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming in from the country; and after laying the cross on him, they made him carry it behind Jesus.
27 A large crowd of people followed Jesus, including many women who mourned and lamented him.
28 Jesus turned to them and said, "Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep instead for yourselves and for your children,
29 for indeed, the days are coming when people will say, 'Blessed are the barren, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed.'
30 At that time people will say to the mountains, 'Fall upon us!' and to the hills, 'Cover us!'
31 for if these things are done when the wood is green what will happen when it is dry?"
32 Now two others, both criminals, were led away with him to be executed.
33 When they came to the place called the Skull, they crucified him [Jesus] and the criminals there, one on his right, the other on his left.
34 Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." They divided his garments by casting lots."

Now considering the two reading above, we note the following:
1) Simon carried the cross of Jesus. No where does it say that Jesus bore it also at the same time.
2) The above never mentioned that the cross was given back to Jesus
3) If we trace the word "him" in Luke 23:33, we notice the word "Jesus" next to it. However, this word was placed instead of the word "him" to remove the confusion that may occur while reading the above. An average reader could possibly understand the word "him" as referring to Simon not Jesus himself.

Also, a useful quotation about what the NAB Bible theologians say about Luke 23:34 may help understand the case ahead.
[34] [Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."]: this portion of Luke 23:34 does not occur in the oldest papyrus manuscript of Luke and in other early Greek manuscripts and ancient versions of wide geographical distribution.
The word "him" could actually refer to Simon. When considering the points outlined above, any reader could read it as if it is referring to Jesus, but he could as well read it and understand as if it is referring to Simon. However, this could give us a clue as to why some Christian sect who existed prior to the departure of Jesus believed that it was Simon not Jesus who bore the cross and eventually crucified.


Note that when they crucified*** Him (Simon) i.e. when he (Simon) died on the cross in verse Luke 23:33,  
THEN in the next verse Jesus said in Luke 23:34 Father forgive them, Note that Father God (ALLAH) forgives Only !!! as Jesus son of Mary said when he was alive after Simon's crucifixion. Do dead men pray? No! so Jesus was ALIVE!!! conclusively the scribe or the one who listened at a hearing distance conveyed what Jesus said; who were both quite far from the pole/cross. This is what Apocalypse of Peter, Acts of John says that Jesus was at distance and looking at the Romans what they were doing and he was laughing at them (refer in Part 3 below).
According to the Oxford Dictionary, crucify means, “To put to death by fastening onto the cross”.
According to the Webster’s Dictionary, crucify means, “To put to death by nailing or binding to the cross”.
In short
 for a person to be crucified he should die on the cross. If he does not die, he is not crucified.
*** Crucified means when crucifiction of Simon was done and he died on the cross.

Note : Jesus name according to some aramaic sources was Yeshua Mashiakh / Yeshua ber Maryam. This word Yeshua is from a trilateral root word like all semetic words Yashey meaning save or to deliver however the scale of this name is passive its a passive participle NOT ACTIVE not savior but SAVED !!!! PASSIVE. Yeshua means the one who is saved by God!!! Indeed !!! Listen here!   

   7)    TIMING DECEPTION (Mark 14:12 Vs. Mark 15:25 Vs. John 19:14)
Note that the above bible link of Mark 15:25 different time is mentioned e.g. other time mentioned is 25 It was the [c]third hour [d]when they crucified Him. 
Why time dispute? The original author of papyrus wanted to confuse Constantine and jews and wanted to make them involved in thinking about the timing rather than the big elephant of WHO WAS ACTUALLY CRUCIFIED. In fact Mark clearly CLEAR CUT beyond any doubt told that it was Simon the Cyrene who was crucified and then mentioned the time to fight over. This is even done today by clever people to divert attention from the main issue under discussion and get the audience involved in time whats the time.
Read carefully and you will realise the author wanted to tell you that Simon was crucified instead of Jesus and author also wanted to save his own life but gave best hints he could give in that situation and eventually Mark did won the status of Canon in the present bible. Read carefully.

Besides story of the resurrection varies significantly between the four Gospels within the same Bible? Never mind the 22 other Gospels that the Church decided not to include in the Bible to begin with, then, and to date? 
In the Gospel of Mark the crucifixion happened the day after the Passover meal was eaten (Mark 14: 12: 15:25), on the other hand* 
According to the Gospel of John the crucifixion happened in the day before the Passover meal was eaten. (John 19:14)

   8)    Evidence: The denial of Peter
In what follows, different crucifixion stories in the canonical gospels are examined. In each case, a careful reading would clearly suggest that the person who was crucified may not have been Jesus at all.
The Heroic Peter
In the face of this numerically superior and armed authority, one disciple stood his ground. Peter bravely drew his sword, and single-handedly attacked the armed multitude of professional soldiers and police arrayed against him. He had to have known that his act of heroism would lead to his immediate death, yet he was more than willing to sacrifice his life in his desperate attempt to save Jesus. However, Peter was able to get in only one thrust of his sword, thus cutting off the ear of Ma1chus, the slave of the high priest, before Jesus intervened. Stopping the fight before it could really begin.
The Cowardly Peter
Unlike all of the other disciples, the ever-faithful and heroic Peter followed at a distance, and gained entrance to the outer courtyard 49 (Matthew 26:57-58; Mark 14:53-54; Luke 22:54-55; John 18:15-16) However, while Peter was standing in the courtyard, the authors of the four canonical gospels would have the reader believe that Peter did a complete about-face. They would have the reader believe that the heroic Peter, who had single-handedly attacked the Roman legionnaires and Temple police, and who had risked his life in even following Jesus into the outer courtyard, had suddenly become a coward, because he three times denied any association with Jesus before the cock crowed that morning.
What Peter denied
In considering these four versions of what is reportedly the same event, one needs to begin by carefully considering what is it that Peter is denying. 

Judaism in the First Century CE
During the first half of the first century CE, Judaism was divided into numerous religious and political sects. A partial listing of such sects and their various divisions inc1uded:Sadducees (Zadokites); Hasidim (the root group for both the Pharisees and the Essenes); Pharisees (Perishaiya); Zealots; Hasmoneans; Sicarii; Essenes; Herodians; Nazoreans (Nazarites or Nazirites); and Galileans.
It is only within this context that following terms (accusations which Peter denied that he was with the following man) can be properly and fully understood:
    1)    "Jesus the Galilean", Matthew 26:69-75 , Luke 22:55-62
    2)    "Jesus of Nazareth", Matthew 26:69-75 and
    3)    "Jesus, the man from Nazareth" Mark 14:66-72 

It was the far right (Zealots), which consistently gave birth to revolutionary movements against Roman authority. Zealot becomes an umbrella word, covering various groups and sub-groups, including the Sicarii (from the Greek word "sikarioi'', meaning "dagger men", and indicating a sub-group of Zealots, who were assassins and the Galileans. The Bible indicates that at least two of Jesus' disciples were from the far right of the cultural-political spectrum: Simon, the Zealot57 (Luke 6:15; Acts 1:13)) and Judas Iscariot (the Sicarii).
Some Zealots were quasi-secular, and others were deeply committed to the Jewish religious tradition. Among the latter group of Zealots, there is a sub-group known as the Galileans. Also Zealot movement against Roman was known as the Galileans (Their movement was against the Romans who were registering Palestinian property for the construction of a proper tax roll) most Jews in Palestine acquiesced to this census.
   1)    Jesus the Galilean cannot automatically be equated with "Jesus from the geographical region of Galilee". Given the context of the times, the more likely identification would be "Jesus, a member of the Galilean party of paramilitary insurrectionists". Such a Jesus would obviously not be Jesus Christ, and Peter's denial of such a Jesus would be truthful.

The Nazorean
Among the accusations leveled against Peter, refers to:
  2)     "Jesus of Nazareth" (Matthew 26:71)  - ( it’s a misleading translation of the Greek word "Nazorean")Matthew 2:23, in which Nazorean is linked with someone from Nazareth, is "farfetched" and confuses the Hebrew "Nazir" (consecrated, holy, abstainer) with the Hebrew "Netzer" (sprout or shoot)
   3)       "Jesus, the man from Nazareth”. – ( it’s  a misleading translation of the Greek "Nazarene". The Greek word "Nazorean" or "Nazarene" is a transliteration (Nazarenoi or Nazoraioi) of the Aramaic word "Nasren" or "Nasraya", which means "the preservers". In turn, the Aramaic word can be traced to the Hebrew "Nazir", meaning "consecrated", "holy", or "abstainer".)

So, Who were, and what were, the Nazoreans? Quite simply, they were the same group referred to in the Old Testament as Nazarites or as Nazirites. A Nazarite or Nazorean was a person, who took a vow of abstinence and of severe adherence to the Mosaic Law, where such vow could be for life or for a specified amount of time. Specific rules governing the period of being a Nazarite or Nazorean are enumerated in Numbers 6:1-21 in the Bible. it is noted that the Nazarites or Nazoreans were characterized by refusal to cut their hair, by absolute abstinence from alcohol and from any derivative of the grape, by absolute refusal to be anywhere near a corpse, etc.
However, the Biblical portrayal of Jesus Christ is mutually exclusive with that of a Nazorean, as a Nazorean could never have taken from the fruit of the grape, and could never have come anywhere close to the departed Lazarus, whom Jesus, through the power of Allah, reportedly raised from the dead. The story of the raising of Lazarus from the dead is told in John 11:38-44. As that narrative makes clear, Jesus was in too close of a physical proximity to the corpse to have been a Nazorean..
Given the above discussion, Peter's denial of being associated with Jesus, the Nazorean, appears to have been a truthful statement, although Jesus, the Nazorean, was not Jesus Christ. Of note, a Nazorean might also have been a Galilean, but would not have to have been. (As an aside, it is noted that in the passage quoted earlier from John 18:1-12, the phrase "Jesus of Nazareth" should read "Jesus, the Nazorean", thus raising the possibility that Jesus Christ may never have been arrested in the first place.)

The Name 'Jesus'
During the first century CE, Jesus (the Greek rendition of Joshua) was a very popular name in Palestine. For example, of the 28 high priests of Judaism from the time of Herod the Great to the destruction of the Temple, four were named Jesus (Jesus son of Phabet or Phiabi, Jesus son of Sec or Sei, Jesus son of Damneus, Jesus son of Gamaliel).Using this list of Jewish high priests as a representative sample of male names in Palestine in the first century ·CE, one can expect about 14% of the male population to have been named Jesus. Clearly, it is not too much to imagine that a second Jesus was being interrogated the night before the crucifixion, that it was this man that Peter denied, and that it was this man who would be crucified the next day.

Summary of this section:
The denial of Peter presents the canonical gospels with two mutually exclusive options. 1) Within a matter of just a few hours, Peter went from being a heroic figure of unlimited bravery to being a coward, who verbally denied his affiliation with Jesus Christ at three separate times in rapid succession. Quite frankly, this portrayal of Peter tends to strain the imagination. 2) Peter was straightforward and honest in denying his affiliation, either with an unknown man, or with a paramilitary insurrectionist and extreme right-wing adherent of Judaism, who happened to be named Jesus. Assuming that the man was unknown, Peter's denial was quite consistent with the evidence from the apocryphal books presented previously. Assuming that the man was a paramilitary insurrectionist named Jesus, Peter's denial is in keeping with the story of the release of Barabbas as you have read in this article. Read details

BIBLE (OT) Psalms 91 and Luke 4
It is, first of all, important to know that Psalm 91 is referenced more than once in the New Testament for Jesus Christ.  So we know for certainty that Psalm 91 is referring to the coming Messiah in the Bible:
    9)    Psalm 91:8-16
8 You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked. 
9 If you make the Most High your dwelling— even the LORD, who is my refuge-
10 then no harm will befall you, no disaster will come near your tent.
11 For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;
12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.  (If Jesus died on the cross and got buried, then his feet would've struck the ground and the stones on it from bringing him down, throwing him on the floor and burying him).
13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation."
   10)    Luke 4:10-12
10 For the Scriptures say, ‘He will order his angels to protect and guard you.
11 And they will hold you up with their hands so you 
won’t even hurt your foot on a stone.’”
12 Jesus responded, “The Scriptures also say, ‘You must not test the Lord your God.’”

There is no question that the emphasized parts above, especially in Psalm 91:11-12, 15 and the others, clearly and indisputably agree with the Noble Quran's and Isaiah 52:13 Verses that are shown below.  Jesus was neither crucified nor resurrected, and he was protected and lifted by GOD Almighty.  Also, the New Testament, again, confirms that Psalm 91 is referring to Jesus Christ.

·  GOD Almighty will hear his cries (Psalm 91:15) and will save him (Psalm 91:3).
·  GOD Almighty will cover him with His Protection (Psalm 91:4).
·  Christ will then not have any fear in him (Psalm 91:5).
·  Christ will then observe with his own eyes the punishment of the crucified ones (Psalm 91:8).
·  No harm (this includes crucifixion!) or disaster will even come near Christ (Psalm 91:10....this even contradicts him getting beaten up before crucifixion).
·  GOD Almighty will send down the Angels to protect him and lift him (Psalm 91:11-12, 14, Isaiah 52:13).  Not even his foot will strike the ground from his enemies pushing, grappling and punishment.
·  Christ's call will be HEARD, and he will be delivered and honored (Psalm 91:15, Isaiah 52:13).  No way would these verses be valid if Christ got crucified.
·  His life will be prolonged (extended) and he will live to even see his offspring (Isaiah 53:10 and Psalm 91:16, which by the way contradict Jesus never got married and had children.  In Islam's Noble Quran's 13:38, however, it is quite possible that Jesus Christ had wives and children).
·  His life will overpower death (Isaiah 53:12).
·  "Death" in Isaiah 53:9 is proven to be symbolic using the Hebrew Lexicon and several English translations, and it never meant a literal death.
·  Important Note:  Psalm 91 is speaking as a number of Prophecies that WILL take place.  Notice how the verses are speak of future events that WILL TAKE PLACE.  Never once throughout the entire New Testament were the Angels sent to save Jesus from striking his foot against a rock.  This, again, clearly proves that the NT is indeed false and corrupt.

   11)    Isaiah 52

Now compare the Noble Verses from Quran to Isaiah 52:13 
Isaiah 52:13"...he will be raised and lifted up...."
Quran 4:158 Nay, Allah raised him up Unto Himself; ….."  

 Quick Analysis - Notice that Isaiah 52:13 did not say "....he will be RESURRECTED and lifted up...."  Not even once, did the Old Testament predict for the foretold Servant to be raised to GOD Almighty after death.  There absolutely no mention of any sort of resurrection in the Bible's Old Testament what so ever. The verses from the Noble Quran and Isaiah 52 are perfectly supported and confirmed at: 
Psalm 91 clearly confirms that Jesus never got crucified.
"A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.  (From the NIV Bible, Psalm 34:19-20)" So, not even an inch from his bones will be damaged according to the Scriptures

12) Deuteronomy 21 :23, 
which states, "He who is hanged [i.e., either on a gallows or crucified] is accursed of God." 
Either Jesus was not crucified, Jesus was accursed of God according to the above scripture. Obviously the later is unacceptable for both Christians and Muslims therefore we have to agree with the first one i.e. Jesus was Not crucified

13) Hebrews 5:7
which states similarly that because Jesus was a righteous man, God answered his prayer to be saved from death: "In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to the one who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission" (Hebrews 5:7, NRSV).
Now, what does "God heard his prayer" mean- that God heard it loud and clear and ignored it? No, it means God answered his prayer. It certainly can't mean that God heard and refused the prayer, for then the phrase "because of his reverent submission" would be nonsensical, along the lines of, "God heard his prayer and refused it because he was a righteous man."


In chapter 17, Jesus is explaining all the things that God expected him to do. This chapter speaks of the last hours of Jesus' time on Earth, before he was raised to Heaven.

In verse 3, Jesus is teaching his followers that there is only one true God, and Jesus is a messenger that God has sent to them (John 9:17).
Again in verse John 17:4Jesus says that by completing the work that God has given him, Jesus has told the people of God's glory. (making it implied that Crucifiction or Sacrifice was not his purpose) In John 17:4 Jesus is glorifying God and saying that he had finished the work that God had given him. (Period) 
There was NOTHING Left to be done like his blood, crucifiction, atonement fraudulent salvation through blood which are ancient pagan concepts etc.....

In verse 12, Jesus is saying that while he was on Earth he kept the believers (that God gave him) praising God alone, except Judas (Son of Perdition) who was crucified because he was unfaithful to Jesus. This was written in God's plan, ((So that scriptures will be fulfilled ) - Psalms 34:19- 21).

Verse 12 describes Judas' betrayal of Jesus. When each prophet spoke, he used the language of his people that they are all familiar with. This means their words and meanings. Prophets also taught in the language of their people so no special interpretation was need. In John 20:17, Jesus (pbuh) makes his relationship with God very clear. Jesus (pbuh) is saying that he is a human being as they are, as they share the same "father" and "God". He is describing the word father to also mean God.

15) God promised, "For it is written", Matthew 4:6, that the angels will protect Jesus totally from harm. In this verse, it says that the angels will protect Jesus so that even his foot will not be harmed by a stone.

16) In Psalm 34:15-20, God shows how complete His protection will be of Jesus and how complete will be His punishment of those who will not obey God (see also Proverbs 21:18).

In Psalm 34:15, God promises that He will see the righteous and hear their cries. God heard Jesus as related to us in John 17 and raised Jesus to heaven.

In Psalm 34: 16, God says that He will not listen to the cries of those who do evil just as He did; not help Judas when he was on the cross and he asked God "why have you forsaken me." Psalm 34: 17 is again related to Jesus, as God saved him from those who wanted to crucify him.
In Psalm 34:18, Jesus felt sorrow for so many people of his time; because they were saying that Jesus was God or the Son of God. Jesus tried to convince the people that he was prophet and not God. Jesus did not have any sins and was not broken hearted because he had not made mistakes, but Jesus was broken hearted and felt sorrowful for those who were not following God's laws.

Psalm 34:20 shows how God will protect Jesus and let no one break any of his bones. Nailing someone to the cross would break bones.

17) In Psalm 34:21, the evil deed of Judas was responsible for his own crucifixion because Judas wanted to have Jesus crucified. As in verse 22, God saved Jesus and punished .Judas. This verse is not just for .Jesus, but states that all of God's servants shall be saved and those who do evil shall be punished.

Again in Psalm 20:6God clearly says that He will save "His anointed (messenger). God will hear him (Jesus) and God will save Jesus with His (God's) right hand.

18) In John 17 verse 13, Jesus says he is going to heaven very soon ("now") and that all who obey God will receive the same reward as Jesus has received ("my joy fulfilled in themselves").

This Chapter speaks of the last hours of Jesus' time on Earth, before he is raised to Heaven. In Verse 12; Jesus is saying that while he was on Earth he kept the believers (that God gave him) praising God alone, except Judas (Son of Perdition) who was crucified, because he was unfaithful to Jesus.

19) Matthew 9:13 (NRSV) Desired Mercy NOT Sacrifice
13 Go and learn what this means, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.”
20) Matthew 12:7 (NRSV) –Mercy Not Sacrifice
But if you had known what this means, ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless.
21) Mark 1:38 (NRSV) – Crucifiction/Bloodshed was not his purpose
38 He answered, “Let us go on to the neighboring towns, so that I may proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do.”
22) Luke 4:43 (NRSV) – A Messenger’s job to give Message of God –That’s ALL
43 But he said to them, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose.”
23) Luke 19:10 (NRSV) – Gave the message of Truth and saved the lost rightaway (No need for sacrifice etc..)
10 For the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost.”

24) Mark 16:14 Jesus was angry at the eleven disciples because they didn’t believe people saying that they saw Jesus son of Mary alive and well. Disciples were doubtful about the villagers who thought he raised from the dead wherein fact Jesus was alive and well never died and he ate boiled fish and honey comb to prove that he was in flesh not a ghost etc… (Adore/kiss/reverence doesn’t mean worship)  

25) Matt. 28:17 Disciples were doubtful about the villagers who thought he raised from the dead wherein fact Jesus was alive and well never died and he ate boiled fish and honey comb to prove that he was in flesh not a ghost etc… (Adore/kiss/reverence doesn’t mean worship)  

26)Matthew 26:39 (NIV)
39 Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
27) Luke 22:42 (NRSV)
42    “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet, not my will but yours be done.”
28) Psalm 91:3,5,7
It is, first of all, important to know that Psalm 91 is referenced more than once in the New Testament for Jesus Christ.  So we know for certainty that Psalm 91 is referring to the coming Messiah in the Bible:
91:3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence;
91:5 You will not fear the terror of the night, or the arrow that flies by day,
91:7 God promised to save the Messiah (Pslam 91:3, 91:5, 91:7)

29) Deuteronomy 12:31 (NRSV)
“ 31 You must not do the same for the Lord your God, because every abhorrent thing that the Lord hates they have done for their gods. They would even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods.”
Human sacrifice strictly forbidden by God Allmighty.
30) 2 Kings 17:17 (NRSV)
17 They made their sons and their daughters pass through fire; they used divination and augury; and they sold themselves to do evil in the sight of theLord, provoking him to anger. The Bible rejects human sacrifice

31) Against Jews expectations – i.e Not a Leader like David The Jews wanted to kill Jesus to prove he was a false Messiah; they expected the Messiah to be victorious, and liberate Palestine from Roman rule. The Jews rejected Jesus because he was purely a spiritual teacher (John 1:11, 18:36), and not a political leader, as “foretold” in the Old Testament.

The Gospels record that Jesus was crucified for false political charges, yet the Pharisees had charges of blasphemy (claiming to be God’s son, working on the Sabbath). The Romans considered Jesus a threat to the occupation; they assumed he was a political leader disguised as spiritual teacher. If Jesus was crucified he couldn’t have been the Messiah. The Psalms clearly describe the Messiah as victorious (Ps. 18:50, 20:6, 28:8, 84:9).

The Prophet David was the Anointed (Christ), a politico-religious leader, yet he was victorious over his enemies (2 Sam. 8:6, Ps. 144:10). The Prophet David himself slaughtered thousands of his enemies (1 Sam 27:9), so how can Jesus be any different? The Jews expected another Messiah like David to descend from his lineage. The Gospels deny the Jewish Messiah by teaching the crucifixion, the Bible says God would save the Messiah (Psalms. 20:6).

There is significant evidence from Jesus that crucifixion was not his purpose. Jesus is recorded to have said:"Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come." (Mark 1:38)

Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began. (John 17:3-5)
Why did Jesus say “I have completed my mission” before he was even arrested? Why didn’t he say these words after the crucifixion? Let me to answer the question This means the crucifixion was not his purpose.

Jesus’ mission was to preach the Torah, and the Gospel, the idea of “dying for the sins of mankind” was added later. The Gospels provide further evidence. As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem. And he sent messengers on ahead, who went into a Samaritan village to get things ready for him; (Luke 9:51)

According to the Gospels, Jesus was crucified outside Jerusalem: As they were going out, they met a man from Cyrene, named Simon,and they forced him to carry the cross. They came to a place called Golgotha (which means The Place of the Skull). (Matthew 27:32-33).

And so Jesus also suffered outside the city gate to make the people holy through his own blood. (Hebrews 13:12)
32) No prophet can die outside Jerusalem
Jesus denied the crucifixion by saying:
Luke 13:33 “In any case, I must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day for surely no prophet can die outside Jerusalem!” (NIV) 
This Also contradicts with Jesus dying outside Jerusalem. Nevertheless I must walk to day, and tomorrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem. (Luke 13:33, KJV)

If Jesus (pbuh) was trying to die for the sins of mankind then:
a)      Why he asked God to save him from being killed (Luke 22:42)?!
b)      Why he ordered his disciples to buy swords (Luke 22:36)?!
c)      Why he kept escaping from Jews because he did not want to get killed (John 7:1)?!
d)     Why he accused Jews for trying to kill him (John 8:40)?! 

33) Mark 14:36The Christian concept of salvation has no support in the words of Jesus (peace be upon him). It is not historically correct to say that Jesus had come to die willingly and deliberately for the sins of all humanity. Actually, the present form of the Bible testifies that he did not wish to die on the cross. (See Mark 14:36)
"Abba, Father," he cried out, "everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine."

34) Psalm 116
Again Testaments are linked to each other, Jesus son of Mary PBUH asked to be saved and was saved by Allah The most merciful
Psalm 116:1-61 I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy.
2 Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.
3 The cords of death entangled me, the anguish of the grave came upon me; I was overcome by trouble and sorrow.
4 Then I called on the name of the LORD: "O LORD, save me!"
5 The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.
6 The LORD protects the simple hearted; when I was in great need, he saved me. (See Psalm 91:3, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 15)
For you, O LORD, have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling,
1-  In Psalm 116:3, we see the Messiah fearing the pain of the grave and death.

2-  As similarly mentioned in Psalm 91, where God Almighty specifically said that He will send down His Angels to lift and save the Messiah from any and all harm, we see again in Psalm 116:6 GOD Almighty answering the Prayers of the Messiah and Saving him from any and all harm.

3-  In Psalm 116:8, we see the Messiah confirming that God Almighty indeed saved him from the pain of the grave and death.  It does not at all say or mean that Jesus did die and then was risen from the dead, because again, Psalm 116:6 says that GOD Almighty will save him, and in Psalm 116:4 we see that Christ or the Messiah have called upon GOD Almighty to save him.

4-  In Psalm 116:13, we see a clear prophecy about the "Cup of Salvation" that is referenced in the following New Testament verses:
 "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will."" (Matthew 26:39) 
1.                  "..A second time and prayed, "My Father, if it is not possible for this cup  to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.""(Matthew 26:42) 
2.                  ""You don't know what you are asking," Jesus said. "Can you drink the cup I drink  or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?"" (Mark 10:38) 
3.                  "We can," they answered. Jesus said to them, "You will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with," (Mark 10:39) 
4.                  In Psalm 116:16-18, we see the Messiah thanking and praising GOD Almighty for freeing him from the "chains", which is referring to the chains, the nails and the cross that Jesus was never even was harmed with (see Psalm 91:3, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 15), and then him walking down preaching to people his thanksgivings to God Almighty and fulfilling his vows to Him, the Almighty. This point is further proven in the following verses in Psalm 91 and Psalm 118. 

35) PSALM 118
Psalm 118:4 Let those who fear the LORD say: "His love endures forever."
In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free.
The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?
7 The LORD is with me; he is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies.
8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man.
9 It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in princes.
10 All the nations surrounded me, but in the name of the LORD I cut them off.
11 They surrounded me on every side, but in the name of the LORD I cut them off.
12 They swarmed around me like bees, but they died out as quickly as burning thorns; in the name of the LORD I cut them off.
13 I was pushed back and about to fall, but the LORD helped me.
14 The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.
15 Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: "The LORD's right hand has done mighty things!
16 The LORD's right hand is lifted high; the LORD's right hand has done mighty things!"
17 I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.
18 The LORD has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death.
19 Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the LORD.
20 This is the gate of the LORD through which the righteous may enter.
21 I will give you thanks, for you answered me; you have become my salvation.
22 The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone; (See Matthew 21:42-43 below)
23 the LORD has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes.

Matthew 21:42-43Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a NATION bringing forth the fruits thereof

Points to be noticed here:

36) In Psalm 118:18, we see that while GOD Almighty will allow a great deal of fear to enter Jesus' heart but in the end Jesus Christ will not die. 

37)- In regards to Psalm 118:22, we it clearly referenced in the New Testament in the following verses, which, again, prove that Psalms 91, 116-118 and many others were, indeed, referring to Jesus Christ - the coming Messiah

38) - Like we've seen in Psalm 91 and 116, we see in Psalm 118:5-6 how God Almighty answered the Messiah and had Set him free before suffering the pain of torture and death.  The Messiah also says that man has no power of him in verse Psalm 118:6

39) Psalm 118:17 much clearly says that Jesus will not die and will live instead

40) Luke 22:36 Jesus was reluctant to die! He had worked out a strategy of defense to repel the Jews. Because he wanted to remain alive! He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
2. He beseeched God for help. With strong crying and tears for God Almighty to keep him alive!
3. God ‘heard’ his prayers which means that God accepted his prayers to keep him alive!
4. An angel of God came to strengthen him: In the hope and belief that God will save him alive!
41) Pilate finds Jesus not guilty! Good reason to keep Jesus alive!
42) Pilates wife shown a dream in which she was told that - ‘No harm should come to this just man.’ In other words that he should be saved alive!
43) Short time on Cross – Alive! Supposed to be on the cross for only three hours. According to the system in vogue, no man could die by crucifixion in so short a time which means that even if he was fastened to the cross - he was alive!
44) The other two - his ‘crossmates’ on their respective crosses were alive. So Jesus too, for the same period of time must be alive!
45) Encyclopedia biblica under article ‘cross’ - column 960 says: ‘When the spear was thrust - Jesus (or whoever was there instead of him) was alive!
46) ‘Forthwith’ came there out blood and water: ‘Forthwith’ means straightaway, immediately which was a sure sign that Jesus was alive!
47) Legs not broken - as a fulfilment of prophecy. ‘Legs’ can be of any use only if Jesus was alive!
48) Thunderstorm, earthquake, and darkening of the sun all within 3 hours! To disperse the sadistic mob to enable his ‘secret disciples’ to help, keep him alive!
49) Jews doubted his death: They suspected that he had escaped death on the cross - that he was alive!
50) Pilate ‘marvels’ to hear that Jesus was dead. He knew from experience that no man can die so soon by crucifixion. He suspected that Jesus was alive!
51)  Big roomy chamber: Close at hand, and big and airy for willing hands to come to the rescue. Providence was out to keep Jesus alive!
52) Stone and ‘winding sheets’ had to be removed: Only necessary if Jesus was alive!
53) Report on winding sheets. German Scientists who carried out experiments on the ‘Shroud of Turin’ said that the heart of Jesus had not stopped functioning - that he was alive!
54) Ever in disguise! Disguise not necessary if Jesus was ‘resurrected’. Only necessary if he was alive!
55) Forbade Mary Magdalene to touch him ‘Touch me not’ for this reason that it would hurt; because he was alive!
56) ‘Not yet ascended unto my father’ In the language of the Jews, in the idiom of the Jews, he was saying, ‘I am not dead yet’, in other words, ‘I am alive!’
57) Mary Magdalene not afraid on recognising Jesus. Because she had seen signs of life before. She was looking for a Jesus who was alive!
58) Disciples petrified on seeing Jesus in the upper-room. All their knowledge about the ‘crucifixion’ was from hearsay, therefore, they could not believe that Jesus was alive!
59) Ate food again and again in his post ‘crucifixion’ appearances. Food only necessary if he was alive!
60) Never showed himself to his enemies (Post crucifiction). Because he had escaped death by the ‘skin of his teeth’. He was alive!
61) Took only short trips. Because he was not resurrected, not spiritualised, but alive!
62) Testimony of men around the tomb “Why seek ye the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:4-5) That he is not dead, but alive!
63) Testimony of angels “angels who had said that he was alive!” (Luke 24:23) Did not say, ‘resurrected’ but the actual word uttered by the angels was ‘Alive!’
64) Mary Magdalene testifies “they heard that he was alive, and had been seen by her, they believed not” (Mark 16-11).
65) Mary did not vouch for a spook, or ghost or spirit of Jesus but a Live Jesus. What they could not believe was that the Master was alive!
66) Dr. primrose testifies: That the ‘water and the blood’, when Jesus was lanced on the side, was on account of an upset in the nervous vessels because of the scourging by staves. Which was a sure sign that Jesus (or whoever was crucified in his place) was alive!
67) Jesus had himself foretold that his miracle will be the miracle of Jonah! According to the Book of Jonah, Jonah was alive, when we expected him to be dead; similarly when we expect Jesus to be dead, he should be alive!
68) Point number One: he was not resurrected, because he was alive. If he’s alive, no crucifixion, no resurrection. He was put on the cross and bought down very fast. In three hours. In three hours it’s difficult for a person to die. Therefore Jesus was alive.

69) Point number two: When he’s bought down, even his two cross mates they are alive. Proving that even Jesus was alive.

70) Point number three: his legs were not broken. What use is a broken leg to a dead man? Proving that he was alive.

71) Point number four: That the stone was removed and the winding sheets were unwound, proving that Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) was alive.

72) Point number five: That he was disguised as a gardener. Why? Because he was alive trying to be saved from the Jews.

73) Point number six: The tomb was roomy. It was spacious. What use is a spacious tomb for a dead person? Proving Jesus was alive.

74) Point number seven: That when Mary Magdalene goes to touch Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) he says touch me not. Why? He was a physical body. He was alive. It will hurt him, he was in pain. Proving that he was alive.

75) Point number Eight: Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) says that I have not yet ascended unto my father. That means he was alive.

76) Point number nine: Mary Magdalene could not afraid recognizing Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him).

77) Point number ten: That in the upper room he shows his hands and feet to prove that he was not a spirit but he was alive.

78) Point number eleven: That they were overjoyed to see him. Why? Because they thought he’s dead and the spirit form. They were overjoyed to see because he was alive.

79) Point number twelve: He ate a piece of broiled fish and honey comb to prove that he was alive.

80) Point number thirteen: The disciples had heard from Mary Magdalene that he was alive.

81) Point number fourteen: The Sign of Jonah. As Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth alive, alive, alive; if he’s alive, no crucifixion, no resurrection.

82) 1 Corinthians 1:22-23 Paul himself invited criticism of the concept of the crucifixion and its related mysteries when he wrote, "For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Gentiles (Greeks) foolishness" (1 Corinthians 1:22-23).

In other words, "We preach something without signs and without wisdom-who's with us?"

No surprise, then, that so many consider the crucifixion incompatible with God's mercy. Muslims, for example, believe Jesus was saved from crucifixion, in accordance with the following: "But they did not kill him [Jesus], nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they did not kill him: Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise ... " (TMQ 4:157-158)
Should a person believe Jesus to have been God, one wonders why God would have allowed His own death when He had the power to save Himself. Should a person believe Jesus to have been the "Son of God," why would God not answer the prayer of His son, when Jesus is quoted as saying,

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened" (Matthew 7:7-8).

Jesus reportedly did ask-to the point of sweating "like great drops of blood" in prayer (Luke 22:44)-and he clearly sought to be saved. 
But nowhere is Jesus quoted as saying, "Everyone who asks receives, except for me." Matthew 7:9 reads, "Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?"

Put another way, who imagines that God would answer a prophet's plea for rescue with a short weekend on a cross instead? Plenty of sunshine and all the vinegar a person can sip from a sponge? There's an incompatibility issue here; if people believe God, or the son of God, was born in a bath of his own urine (which is what amniotic fluid consists of), then they will have no problem believing God committed suicide (and what else would the act of allowing Oneself to die be called when, being omnipotent, able to save Oneself?).
Similarly, such people will have no difficulty believing that God turned His back on His Son in the time of greatest need. The rest of the world wonders:
"Whose concept of God is this compatible with, anyway?"

Well, Tertullian, the aforementioned originator of the Trinitarian formula, for one. The comment has been offered that, "Tertullian enjoyed paradox. To him the divine character of Christianity was vindicated not by its reasonableness but by the very fact that it was the kind of thing no ordinary mind could have invented. The crucifying of the Son of God sounds ridiculous and scandalous: 'I believe because it is outrageous,"?" 212 (McManners, John.p.50)

I believe because it is outrageous. If such is the methodology God, are we not justified in believing each and every outrageous theory of divinity-the more "ridiculous and scandalous" the better?

Jesus reportedly taught the message of Hosea 6:6, "I desire mercy, and not sacrifice." And not just once-the lesson was worthy of two mentions, the first in Matthew 9:13, the second in Matthew 12:7. Why, then, are clergy teaching that Jesus had to be sacrificed? And if he was sent for this purpose, why did he pray to be saved? Forgiveness doesn't have a price person can't forgive another's debt and still demand repayment. The  argument that God forgives, but only if given a sacrifice He says doesn't want in the first place (see Hosea 6:6, Matthew 9:13 and Matthew 12:7) drags a wing and cartwheels down the runway of rational analysis. 

From where, then, does the formula come? According to scripture, it’s not from Jesus. So do people believe teachings about the prophet in preference to those of the prophet? The Bible condemns such inverted priorities, for Matthew 10:24 records Jesus having declared, "A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master."

Furthermore, biblical reference to death is frequently metaphorical, as in Paul's statement of his suffering as, "I die daily" (1 Corinthians 15:31). 

So perhaps "rising from the dead" doesn't mean literally rising from the state of actual death, but from a metaphorical death, such as:

1.      Having been unconscious or sleeping (as in "He slept like a dead man").
2.      Having been suffering (as in the many biblical analogies between suffering and death).
3.      Having been incapable (as in "I couldn't do a thing last night, I was just dead").
4.      Or having been in the tomb, left for dead, but in fact alive (as in "He recovered miraculously-he came back from the dead").
In any case, Matthew 12:40 reports Jesus having taught, "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." This is discussed in detail here    
The word "resurrected" is nowhere to be found. "Risen from the dead" is mentioned a handful of times, but never by Jesus himself. And notably, many second and third-century Christians believed Jesus didn't die.213 

(Ehrman, Bart D. Lost Christianities.p.2)

Now, while Muslims deny the crucifixion of Jesus, they don't deny that someone was crucified. So who do Muslims think was crucified in his place? It's a moot point, and not terribly important. Some suggest that Allah raised Jesus up and altered Judas' features to resemble those of Jesus, with the end result that Judas was crucified in his place, to the deception of the audience. Well, maybe. But then again, maybe not. There's no compelling evidence to support this opinion, even though it does conform to the biblical and Qur'anic principles of people reaping what they sow.
84) Fate of Judas (Matthew 27:5 Vs. Acts 1:18) –Crucifiction switch
Notably, there are those who object to the suggestion of Judas being crucified on the basis that, as per Matthew 27:5, Judas threw his ill-gotten silver back at the priests and "went and hanged himself." So he wasn't around to be crucified. On the other hand, Acts records that Judas "purchased a field with the wages of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst open in the middle and all his entrails gushed out" (Acts 1:18). So if the authors of Acts and Matthew don't agree on the matter, what really happened is anybody's guess.
Perhaps we can look at this issue from a different angle. If the idea of Judas being crucified in Jesus' place sounds technically strained, maybe it shouldn't; God is described as having restrained the eyes of two disciples (i.e., intimate companions who should have readily recognized their teacher) when they met the allegedly "risen" Jesus on the road to Emmaus, "so that they did not know him" (Luke 24:16). Another biblical example would be that Mary Magdalene reportedly failed to recognize Jesus outside of the tomb, "supposing him to the gardener ... " (John 20:15). Mary Magdalene? Shouldn't she have been able to identify him, even in the early morning light?

Interestingly enough, this concept of a crucifixion switch isn’t entirely foreign to Christianity which we will read in Part 5 (Historical Records) below.
 Part 3 : The Holy Scriptures  ( Bible Old & New  Testament 
Non-Canonical Gospels & Early Christian writings)

85) BIBLE - Gospel of Barnabas- on Judas fate (Crucified instead of Jesus son of Mary (PBUH)

Chapter 215 When the soldiers with Judas drew near to the place where Jesus was, Jesus heard the approach of many people, wherefore in fear he withdrew into the house. And the eleven were sleeping. Then God, seeing the danger of his servant, commanded Gabriel;, Michael;, Rafael (Israfeel);, and Uriel (Azazeel);, his ministers, to take Jesus out of the world. The holy angels came and took Jesus out by the window that looks toward the South;. 

Chapter 216  Judas entered impetuously before all into the chamber whence Jesus had been taken up. And the disciples were sleeping. Whereupon the wonderful God acted wonderfully, insomuch that Judas was so changed in speech and in face to be like Jesus that we believed him to be Jesus. And he, having awakened us, was seeking where the Master was. Whereupon we marvelled, and answered: 'You, Lord, are our master; have you now forgotten us?' And he, smiling, said: 'Now are you foolish, that know not me to be Judas Iscariot!' And as he was saying this the soldiery entered, and laid their hands upon Judas, because he was in every way like to Jesus. 

Chapter 217 The soldiers took Judas; and bound him, not without derision. For he truthfully denied that he was Jesus; and the soldiers, mocking him, said: 'Sir, fear not, for we are come to make you king of Israel, and we have bound you because we know that you do refuse the kingdom.' Judas answered: 'Now have you lost your senses! You are come to take Jesus of Nazareth;, with arms and lanterns as [against] a robber; and you have bound me that have guided you, to make me king!' Then the soldiers lost their patience, and with blows and kicks they began to flout Judas, and they led him with fury into Jerusalem. John ;and Peter ;followed the soldiers afar off; and they affirmed to him who writes that they saw all the examination that was made of Judas by the high priest, and by the council of the Pharisees, who were assembled to put Jesus to death. Whereupon Judas spoke many words of madness, insomuch that every one was filled with laughter, believing that he was really Jesus, and that for fear of death he was feigning madness. Whereupon the scribes bound his eyes with a bandage, and mocking him said: 'Jesus, prophet of the Nazarenes ;(for so they called them who believed in Jesus), 'tell us, who was it that smote you?' And they buffeted him and spat in his face. As God lives, he who writes forgot all that Jesus had said: how that he should be taken up from the world, and that he should suffer in a third person, and that he should not die until near the end of the world. The high priest then adjured him by the living God of Israel that he would tell him the truth. Judas answered: 'I have told you that I am Judas Iscariot, who promised to give into your hands Jesus the Nazarene; and you, by what are I know not, are beside yourselves, for you will have it by every means that I am Jesus.' God, who had decreed the issue, reserved Judas for the cross, in order that he might suffer that horrible death to which he had sold another. He did not suffer Judas to die under the scourges, notwithstanding that the soldiers scourged him so grievously that his body rained blood. Thereupon, in mockery they clad him in an old purple garment;, saying: 'It is fitting to our new king to clothe him and crown him': so they gathered thorns and made a crown, like those of gold and precious stones which kings wear on their heads. And this crown of thorns they placed upon Judas' head, putting in his hand a reed for sceptre;, and they made him sit in a high place. And the soldiers came before him, bowing down in mockery, saluting him as King of the Jews. And they held out their hands to receive gifts, such as new kings are accustomed to give; and receiving nothing they smote Judas, saying: 'Now, how are you crowned, foolish king, if you will not pay your soldiers and servants?' *The chief priests with the scribes and Pharisees, seeing that Judas died not by the scourges, and fearing lest Pilate should set him at liberty, made a gift of money to the governor, who having received it gave Judas to the scribes and Pharisees as guilty to death. Whereupon they condemned two robbers with him to the death of the cross. Judas truly did nothing else but cry out: 'God, why have you forsaken me, seeing the malefactor has escaped and I die unjustly?' ( Proof  )* Truly I say that the voice, the face, and the person of Judas were so like to Jesus, that his disciples and believers entirely believed that he was Jesus; wherefore some departed from the doctrine of Jesus, believing that Jesus had been a false prophet, and that by art magic he had done the miracles which he did: for Jesus had said that he should not die till near the end of the world; for that at that time he should be taken away from the world. But they that stood firm in the doctrine of Jesus were so encompassed with sorrow, seeing him die who was entirely like to Jesus, that they remembered not what Jesus had said. And so in company with the mother of Jesus they went to Mount Calvary, and were not only present at the death of Judas, weeping continually, but by means of Nicodemus and Joseph of Abarimathia; they obtained from the governor the body of Judas to bury it. Whereupon, they took him down from the cross with such weeping as assuredly no one would believe, and buried him in the new sepulchre of Joseph; having wrapped him up in an hundred pounds of precious ointments. 

Chapter 218  Then returned each man to his house. He who writes, with John and James his brother, went with the mother of Jesus; to Nazareth;. Those disciples who did not fear God went by night [and] stole the body of Judas and hid it, spreading a report that Jesus was risen again; whence great confusion arose. The high priest then commanded, under pain of anathema;, that no one should talk of Jesus of Nazareth;. And so there arose a great persecution, and many were stoned and many beaten. So the angels that were guardians of Mary ascended to the third heaven;, where Jesus was in the company of angels, and recounted all to him. Wherefore Jesus prayed God that he would give him power to see his mother and his disciples. Then the merciful God commanded his four favourite angels, who are Michael, Gabriel, Rafael;, and Uriel, to bear Jesus into his mother's house, and there keep watch over him for three days continually, suffering him only to be seen by them that believed in his doctrine. Jesus came, surrounded with splendour, to the room where abode Mary the Virgin with her two sisters, and Martha and Mary Magdalen, and Lazarus, and him who writes, and John and James and Peter. Whereupon, through fear they fell as dead. And Jesus lifted up his mother and the others from the ground, saying: 'Fear not, for I am Jesus; and weep not, for I am alive and not dead.' They remained every one for a long time beside himself at the presence of Jesus, for they altogether believed that Jesus was dead. Then the Virgin, weeping, said: 'Tell me, my son, wherefore God, having given you power to raise the dead. suffered you to die, to the shame of your kinsfolk and friends, and to the shame of your doctrine? For every one that loves you has been as dead.'

Chapter 220 Jesus replied, embracing his mother: 'Believe me, mother, for truly I say to you that I have not been dead at all; for God has reserved me till near the end of the world.' And having said this he prayed the four angels that they would manifest themselves, and give testimony how the matter had passed. Thereupon the angels manifested themselves like four shining suns, insomuch that through fear every one again fell down as dead. Then Jesus gave four linen cloths to the angels that they might cover themselves, in order that they might be seen and heard to speak by his mother and her companions. And having lifted up each one, he comforted them, saying: 'These are the ministers of God: Gabriel, who announces God's secrets; Michael, who fights against God's enemies; Rafael, who receives the souls of them that die; and Uriel, who will call every one to the judgment of God at the last day. Then the four angels narrated to the Virgin how God had sent for Jesus, and had transformed Judas, that he might suffer the punishment to which he had sold another. Then said he who writes: 'O Master, is it lawful for me to question you now, as it was lawful for me when you dwelt with us?' Jesus answered: 'Ask what you please, Barnabas, and I will answer you.' Then said he who writes: 'O Master, seeing that God is merciful, wherefore has he so tormented us, making us to believe that you were dead? and your mother has so wept for you that she has been near to death; and you, who are an holy one of God, on you has God suffered to fall the calumny that you were slain amongst robbers ;on the Mount Calvary?' Jesus answered: 'Believe me, Barnabas, that every sin, however small it be, God punishes with great punishment, seeing that God is offended at sin. Wherefore, since my mother and my faithful disciples that were with me loved me a little with earthly love, the righteous God has willed to punish this love with the present grief, in order that it may not be punished in the flames of hell. And though I have been innocent in the world, since men have called me "God," and "Son of God," God, in order that I be not mocked of the demons on the day of judgment, has willed that I be mocked of men in this world by the death of Judas;, making all men to believe that I died upon the cross. And this mocking shall continue until the advent of Muhammad;, the Messenger ;of God, who, when he shall come, shall reveal this deception to those who believe in God's Law. Having thus spoken, Jesus said: 'You are just, O Lord our God, because to you only belongs honour and glory without end.'

Regarding the apostle Barnabas himself, the Bible commands:
"if he comes to you, receive him." Colossians 4:10
The Gospel of Barnabas was accepted as a Canonical Gospel in the Churches of Alexandria till 325 C.E. Iranaeus (130-200) wrote in support of pure monotheism and opposed Paul for injecting into Christianity doctrines of the pagan Roman religion and Platonic philosophy. He had quoted extensively from the Gospel of Barnabas in support of his views. This shows that the Gospel of Barnabas was in circulation in the first and second centuries of Christianity.
In 325 C.E., the Nicene Council was held, where it was ordered that all original Gospels in Hebrew script should be destroyed. An Edict was issued that any one in possession of these Gospels will be put to death.

In 383 C.E., the Pope secured a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas and kept it in his private library.
In the fourth year of Emperor Zeno (478 C.E. ), the remains of Barnabas were discovered and there was found on his breast a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas written by his own hand. (Acia Sanctorum Boland Junii Tom II, Pages 422 and 450. Antwerp 1698) . The famous Vulgate Bible appears to be based on this Gospel.
Pope Sixtus (1585-90) had a friend, Fra Marino. He found the Gospel of Barnabas in the private library of the Pope. Fra Marino was interested because he had read the writings of Iranaeus where Barnabas had been profusely quoted. The Italian manuscript passed through different hands till it reached "a person of great name and authority" in Amsterdam, "who during his life time was often heard to put a high value to this piece". After his death it came in the possession of J. E. Cramer, a Councillor of the King of Prussia. In 1713 Cramer presented this manuscript to the famous connoisseur of books, Prince Eugene of Savoy. In 1738 along with the library of the Prince it found its way into Hofbibliothek in Vienna. There it now rests.
Toland, in his "Miscellaneous Works" (published posthumously in 1747), in Vol. I, page 380, mentions that the Gospel of Barnabas was still extant. In Chapter XV he refers to the Glasian Decree of 496 C.E. where "Evangelium Barnabe" is included in the list of forbidden books. Prior to that it had been forbidden by Pope Innocent in 465 C.E. and by the Decree of the Western Churches in 382 C.E.
Barnabas is also mentioned in the Stichometry of Nicephorus Serial No. 3, Epistle of Barnabas . . . Lines 1, 300.
Then again in the list of Sixty Books
Serial No. 17. Travels and teaching of the Apostles.
Serial No. 18. Epistle of Barnabas.
Serial No. 24. Gospel According to Barnabas.
A Greek version of the Gospel of Barnabas is also found in a solitary fragment. The rest is burnt.
The Latin text was translated into English by Mr. and Mrs. Ragg and was printed at the Clarendon Press in Oxford. It was published by the Oxford University Press in 1907. This English translation mysteriously disappeared from the market. Two copies of this translation are known to exist, one in the British Museum and the other in the Library of the Congress, Washington, DC. The first edition was from a micro-film copy of the book in the Library of the Congress, Washington, DC.

86) The Acts of John
99…Jesus continues…… neither am I he that is on the cross, whom now thou seest not, but only hearest his (or a) voice. I was reckoned to be that which I am not, not being what I was unto many others: but they will call me (say of me) something else which is vile and not worthy of me. … (Jesus Continues): 101 Nothing, therefore, of the things which they will say of me have I suffered: nay, that suffering also which I showed unto thee and the rest in the dance, I will that it be called a mystery. For what thou art, thou seest, for I showed it thee; but what I am I alone know, and no man else. Suffer me then to keep that which is mine, and that which is thine behold thou through me, and behold me in truth, that I am, not what I said, but what thou art able to know, because thou art akin thereto. Thou hearest that I suffered, yet did I not suffer; that I suffered not, yet did I suffer; that I was pierced, yet I was not smitten; hanged, and I was not hanged; that blood flowed from me, and it flowed not; and, in a word, what they say of me, that befell me not, but what they say not, that did I suffer. 
The above suggests the illusionary crucifixion of Jesus. That he was on the cross but actually he wasn’t and that he was not suffering. His suffering was in what would be said about him after this event.

87) The Second Treatise of the Great Seth:
And I did not die in reality but in appearance, lest I be put to shame by them because these are my kinsfolk… For my death which they think happened, (happened) to them in their error and blindness, since they nailed their man unto their death… for they were deaf and blind… Yes, they saw me, they punished me. It was another, their father, who drank the gall of the vinegar, it was not I. They struck me with the reed; it was another, Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder. It was another upon whom they placed the crown of thorns… And I was laughing at their ignorance… For I was altering my shapes, changing from form to form.
The message is clear, it was not Jesus rather it was Simon the Cyrene who was crucified.

 "Come therefore, let us go on with the completion of the will of the incorruptible Father. For behold, those who will bring them judgment are coming, and they will be put to shame. But me they cannot touch. And you, O Peter, shall stand in their midst. Do not be afraid because of your cowardice. Their minds shall be closed, for the invisible one has opposed them."
When he said those things, I saw him seemingly being seized by them. And I said "What do I see, O Lord, that it is you yourself whom they take, and that you are grasping me? Or who is this one, glad and laughing on the tree? And is it another one whose feet and hands they are striking?"
The Savior said to me, "He whom you saw on the tree, glad and laughing, this is the living Jesus. But this one into whose hands and feet they drive the nails is his fleshly part, which is thesubstitute being put to shame, the one who came into being in his likeness. But look at him and me."
But I, when I had looked, said "Lord, no one is looking at you. Let us flee this place." But he said to me, "I have told you, "Leave the blind alone!" And you, see how they do not know what they are saying. For the son of their glory instead of my servant, they have put to shame."
And I saw someone about to approach us resembling him, even him who was laughing on the tree. And he was filled with a Holy Spirit, and he is the Savior. And there was a great, ineffable light around them, and the multitude of ineffable and invisible angels blessing them. And when I looked at him, the one who gives praise was revealed. And he said to me, "Be strong, for you are the one to whom these mysteries have been given, ……. "These things, then, which you saw you shall present to those of another race who are not of this age (i.e., the Arabs who then became Muslims).

89) The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas  is a collection of traditional Sayings (logoi) of Jesus. It is attributed to Didymos Judas Thomas, the "Doubting Thomas" of the canonical Gospels, and according to many early traditions, the twin brother of Jesus ("didymos" means "twin" in Greek)
Thomas the Isrealite the Twin, so why is Thomas or Toma in Aramaic means the twin why is he called the twin is because the Christian Scholars have theorised that Thomas looked identical to Isa Ibn Maryam (Jesus son of Mary) PBUH, this could explain the Quran saying that “It was made to appear so unto the enemies of Jesus son of Mary that they killed Isa Jesus son of Mary but in fact they neither killed nor crucified Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) .” rather Allah saved Jesus. Jesus identical twin was there to take place of Jesus (PBUH). Allah knows best ofcourse.

90) Gospel of Judas
Author of Judas rejects the concept of atonement of sins of humanity. …. The author of Judas claims this sort of substitutionary justice pleases the lower gods and angels. The true God is gracious and thus does not demand any sacrifice.

91) Two Books of Jeu
The  Two Books  of Jeu  are found in the Codex Brucianus, which has been dated to anywhere between the third and the tenth centuries CEo  The  Two Books  of  J eu were mentioned in the  Pistis Sophia (Faith-Wisdom), a third century CE Coptic and Gnostic  texr",  and were probably composed in Egypt around the third century CE.30
“Jesus,.. answered and said to his apostles:  "Blessed is he who has crucified the world, and has not allowed the world to crucify him."31
The clear implication is either that Jesus Christ was not blessed, or that he was not crucified. As the former option is unthinkable to both Christians and Muslims, the latter option is the only one remaining.

Oddly enough the oldest copy of any known Bible, which is known as "Codex Sinaticus." - around 300 AD - has just been compiled and published in Latin. It has though one significant difference from today's Bible: there is no mention what so ever of the Crucifixion of Jesus (PBUH).

-  Baraitha Bab. Sanhedrin 43a The translation is informed by both  Goldstein:22, 109ff  and  Mead:178f, 210f.
There is a tradition (in a Barraitha): They hanged Yeshu on the Sabbath of the Passover[1]. But for forty days before that a herald went in front of him (crying), "Yeshu is to be stoned because he practiced sorcery and seduced Israel and lead them away from God[2]. Anyone who can provide evidence on his behalf should come forward to defend him." When, however, nothing favorable about him was found, he was hanged on the Sabbath of the Passover[1]. Halakhic procedure of Jesus’ trial and execution: Jesus was not crucified but, according to Jewish law, stoned to death and then, as the ultimate postmortem punishment reserved for the worst criminals, hanged on a tree. 
This is one of the (few early) passages that Goldstein judges to be a possibly authentic reference to Jesus. He identifies two difficulties: the details do not fit well with the gospel accounts, and Yeshu / Yeshua / Yeshoshua (all forms of the same name) was an extremely common name. … Differences in detail probably simply reflect a tradition widely divergent from the Christian gospels. There is, as with many of these stories, the strong possibility that stories about other Yeshu/as or accused magicians have mingled with authentic Jesus traditions to create a new story. The story is hard to date with any confidence, but it cannot be later than about 220, CE (Goldstein:29). The italicized section is Amoraic, 4th c. at the earliest. [AH]
Conclusion: Today every Muslim and Christian know that Jesus son of Mary was never involved in sorcery or with magicians. And the Yeshu who was hanged was not Jesus son of Mary as Allah says in the Quran in 4:156 ‘……but they killed him not, nor CRUCIFIED HIM, BUT SO IT WAS MADE TO APPEAR TO THEM, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, WITH NO (CERTAIN) KNOWLEDGE, BUT ONLY CONJECTURE TO FOLLOW, for of a surety they killed him not:-‘   Note here that the Ayah revealed 1400 years ago in the Quran covered both of their claims by a single statement that Jesus son of Mary was neither crucified nor was killed (by any sort of method). 

Part 4 : Early Church Fathers & Present Doctors of Divinity conclusion on crucifixion on record  

Ignatious of Antioch, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus of LyonsTertullian, Hippo Early Church fathers wrote  heavily in their writings about the early Christians who rejected the very concept of crucifixion resurrection, divinity of Jesus etc… and early church fathers also rejected Paul’s pagan concepts e.g.
94) A) Canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, Ignatius or Ignatius Theophoros was the bishop of Antioch (Syria). In 107 or 108 CE, Ignatius was arrested by the Romans, and transported to Rome. Between that time and his death around 110 CE, Ignatius wrote a series of letters in which he attacked the proposition that Jesus' suffering and death were an illusion. Beiler JG (1998).

95) B) Canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, Polycarp was a 2nd century CE bishop of Smyrna. His writings included Letter to the Philippians, in which he vigorously attacked the argument that Christ's suffering and death were illusory. ---(19981): Saint Polycarp. In Encyclopaedia Britannica CD 98..

96 C) Canonized a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, Justin was a 2nd century CE Christian philosopher. His works include Apologiesand Dialogue with Trypho. ---(1998k): Saint Justin Martyr. In Encyclopaedia Britannica CD 98.).

97) D) Canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, Irenaeus was the late 2nd century CE bishop of Lyon. Irenaeus is best remembered for his five-volume Adversus Haereseswhich was basically an attack against Christian Gnosticism. Wingren G (1998).

98) E) Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullianus (Tertullian) was a late 2nd and early 3rd century CE Christian theologian, who later defected to the Montanist heresy. His written works included Apologeticum, Adversus Marcionem, Ad Uxorem, De Patientia, Adversus Hermogenem, AdversoValentinianos, De Resurreaione Camis, De Baptismo, De Animo, and numerous other books. Wilkin RL (1998).
TERTULLIAN (Early church father) says:
Falsely did Paul “determine to know nothing amongst us but Jesus and Him crucified;” falsely has he impressed upon us that He was buried; falsely inculcated that He rose again.
…..Ponder these with me: A God who is born, a God who grows in wisdom, a God who obeyed his earthly parents, a God who was humiliated, a God who was mocked, a God who washed the feet of his followers. a God who was hanged, a God who suffered,a God who died and a God who bought his church with his blood. Can you see how this is foolishness to the Greeks and a stumbling block to the Jews?
99) F) Canonized as a saint by the Roman Catholic Church, Hippolytus was born around 170 CE and died around 235 CE. He was a Christian martyr, and was the first anti-popeHe is remembered for his voluminous writings against heresies, includingPhilosphunrena. ---(1998j): Saint Hippolytus of Rome. In Encyclopaedia Britannica CD 98.)

 A particular example may be of interest. In his Trallians, Ignatius, the bishop ofAntioch (who died around 110 CE, and who wrote during the first decade of the second century CE), was quite eloquent in his attack against the early Christians who denied that the crucifixion of Jesus was anything more than an illusion. The following quotation from Ignatius (italics added for emphasis by the present author) is directly to the point:
But if, as some say.. .his suffering was only an appearance, then why am I a prisoner, and why do I long to fight with the wild beasts? In that case, I am dying in vain. ( Ignatius: Trallians 10:1. In Pagels E (1979): The Gnostic Gospels. New York, Random House.. Page 83 )

100) Nestorius, the Archbishop of Constantinople 

(386-450 AD)
Nestorius, the Archbishop of Constantinople, held that Mary did not deliver a god, but only a man. He believed that the second person, i.e. the son, was not incarnated and born of Mary, as others who believe in the Holy Trinity, do.
 He was of the opinion that Mary gave birth to a man, who later became united with the second person.
This union was not achieved by mixing, and rendering both of them one thing. And that this union is not a real union, but a metaphoric unity or union.
And that God offered him love and gave him grace, and thus he became in the status of a son.
This explanation, reasoning and discussion lead no doubt to the believe that the Christ who discoursed and spoke to them, was brought to judgement and suffered punishment in their claim, had not altogether within him a divine element, and therefore was not a god nor a son of God.
The author of the book: The History of the Coptic Nation, states that Nestorius' words mean, or imply inevitably denying Christ's Divinity..
So the Council of Ephesus was held in 431, and decided, decreed, the Cursing and Expulsion of Nestor. They invented the doctrine that Virgin Mary gave birth to a man and God, at the same time, i.e. She was the Mother of God..! Nestorius was thus removed from the Seen.
Nestor traveled to Egypt and dwelt at Akhmeem, in upper Egypt, until his death.
Nestorians are now called Keldanians. They dwell in Mesopotamia, and the lands next to it..
They Believe that Christ hadn't 2 natures or 2 persons.
So Nestorius the ArchBishop of Constantinople never believed that Jesus son of Mary was God or son of God therefore requirement of sacrifice of a son of God doesn’t exist to begin with!!!


Letters of Jesus’ brothers were so dangerous that for hundreds of years the church fathers refused to include them in the bible. They were only finally accepted because of the old tradition concerning Jesus’s family were so strong. There were some Christian leaders who said well James I don’t know we should include him, he is the brother of Jesus why would you want his letter because if you read the letter it doesn't have the gospel the people came to associate with Christianity. Its in complete contrast with today’s Christianity. The letters of Jesus ‘s brothers describe him as their master but not divine. They see Jesus as a human character blessed by God. Thing about the book of James it’s the teachings of Jesus not the teachings about Jesus. James passes on what he got from his brother. You can say there is theology of Jesus but there is NO theology about Jesus. It DOESN’T MENTION THE CROSS OF CHRIST, DOESN’T MENTION THE BLOOD OF JESUS, DOESN’T MENTION FORGIVING SINS, THEIR BELIEVING IN THE LORD OUR SAVIOUR WHO IS IN HEAVEN ETC… NOTHING LIKE THAT. Its an amazing book to read. This alternative version of Jesus message can be found in the other texts too. In the Greek quarter on the outskirts of Jerusalem there is another ancient book that was not included in the bible. Its one of the contested of early Christian documents possibly even older than the gospels themselves. I understand it’s the key to understand Jesus original message. This book was compiled when Jesus family was still alive.

In this book there is no mention of Jesus resurrection and the bubble no mention of Jesus as God. Talk of jesus here as lord not lord God and concept is human than divine. In this book Jesus is defined as not son of God but the servant of God.

“And concerning the broken bread we thank you our father for the life and knowledge you made known to us through Jesus your servant. To you belongs the glory forever.”

James was considered particularly important by the first followers of Jesus. Soon after Jesus’ ascension the disciples rallied around his younger brother James, and he became the leader of the Jerusalem Church. James’ significance is reflected in the many epithets by which he was known such as “the brother of the Lord”, “the Just”, “the righteous” and “brother of Jesus”. One leading scholar, Vermes, maintains that “it was because of his ‘outstanding virtue’ that Peter, James and John would choose James the Righteous, rather than one of themselves, for the most honourable post of bishop of Jerusalem.”2 Significantly, James is the only New Testament figure mentioned by Josephus3

Its now clear that very early Jewish Christians including Jesus’ own family did NOT see him as God and ultimately that is why the church went so far to delete them from the Christian story. In the bible in the letter of Jesus younger brother Jude there is an extraordinary passage denouncing a group of people who are secretly corrupting the true faith.

“For admission has been secretly gained by some who long ago designated for this condemnation and ungodly persons who pervert the graces of our God.”

If you decode it becomes a clear warning that the new movement was losing sight of Jesus’ original message. By the time Jude writes he could see the writing on the wall he could see we are losing out and it’s a battle cry, call to arms spiritually speaking. He is not talking about outsiders he was talking about people who claimed to be part of us. There are not teachings what we were originally handed down. These are groblers, mal contempt following their own sinful desires they allowed not boast us flattering people to gain advantage. He was saying to the group of people listening to him that don’t listen to all these new things that are coming along. You fight hard for the original faith that was delivered to us. Family tradition, follow the tradition of the family. Almost a mute testimony what used to be the way. When Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire 1600 years ago it was Paul’s interpretations of Jesus’ message that was adopted and Paul based his authority on a series of mystical visions although he had never met Jesus and only joined the movement after his ascension. By contrast James and the rest of his family who had grown up with Jesus followed his mission there vision of Jesus was human character of Jesus than divine which is why they were declared heresy.

Do Christians have one particular view only about crucifixion. It’s a misconception that all the Christians have only one view that Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) was really crucified. It a misconception.
Because there are Christians biblical scholars who say that Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) did not die on the cross. 
In early Christianity there are no less than seven sects which believed that instead of Jesus there was somebody else put on the cross. It’s known as the substitution theory
The early Basilinians they believed in that, 
the Carpocratesall Christians they believed in that  
Nazareth’s they believed in that, the
Corinthians they believed in that.
The Christians many of the sects believed that instead of Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) somebody else was put on the cross. 
You see the Gospel of Barnabas (above) He was the contemporary of Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) and eye witness.
He says instead of Jesus Christ (Peace Be Upon Him) Judas was put on the cross.
Also if you read the scrolls of Najah Hammadi, it says “Jesus Christ (Peace Be UponHim) was not crucified”.

102) The sign of Jonah 
Matthew has the scribes and Pharisees approach Jesus, and ask for a sign from him, which  confirms that he is the Messiah.  Matthew  then places into the mouth  of Jesus words to the effect that the only sign to be given is the sign of Jonah, peace be upon him, which will be revealed later in the alleged crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. While Matthew does not directly quote from Jonah, the allusion is obvious. But he answered them, 

"An evil and adulterous generation asks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so for three days and three nights the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth ... "77 Matthew 12:39-40.

There is no  distortion involved in Matthew's reference to Jonah,  as can be seen by examining the following  passage from Jonah. 

But the Lord provided a large fish to swallow up Jonah; and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.78 Jonah 1:17

However, there is absolutely no way that this situation from the life of the prophet Jonah can be accurately applied to the alleged  crucifixion and  resurrection  of Jesus. Assuming for the  moment  that the alleged crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus actually did happen 79 (see context here ), then it appears that Matthew  has problems counting (something that was  demonstrated during case 1) The  traditional Christian account of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is outlined here. Christian tradition holds that Jesus was crucified on a Friday,  and that his body was  removed from the cross right  before sunset. It was then  immediately buried in a tomb.  By Sunday  morning, the resurrection was  completed.  Given this  account, Jesus was dead for one  complete day  (Saturday), part  of one day (Friday), and possibly part of another day (Sunday). This would result in parts  of two or three days, depending upon when one wanted to begin  counting the start of a day. (80 The Jews at the time of Jesus began counting the start of a new day at sunset. So, at sun set on Friday,the day of Saturday began)

However, no matter how one begins counting the start of the nights, Jesus would  have  been  dead  and in the tomb only on  Friday  and  Saturday nights (81 Or on Saturday and Sunday nights, using the Jewish formula for reckoning the start of a new day at sunset),  i.e., for two nights only. This is a  direct  contradiction  of Matthew's statement that "for three days and three nights the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth". In short, Matthew's equation of the sign of Jonah with the  alleged  crucifixion  and  resurrection  of Jesus has no more validity than the equation of three equals two, which is exactly what Matthew is maintaining. This is dramatically illustrated in Table 2 below, in which the Jewish calendar of the time  of Jesus is utilized in constructing the start of days and nights (82 At sunset on the Western day of Friday, the Jewish night of Saturday begins. At sunrise on the Western day of Saturday,the Jewish day of Saturday begins. At sunset on the Western day of Saturday,the Jewish night of Sunday begins. At sunrise on the Western day of Sunday, the Jewish day of Sunday begins.) ,    and which demonstrates that the gospels maintain that Jesus was  allegedly in the tomb for only two days (Friday and Saturday) and for two nights (Saturday and Sunday). 

Table 2 
The alleged status of Jesus from Good  Friday through Easter 
Prior to sunset on Friday  Friday  daytime, i.e. day1  Dead and in tomb 
Post sunset on Friday  Saturday night, i.e. night1  Dead and in tomb 
Post sunrise on Saturday  Saturday daytime, i.e. day2  Dead and in tomb 
Post sunset on Saturday  Sunday night, i.e. night 2  Dead and in tomb 
Post sunrise on Sunday  Sunday daytime, i.e, day3  Arisen and out of   tomb 

The Bible tells us that Jesus was crucified on a Friday, which explains why the Jews were under pressure to expedite his death, along with that of the two criminals crucified with him. Friday sunset ushers in the Jewish Sabbath, for the Hebraic calendar is lunar, which means their days end at sunset. Hence, Friday sunset heralds the beginning of Saturday, the Jewish Sabbath. The problem facing the Jews was that Jewish law forbade leaving dead bodies hanging overnight (either on cross or on gallows-Deuteronomy 21:22-23), but also forbade taking the bodies down and burying them on the Sabbath. It was an Old Testament Catch-22. Had any of the crucified died on the Sabbath, the Jews could neither leave the corpse nor bury it. 

Interestingly, Luke also refers to Jesus talking about the sign of Jonah. However,  in  Luke,  there is no  reference  to Jonah being in the belly  of the fish, and there is no reference to any  alleged crucifixion or resurrec­tion.  Rather, Luke appears to be maintaining that the sign  of Jonah has to do  simply  with  Jonah's preaching  to the  inhabitants  of Ninevah. As Jonah  preached  to the  populace  of Ninevah,  so Jesus  preached  to his generation.(85 Kee HC (1971))

When the crowds were increasing, he began to say, "This generation is an evil  generation;  it asks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah. For just as Jonah became a sign to the people of Nineveh, so the Son of Man will be to this generation... " (86 Luke 11:29-30) 

The  occurrence  of this  "sign  of Jonah"  story in  both Matthew  and Luke,  and its  absence in Mark,  confirms that the  original source for this story was Q. One  assumes that Luke reported the Q source material rather faithfully, while Matthew simply couldn't leave it alone. Matthew simply had to construe a Messianic prophecy in this reference to Jonah, and then had to  maintain  that that  prophecy  was  fulfilled,  even  if  it  meant maintaining that three  equals two.  (Courtesy Dr. Jarald Dirks )

One maybe confuse to learn that Jesus said “if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death" John 8:51”, yet Jesus referring to himself said "they will condemn him to death" Matthew 20:18. How can the one who keep Jesus' words live forever, but Jesus himself Died?. In fact, never have the four Gospels ever mentioned the phrase: "Jesus resurrected". Why?
The New Testament uses the words (death-die)for spiritual death. Yet for a righteous mans' physical death, which is a separation of the soul from the body, the New Testament used the words "fallen asleep" translated from the Greek word {κοιμάω- koimaó}.
Shockingly, when it came to the only sinless man in the Bible "JESUS", the Bible always says "Jesus died" . WHY?
The answer is so simple and so natural that one is at a loss to understand how Christian scholars of the highest rank, whom provided over three hundred prophecies from the old Testament to prove Jesus' death and Resurrection, yet they left out Jesus' own prophecy. For in Jesus' own words before his crucifixion the very simpe answer exists.
Challenging the Jews Jesus predicted that he will rise after being dead for three days as in Matthew 12:38-40 "Then some of the Pharisees and teachers of the law said to him, "Teacher, we want to see a miraculous sign from you." He answered, "A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign! But none will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth"
Jesus now proposes to emulate the sign of Jonah, for Jonah asks "Take me up, and cast me forth into the sea; so shall the sea be calm for you; for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you."
A whale comes and swallows him ALIVE! where he prayes from the belly of the whale, alive indeed. On the third day the whale vomits him onto the seashore alive. It is a miracle of miracles! Because of heat and suffocation in the whale's belly for three days and three nights, he ought to die but his survival is clearly a divine miracle.
Jesus to, after the ordeal he is supposed to have gone through, he ought to physically die. But if he died it would be NO miracle. Yet if he lived, as he had himself vowed to do, it would be a divine miracle.
One must notice that Jesus was in the tomb for no more than One day and two nights, for the Gospel clearly states that he was taken down from the cross on Friday night and found in the cemetary garden early Sunday morning.
Some claim that it was special Sabbath, therefore Jesus was placed in the tomb on Wednesday, however the Gospel of Luke -23:54-56- disagrees by indicating it was only one day between the time Jesus was placed in the tomb and the morning they found the empty tomb. Yet the original Greek Gospel of (Luke 23:56) nowhere mention the word "special".

104) John Says "The Lamb of God"?
Did John predicted the death and resurrection of Jesus? Indeed the Gospel of John indicates so. But this is the case of two different Gospels giving two contradictory accounts. Here is why, in the Gospel of John 1:29 "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
However for John to say this, he must have known that Jesus is the Christ. For in Bibical theology only the Christ can take away the sins of the world. The only problem here is that John said these words before he went to prison where he was beheaded. In other words, John never came out of prison, but the gospel of Matthew tells us that when John was in prison he did not know if Jesus was the Christ.
"When John heard in prison what Jesus was doing, he sent his disciples to ask him, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?" Jesus replied "Go back and report to John what you hear and see." Matthew 11:2-4.
105) He Gave up His Spirit?
The bible states: "he gave up his spirit Matthew 27:50" using the Greek word (πνεῦμα- pneuma) meaning wind or spirit. In other words the Gospels are saying that Jesus gave up that spiritual connection with God. Yet nowhere the Gospels stats he gave up the breath or the soul, for they are totally different . In fact Paul said "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us" Galatians 3:10. A curse by God semitically means a total rejection and seperation from his glory.
A proper understanding of the Gospels show that Jesus experienced spiritual death for he said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Matthew 27:46” when God forsakes someone, it is by no doubt a true separation form God.
The theology of Jesus' physical death and resurrection is a clear misundertanding of the New Testaments driven by one's desire and lack of semetic knowledge. Yet the Gospel was intended for the Children of Israel only for Jesus said "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel". Matthew 15:24 RSV. The crisis of Bibical misunderstanding started when the New Testament was writen in Greek while Jesus delivered his message in Aramaic and Hebrew.
Astonishingly the Bible scribes claimed that Jesus told them, he was to come in their lifetime by stating "according to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. for the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever." 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17. (Matthew 10:23 Mark 9:1, Luke 9:27, John 21:22, Matthew 16:28).
Shockingly this is the one point where all of the New Testament writers agreed (they will not die physically). For that was the reason they never wrote about the experiences of death, why should they, when they all agreed they will meet the Lord Jesus in the air and be with him forever. In truth they all died and -2000- years later we're asking where is the Lord? Amazingly the Divine answer always stated “If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the lord does not take place or come true,that is a message the lord has not spoken"Deut.18:22
In reality different books of the Bible gives different accounts of how many days Jesus was in the tomb or walked the earth, after his alleged resurrection. Yet all those books were written by the Scribes and Paul. And this is Jesus' words: “woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Matthew 23:13. “...beware of the leaven (influence) of the Pharisees...” Matthew 16:6. Amazingly all the scribes and Paul were Pharisees.
Courtesy : Tark El Nimir
106) Why the Crucifixion Has No Foundation in the Bible

christian theology teaches that the only way mankind can attain salvation is through the Crucifixion of Jesus. According to the New Testament, the death of Jesus echoes the blood sacrifices that were part of the Mosaic Laws of Atonement in the Old Testament. Blood sacrifices are apparently needed in order to cleanse us of our sins because God cannot just forgive sins without some form of penalty. Therefore Jesus was a substitute for mankind in that he took our place, suffered our punishment and ultimately paid the penalty of sin on our behalf, thus reconciling us with God. 

The writings of Paul in particular heavily support this dogma:
In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. [Hebrews 9:22]
God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith… [Romans 3:25]
He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification. [Romans 4:25]
The theology behind the Crucifixion is problematic from many angles. From a rational point of view, 1) Is God not effectively committing suicide by sending himself to be sacrificed? 
2) From a morality point of view, why would a Just God punish Jesus, an innocent party, for the sins of the guilty? 
This article, however, is going to tackle the Crucifixion at a much more fundamental level. 

If it can be shown in the Bible that God is capable of forgiving sin without the need for blood sacrifice, then the foundation upon which the Crucifixion depends, that of blood atonement, comes crashing down.

The Old Testament describes the people of Nineveh as a wicked nation. God sent Prophet Jonah to warn them:
The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.” [Jonah 1:1-2]
This was a nation of considerable size, numbering over 120,000 inhabitants:
And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?” [Jonah 4:11]
This entire nation was spared God’s punishment in the end because they repented from their wicked ways:
When Jonah’s warning reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, took off his royal robes, covered himself with sackcloth and sat down in the dust. This is the proclamation he issued in Nineveh:
“By the decree of the king and his nobles:
Do not let people or animals, herds or flocks, taste anything; do not let them eat or drink. But let people and animals be covered with sackcloth. Let everyone call urgently on God. Let them give up their evil ways and their violence. Who knows? God may yet relent and with compassion turn from his fierce anger so that we will not perish.”
When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened. [Jonah 3:6-10]
An entire nation of over 120,000 who were condemned to destruction were forgiven by God when they simply repented and fasted, without ever offering any sacrifice. In fact even though they had many animals at their disposal, which God could have easily commanded them to sacrifice, they weren’t sacrificed, but rather were made to fast as well!


The Old Testament alleges that David committed some major sins in his pursuit of a married woman called Bathsheba:
One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, and David sent someone to find out about her. The man said, “Isn’t this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite?” Then David sent messengers to get her. She came to him, and he slept with her. (She had purified herself from her uncleanness.) Then she went back home. The woman conceived and sent word to David, saying, “I am pregnant.”… In the morning David wrote a letter to Joab and sent it with Uriah. In it he wrote, “Put Uriah in the front line where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck down and die.”… When Uriah’s wife heard that her husband was dead, she mourned for him. [2 Samuel 11:2-26]
From this we can see that David violated three Commandments, “Thou shalt not kill”, “Thou shalt not commit adultery” and “Thou shall not covet your neighbour’s wife”. The severity of these violations is highlighted by the fact that at least one of them, the act of adultery, carries the death penalty:
If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. You must purge the evil from Israel. [Deuteronomy 22:22]
Another devastating blow to blood atonement is the fact that David was spared the death penalty and completely forgiven by God merely on the basis of having confessed his sin:
Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.” And you forgave the guilt of my sin. [Psalms 32:5]
While dedicating the Temple of Jerusalem to God Almighty, Solomon makes a special plea on behalf of the Israelites:
“When they sin against you—for there is no one who does not sin… and if they turn back to you with all their heart and soul in the land of their enemies who took them captive, and pray to you toward the land you gave their ancestors, toward the city you have chosen and the temple I have built for your Name; then from heaven, your dwelling place, hear their prayer and their plea, and uphold their cause. And forgive your people, who have sinned against youforgive all the offenses they have committed against you, and cause their captors to show them mercy” [1 Kings 46-50]
This entire passage seems to have foreshadowed the exile of the Israelites into Babylonian captivity which took place in the 6th century BCE. With the fall of Jerusalem and the Temple in ruins the exiled Israelites no longer had the means for performing sacrifices. Their circumstances raise some awkward questions for proponents of blood atonement – were the Israelites then completely cut off from God’s mercy for 70 years until the eventual reconstruction of the Temple? How about those who died whilst in exile, did they pass away in an unavoidable state of damnation? These are just some of the implications of the Christian theology of blood atonement. The words of Solomon represent a total refutation of this view – rather than being cut off from God’s mercy, the exiled Israelites would be able to attain forgiveness through repentance and prayer.
Christians attempt to legitimise their claims about blood atonement by looking to the Old Testament for support. This is the most commonly cited passage:
“For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life” [Leviticus 17:11]
But if you read this verse in context, you will find that it refers to abstaining from eating or drinking the blood of a sacrifice, and nothing more. God commanded this prohibition in order to maintain the distinction between the Jewish people and the pagans.
This mistake that atonement requires a blood sacrifice comes from a misreading of Leviticus where Jews are forbidden from eating blood. This can be clearly seen when one considers the passages immediately before and after:
“I will set my face against any Israelite or any foreigner residing among them who eats blood, and I will cut them off from the people.” [Leviticus 17:10]
“For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life” [Leviticus 17:11]
Therefore I say to the Israelites, “None of you may eat blood, nor may any foreigner residing among you eat blood.” [Leviticus 17:12]
So, the context is dietary laws, not atonement. Moreover, the passage says only that blood is used to obtain atonement; not that blood is the only means for obtaining atonement. All of the verses above could be summed up as saying, “Don’t eat blood, because blood is used in atonement rituals; therefore, don’t eat blood.”

This concept of God is very different to that of Islam, and even Judaism, which believes Him to be Merciful and Just. This Christian dogma is not only a denial of the Mercy of God but also of His JusticeTo demand the price of blood in order to forgive the sins of mankind is to show a lack of mercy, and to punish an innocent party for the sins of others is the height of injustice.
The Qur’an teaches that so long as one sincerely repents from their sins then God will forgive us. It is the Qur’an that does true justice to God Almighty’s Merciful and Forgiving nature:
Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and give good tidings to the doers of good. [Chapter 22, verse 37]
And whoever does a wrong or wrongs himself but then seeks forgiveness of Allah will find Allah Forgiving and Merciful. [Chapter 4, verse 10]
“Verily, Allah forgives not (the sin of) setting up partners (in worship) with Him, but He forgives whom He wills, sins other than that.” [Chapter 4, verse 116]
110) Q Source Gospel teaches nothing whatsoever  of  the  Crucifixion,  or  of  the  sacrificial nature of the mission of Jesus. 
In particular, I was interested in the research being done that indicated that the oldest strata of the Gospels reflected an extremely early source known as Q, and that each of the individual sayings of Jesus within it needed to be evaluated on 
its own merits, and not as part of the narrative material that surrounded it. The narrative material, I learned— material accounted for, among other things, the crucifixion narratives that form the core of conventional Christian theology—was in fact added many years later. I started focusing much more closely on these verses, and using them as a criterion by which to evaluate those parts of the New Testament that had for years seemed cold and foreign to me.

111) Isaiah 43:10-11 Bible points to the fact that God (Allah), not Jesus, is the ultimate saviour, "You may know and believe Me and understand that I am He. Before Me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after Me. I, I am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Saviour." (Isaiah 43: 10-11)

112) The concept of atonement is false because it indirectly encourages people to sin, since their sins will be wiped out through someone else once they believe in him! Further, if someone died for another person's sins, what is the point of adhering to good and forbidding evil?
To punish a man who is not guilty for the sins of others is the height of injustice, harshness and lack of mercy, which cannot be attributed to the Almighty.
Rationally, we cannot accept that the suffering and death of one man can wipe out the sins of others. It is similar to a father, for example, removing one of his good teeth to relieve the pain of his child's bad tooth. Hence, the idea of crucifixion is false and illogicaL
Jesus (like all prophets) was sent to convey a message and to be an example for his followers during his time on earth, and not by deliberately dying for them on the cross or offering his blood for their sins.

Allah mentioned in the Qur' an that He is the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate; he forgives the sinner from any sin no matter how bad once the sinner repents. He may even forgive the sinner who did not repent, according to His will, mercy and favour.

113) Second Coming of Jesus pbuh - those who had misconceptions about him will correct their misconception and believe in him as a messenger, not as the 'son of God' or as God incarnate Another proof that Jesus was not killed and is still alive is that in Islamic teachings there is clear evidence indicating the second coming of Jesus (peace be upon him) before the Final Hour. He will come back to correct the misconception which people have developed about his personality and his mission. According to a statement by Prophet Muhammad (Blessings and peace be upon him), he will stay for forty years, which will be the happiest years of life on this earth. At that time, those who had misconceptions about him will correct their misconception and believe in him as a messenger, not as the 'son of God' or as God incarnate. It is narrated by Abu Hurayrah (one of Prophet Muhammad's Companions, may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (bpuh), said: «By the one in whose hand is my soul, it will not be long before the son of Mary descends amongst you, a just judge and ruler. He will break the cross and kill the swine and abolish the tribute paid by Jews and Christians. Money will be so plentiful that no one will accept it. At that time a single prostration will be better than this world and everything in it.» 89 Abu Hurayrah then said, "Read if you wish (the following verse of Qur'an): 
And verily there is no one from among the people of the scripture/" except that he will believe in him before his death and on the Day of resurrection he will be a witness over them. (Qur'an 4: 159)"

114) Matthew 19:16-17 - Nowhere in the four gospels did Jesus explicitly state that he would die to save mankind from sin. When approached by a man who asked what he could do to gain eternal life, Jesus told him to keep the Commandments (Mat. 19: 16,17); in other words, to obey God’s Law. To a similar question put to him by a lawyer, as recorded in the gospel of Luke, Jesus told him to love God and his fellow man (Luke 10:25-28). The role of Jesus is made clear in the Quran where God says: The mission of Jesus was not, therefore, to set up a new method of achieving salvation, much less the founding of a new system of belief; as even the Bible points out, Jesus sought only to take the Jews from their emphasis on ritual back to that of righteousness (Mat. 6:1-8).
115) Doctrine of Atonement –Paul’s project for success
For the origin of the doctrine of atonement, one does not go to the teachings of Jesus, but instead to the words of Paul, the true founder of Christianity; in teachings of present Christian terms and practices.
Like many Jews, Paul had no use for the teachings of Jesus, and he himself persecuted the followers of Jesus for their unorthodox beliefs. This zealous persecutor was turned into an ardent preacher, however, through a sudden conversion around 35 CE. Paul claimed that a resurrected Jesus appeared to him in a vision, thereby, choosing Paul as his instrument for carrying his teachings to the Gentiles (Gal. 1:11; 12:15,16).
Paul’s credibility in any capacity is questionable, however, when considering that: (1) there are four contradictory versions of his so-called “conversion” (Acts 9:3-8; 22:6-10; 26:13-18; Gal. 1:15-17); (2) God says, in passages such as Num. 12:6, Deut. 18:20 and Ez. 13:8-9, that revelations come ONLY from Him, and (3) accounts of numerous disagreements between the other disciples and Paul regarding his teachings are recorded in Acts.
Experience and observation had taught Paul that preaching among the Jews was not feasible; he, therefore, chose to go to the non-Jews. By doing so, however, Paul disregarded a direct command from Jesus against preaching to other than a Jew (Mat. 10:5-6). In short, Paul set aside the actual teachings of Jesus in his desire to be a success.
116) The Pagan Influence
Among the pagans of Paul’s time, a wide variety of gods existed. Although these gods had different names and were embraced by people from different areas of the world – Adonis from Syria, Dionysus from Thrace, Attis from Phrygia, for instance – the basic concept in each cult was the same: these sons of gods died violent deaths and then rose again to save their people. 
Since the pagans had tangible savior-gods in their old religions, they wanted nothing less from the new; they were not able to accept any sort of an invisible Deity. Paul was quite accommodating, preaching therefore of a savior named Jesus Christ, the son of God, who died and then rose again to save mankind from sin (Rom. 5:8-11; 6:8-9).
The Bible itself points out the error of Paul’s thinking. While each of the four gospels contain an account of the crucifixion of Jesus, these accounts are strictly hearsay; none of the disciples of Jesus were witness to such, having fled his side in the Garden (Mark 14:50). 

117) No eyewitness to resurrection
Not only was there no eyewitness to the actual resurrection, but all post-resurrection accounts are in contradiction with each other as to who went to the gravesite, what happened there, and even where and to whom Jesus appeared (Mat. 28; Mark 16; Luke 24; John 20).
118) Post-Resurrection Physical body not Spiritual
Although Christianity states that the body following resurrection will be in a spiritual form (1 Cor. 15:44), Jesus had obviously not changed, for he both ate with his disciples (Luke 24:30,41-43), and allowed them to touch his wounds (John 20:27). Finally, as the divine son of God in Christianity, Jesus is said to share in God’s attributes; one cannot fail to wonder, however, just how it can be possible for God to die...
119) Paul’s invention of salvation scheme no Prophet including Jesus son of Mary ever taught
In his desire to win souls among the pagans, Paul simply reworked a number of major pagan beliefs to come up with the Christian scheme of salvation. No prophet – including Jesus himself – taught such concepts; they were authored entirely by Paul.
120) God of Love & Mercy vs. Paul’s concept of God was a Harsh one:
Jews had given up sacrifice back in 590 BCE following the destruction of their Temple. Paul’s notions, therefore, were in direct contradiction to both Old Testament teaching (Hosea 6:6) and even to the teaching of Jesus himself (Mat. 9:13) which stressed how God desired good virtues, not sacrifice.

While Paul stressed that God’s “love” was behind the sacrifice of Jesus (Rom. 5:8), the Doctrine of Atonement instead shows a harsh Deity satisfied only by the murder of his own innocent son. Paul was way off base here, for the Old Testament is full of references to the love and mercy of God to man (Ps. 36:5-10; Ps. 103:8-17) revealed through His forgiveness (Ex. 34:6,7; Ps. 86:5-7), of which even Jesus spoke (Mat. 6:12).
 121) Cross a Pagan Relgious symbol centuries before Jesus’s Birth
Pagan influence in Christianity even extends to its sacred symbol. Although Paul calls the cross of Jesus “the power of God” (1 Cor. 1:18), reference works, such as the Encyclopedia Britannica, Dictionary of Symbols, The Cross in Ritual, Architecture and Art point out that the cross was used as a religious symbol centuries before the birth of Jesus. Bacchus of Greece, Tammuz of Tyre, Bel of Chaldea, and Odin of Norway are just a few examples of ancient pagan gods whose sacred symbol was that of a cross.
PART 5: Historical records 

122) The authors of the book The Jesus Conspiracy by Holger Kersten and Elmar R. Gruberpostulate that christ did not die on the cross but was actually rescued from his death. This theory is based on the findings of their painfully detailed scientific research and carbon dating tests. The authors present powerful evidence that whoever was wrapped in the Shroud of Turin did not die. Kersten and Gruber proposed that the Catholic Church realized the devastating impact this theory, if true could have. After all, if the evidence suggested that Jesus had been wrapped in the shroud but did not die, the church would be left without a death, without an atoning sacrifice, without a resurrection and in short, the church would be left without a church. In the words, First Corinthians 15:14, "And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty. Yes, and we are found false witnesses of God .... " 
The authors claim the church responded by deliberately discrediting the shroud, even to the extent of falsifying carbon dating tests.
The concept of a crucifixion switch isn’t entirely foreign to Christianity. Among early Christians, the Corinthians, the Basilidians, the Paulicians, the Cathari and the Carpocratians all believed Jesus Christ's life was spared.
123) The Basilidians believed that Simon of Cyrene was crucified in his place, (Note this is a corroborative evidence with the main cannon discussed in point 3 and 4 above) which may not be an unreasonable suggestion, considering that Simon carried Jesus' cross (see Matthew 27:32, Mark 15:21 and Luke 23:26). Typically, all of the dissenting sects mentioned above were judged to have been Gnostics and/ or heretics by the church, and were violently suppressed by a Trinitarian majority that systematically burned dissenters into oblivion for the first fifteen centuries of Catholic rule (the most recent roasting having taken place in Mexico in 1850 CE).
To be fair, Gnostic ideology did have a place in many, if not most, or even all groups regarded as dissenters from orthodoxy. But then again, Gnosticism has a place in orthodoxy as well, for what is gnosis if not the belief that its initiates possess some esoteric but essential knowledge necessary for salvation, which can neither be explained nor justified? And what has this discussion thus far exposed, if not the lack of scriptural foundation for the canon of Trinitarian orthodoxy?
124) Of the above groups, the Paulicians (whose name possibly, derived from their devotion to Paul of Samosata) hold special inter. Paul of Samosata reportedly took his teaching from Diodorus, head of the Nazarene Church in Antioch. His teachings in turn branched off the trunk of apostolic ideology through individuals such as Lucian (who in turn taught Arius), Eusebius of Nicomedia, and even Nestorius (whose influence expanded from Eastern Europe as far east as China and as far south as Abyssinia). The Paulician influence eventually spread to occupy most, if not all, of Europe and North Africa. Yet so complete was their annihilation by the Roman Catholic Church during the period of persecution, both they and their books were virtually completely destroyed. Only in the mid-nineteenth century was one of their sacred books, The Key of Truth,discovered in Armenia and translated. From this document, a view of their beliefs and practices can be appreciated.
The Paulicians may invite condemnation for their dualistic ideology, acceptance of suicide and excess of asceticism. Notable is the peculiar Paulician concept of Jesus Christ having been a phantasm, and not a man. On the other hand, the Paulicians adhered to belief in divine unity, the virgin birth, baptism, and other creeds and practices that date from the apostolic age. Included in the list of their particulars is the apparent lack of an organized priesthood or hierarchy of clergy. The leaders married and had families. Their services were characterized by simplicity of worship and lack of sacraments: they didn't even use holy water. The Paulicians refused to adopt any visible object of worship-no relics, no images, not even the crossThey considered the use of images, whether two or three dimensional, to be idolatrous, foreign to the teachings of Jesus, and in violation of the second commandment. The doctrine of Incarnation appears to have been denied, as were the doctrines of original sin and the Trinity-all rejected on the basis of lacking scriptural foundation. The Paulicians denied the alleged crucifixion of Jesus, and consequently rejected the doctrines of the resurrection, atonement, and redemption of sins. They also shunned infant baptism as an innovation foreign to the teachings and practice of Jesus, and claimed it was worthless since children lack the capacity for mature faith and repentance. They boycotted Christmas on the grounds that it was an illegitimate holiday constructed as a concession to the pagans, who worshipped the rebirth of their Sun-god three days following the winter solstice, on December 25, at the annual festival of Sol Invictus (The Invincible Sun). They neither solicited nor accepted tithes, maintained a strict diet, stressed devotion to worship in all aspects of life and aspired to cleanliness of temper, thoughts, words, and work.
A better model of the carpenter-King would be difficult to find, but for their creed, they were killed. Over a period of centuries the Paulicians were hounded wherever they were found. The Byzantine Empress Theodora reestablished image worship in Constantinople during the ninth century and, as Gibbon notes, "Her inquisitors explored the cities and mountains of the Lesser Asia, and the flatterers of the empress have affirmed that, in a short reign, one hundred thousand Paulicians were extirpated by the sword, the gibbet, or the flames."214 (Gibbon Edward, Esq. Vol.6, Chapter LIV, p.242.)
The Paulicians eventually were driven from Armenia to Thrace, and on to Bulgaria. From there they spread to Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovinia, then north to Germany, west to France and south into Italy. By sea they found routes to Venice, Sicily and Southern France.

125) CATHARI The rapid expansion of Paulician theology, which seems to have been revived in the Cathari (meaning "the Pure") in or around the eleventh century, became a serious threat to the Catholic Church, and was condemned at the Councils of Orleans in 1022, of Lombard in 1165, and of Verona in 1184. St. Bernard of Clairvaux described the Cathari thusly: "If you interrogate them, nothing can be more Christian; as to their conversation, nothing can be less reprehensible, and what they speak they prove by deeds. As for the morals of the heretic, he cheats no one, he oppresses no one, he strikes no one; his cheeks are pale with fasting, he eats not the bread of idleness, his hands labour for his livelihood."215 (Lea, Henry Charles.1958. A History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages. New York: Russell & Russell. Vol. I, P.101.)

                Nonetheless, the church condemned the Cathari, not for their ethics and sincerity, but for their theology. Not until the Medieval inquisition of the thirteenth century was the church able to act upon their condemnation, but then, opening floodgates on the host of several centuries, they applied the full force of their hatred with a  vengeance sufficient to establish their authority and destroy their enemies. The loss of the Paulicians, Cathari, and the various other “heretic” Christian sects testifies to the terrible efficacy of the religious cleansing of the Medieval Inquisition and subsequent periods of persecution. F. C. Conybeare comments,
It was no empty vow of their elect ones, “to be baptized with the baptism of Christ, to take on themselves scourgings, imprisonments, tortures, reproaches, crosses, blows, tribulation, and all temptations of the world."Theirs the tears, theirs the blood shed during more than ten centuries of fierce persecution in the East; and if we reckon of their number, as well we may, the early puritans of Europe, then the tale of wicked deeds wrought by the persecuting churches reaches dimensions which appall the mind. And as it was all done, nominally out of reverence for, but really in mockery of, the Prince of Peace, it is hard to say of the Inquisitors that they knew not what they did.216 (Conybeare, Fred. C., M.A. 1898. The Key of Truth. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Preface, p.xi.)

That the Catholic Church was so effective in eliminating their opposition is of no surprise to those who study their methodology. Their degree of savagery did not even spare their own people, at times sacrificing members of the orthodoxy to insure complete elimination of the Unitarians. For example, the mixed population of Catholics and Unitarians of the people of Beziers, in the South of France, were attacked mercilessly. In his History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, Henry Charles Lea brings the full horror of the invaders' overzealousness into sharp focus:

From infancy in arms to tottering age, not one was spared- seven thousand, it is said, were slaughtered in the Church of Mary Magdalen to which they had fled for asylum-and the total number of slain is set down by the legates at nearly twenty thousand .. "
fervent Cistercian contemporary informs us that when Arnaud was asked whether the Catholics should be spared, he feared the heretics would escape by feigning orthodoxy, and fiercely replied, "Kill them all, for God knows his own!" In the mad car- nage and pillage the town was set on fire, and the sun of that awful July day closed on a mass of smouldering ruins and blackened corpses-a holocaust to a deity of mercy and love Whom the Cathari might well be pardoned for regarding as the Principle of Evil.217 (Lea, Henry Charles. Vol. I, p.154.)

The inquisitors' use of torture was equally horrific, for it did end at confession. Once they procured a confession, they began torture anew, to extract names of associates until the last drop of information was squeezed from the mangled husk of what had once been a human being.
Once accused, the pitiful defendant was guaranteed to suffer. Torture yielded the required confession-if not out of truth, then out of the victim's desperation to bring an end to the pain. Horrifically, protestations of innocence and even the oath of orthodoxy did not bring relief, for suspects professing orthodox belief were committed to a test of faith, and here the church demonstrated the full measure of its creativity. Trials by water and fire were popularized and sanctioned by Catholic Church for the testing of faith by way of Judicium Dei-Judgement of God, a concept based upon superstition. It was believed the purity of water would not accept a guilty body into its midst, so floaters were judged guilty and executed, sinkers were considered innocent, and if rescued before drowning, spared. It was believed that earthly fire, like the flames of Hell, would not harm those who were (in their view) the faithful Christians bearing the promise of paradise. The "hot iron test" was the most commonly employed, as it was simple readily available. In this test, the accused was required to carry a red-hot piece of iron for a certain number of steps, usually nine. Judgment was offered either at the time of the test (those burned were judged guilty) or several days later (those whose wounds were healing were declared innocent, whereas those whose wounds became infected were deemed guilty). Other variations existed, such as determining whether a person suffered a burn when an arm was immersed up to the elbow in boiling water or boiling oil.                     
Lest a person presume such insane methods were rarely employed, the Council of Rheims in 1157 ordered "trials by ordeal" to satisfy all cases of suspected heresy?"218 (ibid., p.306)

Now, why all this discussion about what are now little-known and dead sects? Well, the intent is neither to glorify them beyond the merits of their ideology, nor to evoke sympathy for their cause, but rather to draw attention to the alternate Christian ideologies that have become obscure in the shadow of prevailing Trinitarianism. The Corinthians, the Basilidians, the Paulicians, the Cathari, and the Carpocratians may be little known today, but they were dynamic Christian ideologies that shared a significant place in history. But history, as the saying goes, is written by the victors. "Moreover," writes Ehrman, "the victors in the struggles to establish Christian orthodoxy not only won their theological battles, they also rewrote the history of the conflict ... "219 (Ehrman, Bart D.2003. Lost Scriptures: Books that Did Not Make It into the New Testament. Oxford University Press.p.2.)

The Catholic Church attempted to systematically erase the memory of all other sects and scriptures contrary to their own, and at this, they were largely successful. Given their vicious methodology, we should not be surprised.
Additionally, historical attempts to vilify all other religions or Christian sects prejudiced the minds of the populace. So successful were these efforts that the records and holy books of those who appear to have been closest to the teachings of the apostolic fathers have been largely lost. Similarly, those closest to embodying the practices and creed of the prophet Jesus have come to be regarded as heretics, simply because they did not embrace the "evolved" doctrines of the Trinitarian victors. In other words, they were condemned for nonconformity with views which, though lacking scriptural authority, were selected by men of position and propagated for reasons of political expediency.

126) A good percentage of the population were staunch Unitarian Christian (who never believed crucifixion/ death/ resurrection) prior to receiving Trinitarian "encouragement"
One of the curious elements of Trinitarian history lies in the fact that in all its travels throughout the Christian world, it had to be forced upon a previously Unitarian people. The  Visigoths, Ostrogoths and Vandals, the Arians, Donatists, and Paulicians-all had to be muscled aside prior to the imposition of Trinitarian rule. Even in England and Ireland there is suspicion that, contrary to official historical accounts, a good percentage of the population were staunch Unitarian Christian prior to receiving Trinitarian "encouragement."Whereas Unitarians attempted to spread faith through example and invitation, the Catholic Church spread Trinitarian faith by shearing the populace with the sharp blades of compulsion and elimination.
Reviewing unprejudiced historical accounts, a large population of the religious throughout the known world voiced their opposition to Trinitarian Christianity, and those who denied Jesus Christ's crucifixion and death were not necessarily a minority. Many would argue that from a gut level it makes more sense for God to have punished Judas for his treachery than to have tortured Jesus for his innocence. 

127) Jesus didn't die on the cross -Theologian Gunnar Samuelsson  of Gothenburg University claims the Bible has been misinterpreted as there are no explicit references the use of nails or to crucifixion - only that Jesus bore a "staurus" towards Calvary which is not necessarily a cross but can also mean a "pole". Mr Samuelsson, a committed Christian himself, admitted his claims are so close to the heart of his faith that it is easy to react emotionally instead of logically. He said: 'My question deals with the traditional understanding of the death of Jesus - that He carried a cross-beam toward Calvary, but since he could not stand the burden of the cross a passer-by was forced to carry it for him. He said 'My suggestion is that we should read the text as it is, not as we think it is. The ancient Greek, Latin and Hebrew literature from Homer to the first century AD describe an arsenal of suspension punishments but none mention "crosses" or "crucifixion." read details here:

128) Ex-Christian Doctor of Divinity Dr. Jerald Dirks (Harvard University) The person hanging on the pole/cross who was crucified was Jesus king of the jews and NOT JESUS BARABAS (SON OF THE FATHER). 

129) BBC Documentary which says Jesus (Son of Mary ) survived crucifiction

130) History Channel Documentary ‘Banned from the Bible’ says Jesus was standing aside from the cross laughing at the attempt to kill the son of Mary.

Examining Jewish Sources On Jesus Crucifixion, Genuine Or Forgery?
Earliest manuscript for Testimonium Flavianum is an Arabic Manuscript from the tenth century. They do not have any Manuscript before Eusebius time, nor is it mentioned by any Church father before 3rd Century. Josephus Books were not stored by Jews, but Christian fathers, who copied, deleted, added stuff that should not be there. Read details here : 

132) The person on the cross was an ungodly man and he blasphemed and said "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" No Prophet or pious person will ever say such a thing!!! period. Proof on the face of the issue. check here:  Eli Eli Lima Sabaktani ----Analysis

133) Mark 12:35-37
Jesus himself states that he is not the Aloheem, Jesus says rhetorically that is he the son of David, then how could Jesus be the Lord of David? (Mark 12:35-37)
Jesus is saying that he is neither the son of David nor the lord of David or anyone. Jesus was born miraculously without a biological father but had a mother (Mary PBUH) therefore he was a man who ate and excrete the whole life like all of us humans so he was just a son of man. So the main crumbling reason of atonement/ sacrifice that son of God died for sins of humanity is baseless!!! Jesus was not son of God to begin with in his very own words.

134) Eating food after so-called Post cruci-fiction confirms Jesus didn’t die at all which is confirmed in the last testament as well:
Jesus always ate food even after the so-called post-cruci-fiction event (Matt 28:17)
Important point we find in the last testament i.e. The Glorious Quran 5:75 is that They both Jesus and Mary (PBUT) used to eat food. Look how We make clear to them the signs; then look how they are deluded.

Quran is a book of miracles, every ayah is a sign. Jesus didn’t die at all but was saved by Allah as Quran says in the above Ayah that Jesus used to eat food. Obviously if he had died he wouldn’t be eating food rather he was eating food until his ascension to heavens post crucifiction and he was in full human form hence the eating requirement; the point is even after the so-called alleged crucifixion story he was eating food and no spirit need to eat food so he was a human all the time and is a human being obviously. Humans eat the food for nourishment and excrete the waste. That’s a Human nature. 


135) Original Goodness Not Original Sin in the words of Jesus (PBUH) himself:
Jesus himself regarded children as innocent and pure, and not born in sin. This is clear from his reported saying:
"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein." (Mark 10:14-15) 
136)  Adam (PBUH) was forgiven right away right there and then when he asked for forgiveness so NO carry forward of sins to his offsprings
      There is no conflict between what the Qur' an says and the Christian theology that Adam committed a sin when he ate from the forbidden tree. However, Allah says in the Qur' an that Prophet Adam (bpuh) repented after that and submitted himself completely to his Lord, and consequently he was forgiven by Allah for the sin he committed. This is a tenet of Islamic belief and is mentioned in three different verses in the Qur'an (2: 37, 7: 24 & 20: 122). Based on Adam's repentance and Allah's acceptance of his repentance, the sin of Adam was not inherited by the children of Adam, nor did it require the suffering and death of Jesus Christ (or of anyone else) to be forgiven.
“…No person earns any (sin) except against himself (only), and no bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another…” (Quran 6:164)
“The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin.” (Deuteronomy 24:16)
137) Paul Vs. All Prophets (prior to Jesus son of Mary) (Old Testament)
       In Christian belief, all humans previous to the incarnation of God, including the Prophets and infants usually regarded as sinless, are not free from the Original Sin of Adam, and therefore cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. A verse in the Apostles’ Creed, “… and (Jesus) descended into Hell”, is said to mean that Jesus descended to Hell to free the righteous souls who were there due to the sin of Adam. This leads us to believe that all those before the coming of Jesus are in Hell, even if they were from the righteous and Prophets and messengers of God (God forbid).
Here it is clear that adherence to the commandments of God is not enough for salvation, even for those before Jesus. This also holds true to all those who have not received the message of Christianity. We must ask; why did not the Prophets before Jesus call to this notion of original sin? Did they lie when they said that it was enough to Worship One God and obey His commandments to achieve Paradise? Why did not God come and free humanity from sin at the time of Adam so that the righteous and others would not be in Hell due to his sin? Why are infants, humanity before Jesus, and others who have not heard about Christianity, held accountable for a sin they never committed, nor have knowledge about how to remit themselves from it? The truth of the matter is that the notion of “Original Sin”, as many others, was one introduced by Paul and later expounded on by Christian scholars and councils.
“The Old Testament says nothing about the transmission of hereditary sin to the entire human race… the main scriptural affirmation of the doctrine is found in the writings of St. Paul…”
This concept though, was expounded by Augustine of Hippo, one of the most prominent Christian scholars in History. The basis of this concept is that “the deliberate sin of the first man (Adam) is the cause of original sin.” The Second Council of Orange (529 C.E.) declared, “One man has transmitted to the whole human race not only the death of the body, which is the punishment of sin, but even sin itself, which is the death of the soul.”

The concept of original sin is one which has no basis in previous scriptures regarded as divine by Christianity. None of the Prophets before Jesus were known to have preached this concept, nor were any other beliefs or rituals based upon them. Rather, salvation from Hell was achieved through the belief in One God and obedience to His commandments which was preached by all prophets, including the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, may God praise them.

138) The doctrine of the inherited sin has no support in the words of Jesus (Red letter Bible –The actual words of Jesus son of Mary) 
Indeed, Jesus himself regarded children as innocent and pure, and not born in sin. This is clear from his reported saying:
"Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein." (Mark 10:14-15) 
The doctrine of the inherited sin implies that all people after Adam and before Jesus were born with original sin and died with original sin, and all of them will be rust into Hellfire, because they did not even know of this dogma, and thus could not profess it! 
The doctrine of the inherited sin has no support in the words of the prophets who had come either before him or after him. If it was required by God, then they would have told their people about it and taught them to believe in it, because all prophets were sent to guide people to the way of paradise and warn them from sins and hellfire. 
All prophets taught that every human being is accountable for his/her own sins, and hence children will not be punished for the sins of their fathers. Allah says in the Qur' an,
The bearer of burdens will not bear the burden of another. (Qur'an 53: 38).
He also says,
Every soul will be a pledge for its own deeds.] (Qur'an 74: 38)
Sin, as it says, is not inherited, but it is something which a person acquires for himself/herself by doing what s/he should not do or not doing what s/he should do. Rationally considered, it would be the height of injustice to condemn the entire human race for a sin committed thousands of years ago by the first parents. Sin is a wilful transgression of the Law of Allah. The responsibility or blame for it must lie only on the person committing it, and not on his or her descendants. It is the height of misanthropy to consider it. How unreasonable and hard-hearted a person can become by believing that every baby is sinful at birth!
Saying that the original sin committed by our father Adam was inherited through humanity goes against the attribute of mercy which Allah attributes to Himself.
With this, the creed of the inheritance of original sin has no room whatsoever in Islamic teachings.

139) Claiming that Allah's justice requires a price to be paid for the sins of others is not valid as well as the Blood penalty is invalid hence no need for crucifixion to begin with
This view reflects complete ignorance of two of Allah's attributes, namely mercy and forgiveness. To elaborate, if Allah finds some real good in you and sees that you are sincerely repentant, having a real urge to conquer the evil within you, then Almighty Allah will forgive your failings and sins, out of His loving mercy and forgiveness.
The God we worship (Allah) is the Most Strong and Most Rich, and no one can harm Him. Consequently, if He prescribes a law and demands obedience, then it is not for His own benefit to abide by it, but for the benefit of humankind. If we disobey Him then we are the losers, not Allah. If He punishes a person before death for his/her faults and sins, it is not for His own satisfaction or compensation, but in order to check evil and purify/reform the sinner, which is out of His mercy. Bearing these facts in mind, claiming that Allah's justice requires a price to be paid for the sins of others is not valid.

140) The Christian concept of salvation has no support in the words of Jesus (peace be upon him).
It is not historically correct to say that Jesus had come to die willingly and deliberately for the sins of all humanity. Actually, the present form of the Bible testifies that he did not wish to die on the cross. (See Mark 14:36)
Indeed, the Bible points to the fact that God (Allah), not Jesus, is the ultimate saviour, "You may know and believe Me and understand that I am He. Before Me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after Me. I, I am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Saviour." (Isaiah 43: 10-11)

141) Height of Injustice - To punish a man who is not guilty for the sins of others is the height of injustice, harshness and lack of mercy, which cannot be attributed to the Almighty God.
Rationally, we cannot accept that the suffering and death of one man can wipe out the sins of others. It is similar to a father, for example, removing one of his good teeth to relieve the pain of his child's bad tooth. Hence, the idea of crucifixion is false and illogicaL
142) Jesus mission to convey God’s message to the Lost sheep of the house of Israel
Jesus (like all prophets) was sent to convey a message and to be an example for his followers during his time on earth, and not by deliberately dying for them on the cross or offering his blood for their sins.
Allah mentioned in the Qur' an that He is the Most Merciful and Most Compassionate; he forgives the sinner from any sin no matter how bad once the sinner repents. He may even forgive the sinner who did not repent, according to His will, mercy and favour.
143) Encouragement to Sins is against God’s commandments - The concept of atonement is false because it indirectly encourages people to sin so Crucifixion concept is baseless and illogical, since their sins will be wiped out through someone else once they believe in him! Further, if someone died for another person's sins, what is the point of adhering to good and forbidding evil? Doctrine of Atonement comes from 2 Timothy 2:8 the letter of Paul in which Paul the wicked says that “remember that Jesus Christ was raised from the dead according to “My Gospel”. So it was Paul the wicked’s gospel that led people astray so where else do we find this concept NO WHERE ELSE!!! That’s IT. Are you Christians going to trust Paul for your salvation who contradicted basically everything which Jesus Christ said and did and advised.
Jesus Christ taught old testament law, Paul negated it.
Jesus Christ taught accountability Paul taught justification of faith
Jesus Christ taught that he was the son of man Paul taught that he was the son of God
Jesus taught pray to God as I do but Paul said pray to Jesus
Jesus Christ taught that he was an ethnic Prophet to the jews but Paul taught he was a universal Prophet
And on and on and on …….
Jesus taught God is ONE only and its mentioned three times in the bible and from Pauline theology we got the trinity.
So You got Paul and Jesus going separate ways not the same way
Paul the wicked and James the righteous going separate ways not the same way
Paul the wicked and Barnabas going separate ways not the same way
Not only Paul was against Jesus teachings but also in direct conflict with the true companions and disciples of Jesus son of Mary pbuh. And yet the irony is that the people look at the epistles of Paul and they find the things they want to teach the atonement and they grab a hold of that and say ok we will believe in the atonement from this guy who             everything else he has done has contradicted Jesus but we like this part so we are gonna hold on to it. This is very very very selective thinking. Its taking what you like rather than facing reality!!!

144) Bible itself contradicts the notion of "Original Sin"
In this regard, the Bible says about the dispute concerning the original sin: "The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labour." (I Corinthians 3:8)
Original Sin and Atonement from an Islamic Perspective
Islam declares that:
.:. People cannot transfer their responsibilities to saviours or saints. Each person's redemption and salvation depends on his or her own deeds.
.:. Forgiveness of sins (salvation) can only be attained through repentance to Allah and sincere and persistent efforts to fight off evil and do good. Allah forgives the faults and sins of those in whom He sees real goodness and those who have turned away from their sins and reformed themselves - without punishing them or any other person on their behalf.
In numerous verses in the Qur' an and statements of Prophet Muhammad (bpuh), it is mentioned that those who repent are granted forgiveness from sins; furthermore, their sins are to be replaced with an equivalent reward, and ~there shall be no fear upon them, neither shall they grieves.
In many verses of the Noble Qur'an Allah Almighty calls on people to repent sincerely.
Declare [0 Muhammad] to My slaves that, truly, I am the Oft- Forgiving, the Most Merciful, and that My Torment is indeed the most painful torments(Qur'an 15: 49-50)
Here Allah invites the sinners to repent; regardless of the magnitude of their sins, He will forgive them. At the same time, He warns those who do not repent that no punishment can be compared to His punishment.
He also says,
 Say: O My slaves who have transgressed against themselves [by committing evil deeds and sins], do not despair of the Mercy of Allah; verily, Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. And turn in repentance and obey Him before the torment comes upon you, when you will not be helped.
(Qur'an 39: 53-54)
See how beautifully, soundly and logically the Book of Allah, the Qur' an, addresses the issue of sinning and atonement. It must be noted that Islam teaches that this Islamic approach to the subject was revealed in all divine messages, including the message of Jesus Christ. May peace and blessings be upon him and all the prophets.
By maintaining the concept of original sin, the entire notion of justice in Christian theology becomes flawed. Having analysed the six tenets of this doctrine and the arguments against them, the structure of the whole principle of 'original sin and atonement' is shown to be false, because it has no support either in revealed sources or in logic, but rather only in the ideology of the Christian Church.
145) Original Text “Talya Alaha” means “Servant of God” NOT “Lamb of God”
Jesus spoke Galilean Aramaic which we all know, and in Jerusalem they spoke Judean Aramaic and there is a difference in words and dialect.
Talya ALAHA in J.Aramaic means "son of God", in the tongue of jesus (pbuh) "G.Aramaic" and his disciples it means "Servant of God", both child & son can be traced back to the greek word "UIOV".
Now if we translate "UIOV" back to Galilean Aramaic we would get Servant of God, but xtian scholars chose to translate it into Judean Aramaic.
so when he says "I am the Talya Alaha" in his tongue it means "i am the Servant of God" and not "i am the son of God" John 10:36 and 19:7 proves there was confusion.
"Talya Alaha" in J.Aramaic can also mean "Lamb of God".

So why does the Bible only focus on the Jewish Aramaic translation when jesus (pbuh) was a Galilean Aramaic speaker?
Considering jesus was accepted in Galilee, i presume because they understood him to be a servant of God, and rejected in Judea I assume because he was regarded as making claims to be the Son of God, and he himself was confused at this (John 10:36)

And accordance of first ever Christian Church Order "Didache" with the Koran
"The Didache" or "Teaching of the Apostles" turns Jesus out as Muslim and no Christian
“…the world-deceiver {shall appear} as a son of God;” (Didache 16:8)
Note: son of God refers to anti christ, why should muslims or christians believe that Jesus son of God while he is servant of God?
Note The lamb of God manipulation comes only in John. Matthew, Mark and Luke don’t mention it. Hence therefore Jesus son of Mary PBUH was a servant of God not lamb of God to be sacrificed.

"Before thee [Muhammad}, We sent messengers to many nations, and inflicted the nations with suffering and adversity, that they might learn humility." (6: 42, 7:94)
There are many, many related examples from the lives of the prophets, each of whom passed through strenuous trials and taught his people to be constant in turning to God for help in securing happiness and prosperity in this life and the next.
For example, God tested Prophet Solomon, and when he was successful, God made him a powerful king, with even the winds under his dominion, as he "Enjoyed, indeed, a near approach to Us, and a beautiful place of final return" (38:40).
147) As for Prophet David, Solomon's father, he was called to arbitrate between two disputing brothers who approached him to settle a business matter between them. In rendering quick judgment before sufficiently listening to both litigants, David came to understand that God had tested him, and he sought and received forgiveness, as the Qur'an again echoes the message of divine mercy:
"David gathered that We had tried him: he asked forgiveness of his Lord, fell down, bowing in prostration, and turned to God in repentance. So We forgave him this lapse: he enjoyed, indeed, a near approach to Us, and a beautiful place of final return." (38:24-25)
148) Prophet Moses (Musa) PBUH tasted the tragedy and trial of committing an act he would regret. Prior to his actual mission, he accidentally killed someone while mediating an altercation between two local residents:
"Moses struck him with his fist and made an end of him. He said: "This is a work of evil (Satan},for he is an enemy that manifestly misleads. O my Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul Do then forgive me!" (28: 15-16) Thus, Moses turned to God in repentance and, ever-mercifully, he was later worthy enough in the judgment of God to be personally given the Holy Commandments.
And so it is that the prophets become the supreme example for us about how our only hope is to seek the limitless shelter and compassion of God, and to keep striving to the best of our abilities, even after-or despite-our failings.
Suffering can actually teach us a lot:
"Before thee [Muhammad}, We sent messengers to many nations, and inflicted the nations with suffering and adversity, that they might learn humility." (6: 42, 7:94).
In fact, history is full of examples of righteous people who suffered or watched their families or communities go through horrific experiences. Among those are some of the prophets themselves.
Prophet Moses (PBUH) had to flee his homeland to escape religious persecution, appealing to God in humility:
"O my Lord! Forgive me and my brother! Admit us to thy mercy! For Thou art the Most Merciful of those 'Who show mercy!" (7:151). "So God forgave him for He is the Oft-Forgiving, .Most Merciful." (28: 16)
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was forced into exile during part of his mission, continually turning to God in complete submission: "Glory to God, Who is highest above all, exalted and great beyond measure ... Though you may not understand it all, He is always patient, and most forgiving." (17:43-44)
149) Prophet Job (Ayub) (PBUH) was inflicted with pain and disease tor many years, releasing himself into God's mercy: "He cried to his Lord, 'Truly distress has seized me, but 'Thou art the Most Merciful of those that are merciful. (21:83-84).
150) Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) (PBUH) , who was unfairly imprisoned at the prime of his life, still held his burden in patience and was willing to admit his own imperfections and his utter reliance on God's benevolence:
"Nor do I absolve my own self of blame: the human soul is certainly prone to evil, unless my Lord do bestow His Mercy. But surely my Lord is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." (12:53)
151) Deuteronomy 32:39-40
God makes it extremely clear of who He is and what he can do, God says,
"He is the only ONE, not two, not three, not one God in three or three gods in one". None can be equal to the God, Sura 112:1-4. Only God can give life and take life away.
No one can do anything unless it is God's will, Sura 31:34. God finally and definitively says that He lives forever. God has never died, not even a fraction of a second on a cross, three days in a tomb, anytime or anywhere.
Deuteronomy 32: 39-40 - 39 See now that I, even I, am He, and there is no god with Me; I kill, and I make alive; I have wounded, and I heal; and there is none that can deliver out of My hand. 40 For I lift up My hand to heaven, and say: As I live for ever, 

In the above passage God All mighty says which implies that God will live forever and will never die! Hence Paul’s concept of God died on the cross is flawed and is a pagan ideology. God never change i.e. God never become man or incarnate to become human being. It’s the pagan jahil idolators / hindus concept that their gods incarnate which Paul injected into Christianity. Worshipping any incarnation be it a Prophet of God is basically satan worship and nothing else whatsoever.

152) Its against the nature of a Prophet / Preacher to keep silent 
The person on the trial the Romans thought was Jesus kept silent throughout the trial before the governor which is against the nature of a Prophet or even a preacher of truth, all the disciples of Jesus ran away from the scene out to save their lives, only Peter the most obedient went inside behind him but he also refused to recognize him

153) Matthew 18:32-35 Jesus reminds us that it is God Alone who forgives sinners:

‘Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me. Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellow servant, even as I had pity on thee? And his lord was wroth (Angry), and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses.’ (MATTHEW 18:32-35)
In this above parable, does Jesus say that he himself will deliver us over to the torturers if we do not forgive those who wrong us, after we ourselves have been forgiven? Or does he say that his heavenly Father—our heavenly Father!—will deliver us over to the torturers if we choose to persist in this hypocrisy? We are entitled to ask: Is this heavenly Father he speaks of the same as, or different than, the Father referenced elsewhere as the Father of all the faithful, the One who causes the sun to rise and the rain to fall on all of us?

154) Matthew 7:21
‘Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven_only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.’ (MATTHEW 7:21)
It means even if Christians praise Jesus and hold any concept regarding alleged crucifixion of Jesus. If they don’t follow Allah’s commandments they will not enter into heaven. Period!!!
155) MATTHEW 5:25-26 - What saves us is our own eagerness to ‘pay up’ by repenting and doing good deeds in this life, thus avoiding punishment in the next
‘Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.’(MATTHEW 5:25-26)

Can this parable of Jesus, so rarely taught or analyzed in church congregations, be understood as anything other than a parable of salvation and damnation?
Can ‘prison’ represent anything other than Hell?
Can the ‘judge’ represent anyone other than God?
Can the ‘adversary’ who may hand us over to the judge ‘at any moment’ be anything other than our own inevitable death?
Is it really the blood of the crucified Jesus that saves us while we are on our way to court? Or what saves us our own choice to come to terms with the adversary? In this parable of Jesus, salvation lies in our decision to acknowledge the reality of our own impending death, our willingness to ‘settle’ our case before the judge renders a binding decision that we know we will not enjoy. What saves us is our own eagerness to ‘pay up’ by repenting and doing good deeds in this life, thus avoiding punishment in the next. 

156) LUKE 12:4-5 Q [ ‘sayings gospel’ called Q (from the German Quelle, or ‘source’) do appear in Matthew and Luke.] This pragmatic submission to the Reality of the situation we all face is, as it turns out, the guiding theological principle of Islam. And it is, to the careful reader of Q, Jesus’ guiding theological principle, as well.
Notions of Jesus’ sacrifice and his ransom for all mankind of a human being who was God Incarnate simply were not part of the earliest Gospel. These concepts were added later, long after the conclusion of Jesus’ ministry.

These influences betrayed the original message of Jesus. The influences of those pagan groups, fortunately, appear to be entirely absent from the early Gospel passages we find in Q.

The remarkable thing is that so much of that original theology is still evident in the earliest Gospel verses. Look at the teachings we find in Q ... and ask yourself how closely they match the ‘context’ of Constantine.

In Q, Jesus warns us to fear only the judgment of a single God:
 ‘And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.’ (LUKE 12:4-5)

 This is identical to the Islamic principle known asTaqwa. Compare:

‘To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. God’s retribution is severe. Should you then have fear of anyone other than God?’ (QUR’AN 16:52)

157) LUKE 6:24-5 - In Q, Jesus warns humanity plainly that earthly advantages and pleasures should not be the goal of our lives:
 ‘But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. Woe unto you that are full! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep.’ (LUKE 6:24-5)
Or in other words just by christians believing in Jesus doesn’t result in salvation and atonement for them and they don’t get any license to kill and Christians don’t get the license to do any forbidden things.

This is identical to Islam’s warning that we must not be fooled by the allures of Dunya, or earthly life. Compare:

 ‘The desire to have increase of worldly gains has preoccupied you so much (that you have neglected the obligation of remembering God)— until you come to your graves! You shall know. You shall certainly know (about the conse- quences of your deeds). You will certainly have the knowledge of your deeds beyond all doubt. You will be shown hell, and you will see it with your own eyes. Then, on that day, you shall be questioned about the bounties (of God).’ (QUR’AN 102:1-8)

158) MATTHEW 8:11-12
Perhaps just as revealing, Q teaches nothing whatsoever of the Crucifixion, or of the sacrificial nature of the mission of Jesus ... an intriguing omission indeed! and consider the following chilling words:

 ‘And I say unto you, that many shall come from the east and west, and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But those who believe they own the kingdom of heaven shall be cast out into the outer darkness. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ (MATTHEW 8:11-12)

There is context ...and there is betrayal. Each of us must decide for ourselves which is which. Those of us who are unwilling to accept the pagan remnants of Constantine as the permanent foundation of Christians religious faith may, as Christians detractors claim, not be ‘real Christians’. Then again never knows. We may be.

159) Matthew 7:13-14 – Most people will be in hell who believe in Paul’s fraudulent theory of Jesus crucifixion/atonement and resulting salvation
 ‘Enter  ye  in  at  the  strait (Narrow) gate:  for  wide is the gate,  and  broad is the  way,  that  leadeth to de-struction,  and   many  there  be   which  go  in there at. Because strait (Narrow) is the  gate,  and  narrow is  the  way,  which leadeth unto life,  and  few there be that  find it.’ (MATTHEW  7:13-14)
Jesus son of Mary PBUH puts such  heavy  emphasis, as Islam  does,  on the  fateful  consequences of the  choices we make as individuals as we travel  the road  of our  life. It is these  choices, he assures us, which  will determine our salvation. It is simply not possible for any intelligent person to misinterpret his meaning here. After  we  read  these  words, a  question appears. What, specifically, is ‘narrow’ about the act of accepting Jesus Christ  as one’s personal savior? Isn’t  the  act  of accepting Jesus  Christ  as  savior  a comparatively  simple,   straightforward  decision, one that  has been  engaged in by hundreds upon hundreds of  millions of  people down the  centuries? What  is difficult or rare about that choice? Why  does  Jesus  agree  with  the  doctrines of Islam by telling  us  that  the  path  to destruction is wide  and easy to travel, but the path to salvation is much more challenging? Once Jesus has ‘gotten it together’ for us, and   we   have   accepted  him   as   our   savior,   is  the
 traveling  of  this   narrow  path   he  speaks  of  still  a requirement for salvation? If so, doesn’t that mean the mechanics of salvation may  be different than  we might  at first have  believed, that it may have more  than  one moving part? If not, why does Jesus mention this path at all?

160 Luke 23:34 Only Allah God Allmighty forgives
“Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do……."
In the last words of Jesus while on earth before direct ascension Jesus confirmed that only Allah God Allmighty can forgive and not any other person or himself or his actions.

161) Matthew 12:43-45
 ‘When the  unclean spirit is gone  out of a man, he  walketh through dry  places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into  my  house from  whence I came  out;  and when he  is come,  he  findeth it empty, swept, and  garnished.  Then  goeth  he,  and  taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than  himself, and  they  enter  in  and  dwell there:  and  the  last  state  of that  man is worse than the first.’ (MATTHEW  12:43-45)
Jesus is so keen  for us to grasp, as Islam is keen for us to grasp, the  vital  importance  of  our  maintaining a  constant guard  against negative forces.  These,  it  is  clear,  are forces  that  may  rush  into  the  mind and  soul  of even someone who has sincerely repented and believed. Doesn’t that  mean  that  the  mechanics of salvation may  be different than  we might  at first have  believed, and may have more  than  one moving part? If salvation has  only  one  moving part,  why does Jesus mention this danger at all?

‘Not  everyone who  says  to  me,  ‘Lord,  Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven_only the one   who    does    the   will    of   my   Father  in heaven.’ (MATTHEW  7:21)

162 Matthew 24:28  Allah (God Allmighty) will send Jesus son of Mary down from the heavens – Note As you have seen above from the bible that Jesus son of Mary PBUH was not resurrected his physical body is not on the earth although millions have been spent to find the body of Jesus tragically and many documentaries by History Channel etc.. have been made but ofcourse jews and Christians will never find it and when they are unable to find the researchers question even the existence of historical Jesus.
Note there is almost quite similar account in the Bible and an authentic Hadith of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) of how and in what manner Jesus son of Mary (Peace and Blessings of Allah be on him) will be sent by Allah Allmighty God as follows:
Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: "In the meantime, while the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) will be busy doing this and this, Allah will send down the Messiah son of Mary (Jesus  السلام عليه). He (Jesus  مالسلا عليه) will descend in the eastern part ofDamascus, near the white minaret (tower), dressed in the two yellowish garments, with his hands resting on the arms of two angels. When he will bend down his head, water drops will appear trickling down, and when he will raise it, it will appear as though pearl--like drops are rolling down. Any disbeliever whom the air of his breath reaches, and it will reach up to the last limit of his sight, will fall dead. Then, the son of Mary will go in pursuit of the Dajjal, and will overtake him at the gate of Lud (a city 13 miles east of Tel Aviv, Israel), and will kill him." (Sahih Muslim, Tirmizi, Ibn Majah).
Matthew 24:28 “And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY with power and great glory.
According to Bible Jesus said that SON OF MAN will appear in the sky and will come. He didn’t say Son of God will come he said son of MAN will come. Note also that Jesus son of Mary himself in his own words never ever said in the bible that he is son of God because he is NOT literally. Normally when people die their body is on the earth and the soul departs the body and goes to the heavens (Barzakh) i.e. physical body remains on the earth. This is a significant point that he is coming back as a SON OF MAN in physical body form. Allah will indeed send him down from heaven which means that he was never crucified and neither died nor resurrected but infact Son of MAN is coming back on earth because resurrected bodies are spiritualized according to the bible. Body following resurrection will be in a spiritual form (1 Cor. 15:44) According to St. Paul the resurrected bodies are spiritualized. They are spiritualized. Same is said by Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him) in the Gospel of Luke Chapter No.20, Verse No.27 to 36 a story of a wife shared by seven brothers, the famous answer to question “who will have her there in heaven”.
When resurrection will take place on the day of judgment all people will be raised from the earth because all their physical bodies will be on the earth and only the souls will be sent back to the bodies for resurrection. In Jesus son Mary (PBUH)’s case he was saved by Allah and lifted up so it was a direct ascension as no crucifixion or resurrection took place. However when he is back on earth as a son of man he will live on earth for 40 years and will die a natural death and then he will be resurrected with every other Prophet and human being on the day of resurrection.
Another important point to mention is that Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) has also the status of a Sahabi (Companion) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). A Sahabi is one who met Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a muslim and died during or after the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Jesus (PBUH met Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) at the time of ascension of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to heavens as mentioned in Bible Malachi 3:1-15. Although Jesus (PBUH) came as a Prophet before Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) but Jesus was alive in physical form in heavens when he met Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) there when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went on “One Night Journey called Isra Miraj Ascension to heaven. This is why Jesus being a muslim and sahabi of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) can be said to be in the ummah (Nation) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). (Lecture by Sheikh Kamal El Mekki on Jesus (PBUH) return)

163 John 20:17 Jesus himself clarifies very clearly (actually that’s a Bulls eye) that he will be directly ascended to heavens i.e. will be saved and lifted up/direct ascension as mentioned in the Quran so NO abominated resurrection stuff before its proper time will happen!!!
 Jesus tells Mary Magdelene that he will ascend to "my father and your father-my God and your God." (John 20:17)

The Christian Doctrine of Atonement, in other words, requires a really, really big Jesus for only one as large as God Himself might account for the forgiveness of  all sins, no matter how great, in all people, no matter how numerous.
But did Jesus ever suggest that his own death was enough to erase all the sins of mankind? Infact he never said such a thing! But (God forbid) If he did, then the Bible is highly contradictory for several verses state exactly the opposite-that is, that submission to God and good deeds which will please God are the only key to salvation:

164 James 4: 7-10: "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from youDraw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts."

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said recorded in Sahih Al Bukhari Volume 9, Book 93 Hadith No. 627:
Narrated Anas:The Prophet said, "My Lord says, 'If My slave comes nearer to me for a span, I go nearer to him for a cubit; and if he comes nearer to Me for a cubit, I go nearer to him for the span of outstretched arms; and
if he comes to Me walking, I go to him running.' "

165 Deuteronomy 6:13 – Fear Allah alone to get salvation ordered again and again and don’t buy fraudulent pagan theories of crucifixion/resurrection
Fear the LORD your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name.” Deut. 6:13
Sayyiduna Abd Allah ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Prophet and Messenger of Allah, Muhammad  (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “He who takes an oath, must take it by Allah or remain quiet.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 2533)

166 Deuteronomy 10:20 – Fear Allah alone to get salvation ordered again and again and don’t buy fraudulent pagan theories of crucifixion/resurrection
Fear the LORD your God and serve him. Hold fast to him and take your oaths in his name. Deut. 10:20
Allah God Allmighty says in the Quran: O Children of Israel! call to mind the (special) favour which I bestowed upon you, and fulfil your covenant with Me as I fulfil My Covenant with you, and fear none but Me. (Quran Surah Al-Baqara, 40)

167 James 4:7  Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Job 22:21 "Submit to God and be at Peace with him ..."
What is the translation of this in Arabic ?!!
"Aslim" (i.e Be a Muslim)
So dear Christians resist the devil which Paul saw : The Mysterious Encounter of Paul
Paul said on Acts 22:6 "About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me. 7 I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, 'Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me? 8 “Who are you, Lord?” Some are asking why did he ask "Who are you" and then call him Lord? However were there any witnesses? Indeed, for Paul said “the people with me saw the light but didn't hear the voice.”

Shockingly the same book of Acts gives us a different account of Paul’s own statement, by saying “the men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone.” Acts 9:7 some are asking, did they hear the voice or not? Did they see the light or not?

Shockingly when Paul first encountered what he thought to be Jesus, he saw a light falling from heaven, but Jesus had ONLY this to say about a light falling from heaven "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” Luke 10:18. WHO IS SATAN? Jesus answered : "When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44".

Book of Revelation 1:14-15 14 “……….. his eyes were like blazing fire. 15His feet were like bronze glowing (polished bronze refined or like burnished bronze or brass of Lebanon which is heated in a furnace) in a furnace, ……….16 In his right hand he held seven stars (Note: Star is a symbol of satan), and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword (Double-edged mouth /sharp tongue like a serpent (Satan)).
It was all the way Paul only who came with this pagan idea of crucifixion/resurrection atonement/salvation which were his old greek satan inspired ideas.

168 James 2:24: "You see that a person is justified by what he does and not by faith alone."
It’s a clear instruction from the Bible that if you believe something which Tom Dick Harry and Paul says you will not get salvation. You will only be justified and saved by your own works and deeds.

169 James 2:26: 'As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead."
So dear Christians how you assume you will get salvation only by faith without deeds. So atonement/crucifixion was all false like dust in your eyes.

170 Numbers 23:19: The Old Testament states that, "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his purpose."
In fact, it seems clear that Jesus submitted himself to God and consistently encouraged his followers to do the same.
It's just as the Qur'an informs: Assuredly they have disbelieved who say: God is the Messiah, son of Mary" (5:72), but the Messiah himself proclaimed: "Worship God, my Lord and your Lord." (5:72)
The Qur'an also tells us that it is blasphemy to state that God is Jesus (5:72) and on the Day of Judgement, Jesus will be called to answer for the manner in which so many of his followers worship him, and he will explicitly state that he never encouraged them to worship any other than God alone (5:116).

So if according to the Bible Jesus's or alternate person’s death is not enough of a sacrifice to erase all sins, then are humans responsible for their own salvation? This argument is at the core of the biggest Christian debate, having already split the Christians into sects. The whole Protestant movement, in fact, started because some Christians rightly insisted that man 'earns' his way to heaven through good works, a belief which is still generally upheld by Mormons, Lutherans,      Episcopelians, Methodists, Presbyterians, and others. That's in sharp contrast to Catholics, for example, who believe that good works are not required for salvation-only faith in Jesus as God. It's actually amazing that Christians can even consider themselves unified given such a profound rift. The simplicity of salvation which does not depend on effort has been dubbed "carnal Christianity," for it really does take the pressure off the average church-goer.

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.'"

Here Jesus is saying that don’t worship me, Jesus is not God, Jesus had a God of his own which he used to worship and fell on his face towards him and he always called him Allaha in his native Aramaic language. So if worshipping Allah is the main and only requirement then there is no point Christians buying Paul’s pagan theory of crucifixion/resurrection he took from the greeks.

172 Jeremiah 31:30
Doctrine of Atonement, which was accepted by the Church three or four centuries after Jesus left the earth. It contradicts the Bible, as the following passage show : Jeremiah 31:30: "But every one shall die for his own iniquity ..." So its clear that there was no need for crucifixion to begin with!!!
173 Ezekiel 18:20: "The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him." Adam and Eve were responsible for their own sin, which was forgiven by Allah (God All mighty).

174 Matthew 19:14.
"But Jesus said: 'Suffer not little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
So everybody is born without sin and all children belong to the kingdom of heaven. Do you know that it was Paul who abolished the Mosaic law not Jesus? See what Paul the wicked said in Acts 13:39.

175 II Timothy 2:8.
"Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead according to my gospel."
As you can see in the above statement of Paul the wicked he didn’t believe that Jesus son of Mary was born miraculously. He states that Jesus son of Mary was the seed of David. Normally Seed is of the male which is transferred to the female but Jesus son of Mary was born miraculously and he was a word “Kalima tullah” of God Allmighty. Allah said “Kun Fayakun” meaning “Be and he was” and Mary (PBUH) became pregnant. Note it was Paul the wicked on the other hand who invented in his own gospel that Jesus was the seed of David (PBUH). So he forged his own gospel to fool the gentiles and tried to say that Jesus raised from the dead and this phrase of his statement is wrong as you can see the first phrase is also wrong that Jesus being the seed of David which Jesus is NOT.
Allah says in the Quran Surah Al Imran:
3:59. The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was.
60. The Truth (comes) from Allah alone; so be not of those who doubt.
61. If any one disputes in this matter with thee, now after (full) knowledge Hath come to thee, say: "Come! let us gather together,- our sons and your sons, our women and your women, ourselves and yourselves: Then let us earnestly pray, and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie!"
62. This is the true account: There is no god except Allah. and Allah.He is indeed the Exalted in Power, the Wise. 

176 Matthew 15:9
Dear Christians You cannot recognize Muhammad (PBUH) in the Bible as long as you don't believe in the oneness of God. As long as you still believe in the Trinity, the divinity of Jesus, the divine son ship of Jesus, and the doctrines of Original Sin and Atonement. All of these were made by men. Jesus prophesied that people would worship him uselessly and believe in doctrines made by men: "But in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:9)

177 Jesus came to give message of Allah (God All mighty) to his own nation i.e. (12) Twelve Tribes of Israel Jesus himself said that He was sent only to the people of Israel (Matthew 15:24): "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Also (Matthew 1:21): "And she shall bring forth a son and thou shalt call his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from their sins." He even said that he came not to make changes but to fulfill (Matthew 5:17-18): "Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you: 'Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled."'
Mark 16:9-20 has been expunged in many Bibles. The New American Standard Bible has put this part in brackets and made the following commentary: "Some of the oldest mss. omit from verse 9 through 20." The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures used by the Jehovah's Witnesses admits that certain ancient manuscripts add a long conclusion or a short conclusion after Mark 16:8 but that some omit those verses. And The Revised Standard version prints the following footnote: "Some of the most ancient authorities bring the book to a close at the end of verse 8 ..." This means that the resurrection is not true, as it is described in Mark 16:9.
"All nations" mentioned in Matthew 28:19 must be explained as the twelve tribes of Israel, otherwise it contradicts Matthew 15:24 and Matthew 1:21. In The New American Standard Bible and The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, it is not translated as "all nations" but as "all the nations," which means the twelve tribes of Israel.

178 All doctrines of modern Christianity are made by men
The Trinity, the divine sonship of Jesus, the divinity of Jesus Christ, and the doctrines Original Sin and Atonement. From Jesus' own sayings, recorded in the New Testament, it is clear that he never claimed divinity or identity with God: "I do nothing of myself" (John 8:28); "My Father is greater than I" (John 14:28; "The Lord our God is one Lord" (Mark 12: 29); "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34); and "Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit" (Luke 23:46); and "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father" (Mark 13:32). Jesus was called a prophet, a teacher from God, His servant, the Messiah, and later was escalated to the Son of God, and then to God Himself.
Let us now use our reason: how can a mortal woman give birth to God?
Jesus slept while God never sleeps: Psalms 121:4: "Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep." God should be powerful‹but how could people spit on him and crucify him as the Bible alleges? How could Jesus be God if he worshipped God as any other mortal: Luke 5:16: "And he withdrew himself into the wilderness, and prayed."

Jesus was tempted by Satan for forty days(Luke 4:1-13), but in James 1:13 it is said: "... for God cannot be tempted with evil ..." How can Jesus be God, then? We can rationalize further and further.

179 Matthew 7:1-5 Correct yourself Do NOT commit sins and be Righteous and then you will be able to stop others from sins so consequently Jesus is warning you to be righteous and if you commit sins you will be in hell and the concept of blood/atonement are all man made and fake

 1“Do not judge so that you will not be judged. 2“For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. 3“Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? 4“Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ and behold, the log is in your own eye? 5“You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.

180 Talmud – Talmud doesn’t agree with the Bible as it says Jesus was NOT crucified but was stoned to death. (this is also wrong account of the event by the Jews as well btw). Note the ones who tried to kill by crucifixion specifically with the objective that only cursed are crucified they also say they couldnt crucify so stoned to death which is also a blabber of the jews. Note Quran clarified and addressed the confusion of both christians as well as jewish's that Jesus son of Mary was neither crucified NOR KILLED. Quran is the word of God which is extremely eloquent in speech.

181 Docetists – This one of the earliest Christian group were existing between the 1st and 2nd Century and were discussed by Bishop of Antioch, they believed that Jesus son of Mary didn’t have a physical body therefore couldn’t possibly be crucified or die on the cross or even killed.

182 Basilidians – This group was very active in the 2nd century in Egypt called the Basilidians and they maintained that Simon of Cyrene was crucified in place of Jesus. Now most Christians who are familiar with their gospels will know that the gospel says that at one point Jesus was carried the cross to Golgatha he stumbled and fell and roman soldiers grabbed someone out of the crowd and had him carry the cross the rest of the way that person is identified as Simon of Cyrene. Now this group the Basilidians said that we received directly from Glaucus who was the translator for Simon (Peter) who was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) who confirms that Simon of Cyrene was crucified in place of Jesus. When switch was made it was Simon of Cyrene who was made to carry the cross and he was the one ended up being crucified. So this was a very very prominent Christian group. Basilides claimed to have been taught his doctrines by Glaucus, a disciple of St. Peter.

183 John 14:26 Jesus son of Mary said Helper will be sent by Allah God Allmighty so it was not the requirement of atonement/blood/resurrection etc… rather focus and good news was about a future helper who will be sent by God Allmighty and Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) had to ascend before the last and final helper Prophet comes (John16:7). A future helper had to come who will teach about the teachings that Jesus son of Mary pbuh actually taught for real salvation and that this last teacher (Muhammad pbuh) will remove ALL confusion of people which they have (at any point of time) about Jesus son of Mary’s message and this message of Quran is available inimitable/unchangeable/cover to cover memorized by millions thru out the world and is available to check by anyone till the last day i.e. the day of judgement exactly as mentioned in John 14:26

Very Important Note: Bible verses John 14:16, 26; John 15:26; John 16:7 explain each other so read them together and Read details here with lexicons and etymological analysis of the words of this Bible verse to find the truth
 “and the Comforter (Muhammad pbuh), the Holy Spirit (Jibreel (Gabriel), whom the Father (Allah God Allmighty) will send in my name (the same cause i.e. Islam), he will teach you all things, and remind you of all things that I said to you (Muslims always remind Christians about the true Jesus son of Mary’s message pbuh).” (John 14:26)

Obviously after Jesus son of Mary pbuh ascension, in the future the final helper/Prophet/last God’s messenger Muhammad (Peace be upon him) did come infact who told God’s message about Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) in the Quran (The last testament) and he taught the real true salvation method and he clarified that Jesus was neither killed nor crucified!

Surah Nisa / Chapter 4
“156. That they rejected Faith; that they uttered against MARY a grave false charge; 157. That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of MARY, the Messenger of Allah.;- but they killed him not, nor CRUCIFIED HIM, BUT SO IT WAS MADE TO APPEAR TO THEM, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, WITH NO (CERTAIN) KNOWLEDGE, BUT ONLY CONJECTURE TO FOLLOW, for of a surety they killed him not:- 158. Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself; and Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise;-” so there was no need for crucifixion or resurrection which Paul the wicked advocated. If another helper/comforter is coming to tell about Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) (Read Chapter Maryam (Mary) in the Quran) and God addressed Christians in the Quran, this will shock many western Christians of today.

Jesus himself said God will send another last helper/comforter (not Jesus himself) in the same cause to teach Islam which was the religion of All Prophets of God Allmighty. So why Christians are sticking to Paul the wicked’s lollypop of Jesus death/resurrection for salvation which is a fake/counterfeit cheque which will eventually 100% bounce on the day of judgement. 

184 John 14:16 The God Allmighty will send ANOTHER COMFORTER so it was obviously not the requirement of atonement/blood/resurrection etc… rather focus and good news was about a ANOTHER future helper who will be sent by God Allmighty and this ANOTHER HELPER/COMFORTER/PROPHET/MESSENGER i.e. MUHAMMAD (PBUH) (JUST LIKE JESUS WAS A PROPHET, MESSENGER AND HELPER/COMFORTER). JESUS ALSO HEALED THE PEOPLE AND MUHAMMAD PBUH ALSO HEALED THE PEOPLE (Read here
And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; (John 14:16)

Jesus said he will pray to God of the Heavens and the earth (i.e. obviously Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) used to worship only Allah God Allmighty) so he is saying that he will pray to God and ALLAH (THE God Allmighty) will send you ANOTHER COMFORTER (i.e. not Jesus himself but another comforter/helper).  If another comforter had to come at all what was the need for Paul’s lollypop of crucifixion/resurrection counterfeit cheque which is anyway going to be bounced on the day of judgement without a doubt. So how this another Comforter is going to be abide for ever till the day of judgement. Quran is memorized throughout the world and is unchangeable. Read here how Quran is preserved and the mind blowing details

Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) is alive and well with physical body with a soul inside him (soul being the living element) since Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) was ascended/ lifted up to heavens by Allah (God Allmighty) uptill now. So when the right time came for Another Comforter who is the last Prophet/Messenger of GOD All mighty i.e. Muhammad (PBUH) appeared in the world 1400 years ago. Read details here 110 proofs Prophet Muhammad (PBUH in the Bible):

"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you". (John 16:7)

186 John 15:26  Again if  the future helper/comforter/Prophet/Messenger had to come with THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH (The True words of God Allmighty) to testify about Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) that he is indeed the Messiah which Quran confirms Allah himself made Jesus the Messiah and that True word of God i.e. Quran confirms that Jesus son of Mary was NOT Crucified and NOT Killed. So Have No doubt about it.
When the helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, [that is] the spirit of truth who proceeds from the father, He will testify about me, (John 15:26)

Note: Muhammad PBUH was well known as “Sadiq and Ameen” meaning Truthful and Trustworthy” even before he got the first revelation at the age of 40 years. (Read the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) here :

See the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) : 

Life of Muhamamd (PBUH) The Makkan Period -

Life of Muhamamd (PBUH) The Madinan Period (Part 1) -

Life of Muhamamd (PBUH) The Madinan Period (Part 2) -

187 Matthew Jesus appointed Peter (Simon) as the Sapha (The Stone) and Simon’s Church (The Mispha i.e. Watch-Tower) for the Office and Duty of the Mispha to watch and look for the Last Prophet/Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) :

This proof namely “No crucifixion/resurrection required” when people were looking for the Final Helper/Comforter/Prophet/Messenger of God who will speak God’s words i.e. Quran is mentioned in great detail with deep analysis here so no need to reproduce here:
Jews were killing all Prophets of God so that God will send the last final Prophet and Messenger which Jesus also foretold. Israelites killed before Yahya (John the Baptist), Zakariya, Isaiah (Peace be upon them All) so that the final Prophet and Messenger of God will be sent by God Allmighty. Even Jesus son of Mary PBUH foretold about Muhammad (PBUH) in the bible (see 110 proofs from the Bible on Muhammad PBUH Prophethood

188 The book "ASSUMPTION OF MOSES": Identifies the exact year of the Arrival of that THE Final Helper/Comforter/Messenger/Prophet of God Allmigthy so There was NO NEED FOR CRUCIFIXION and specially when the Final Messenger of God told that Jesus was NOT Crucified and NOT killed:

Chapter 10 of the ‘Testament’, indicates its main and central theme. It relates the advent of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Some of its lines are reproduced below:

And then His kingdom shall appear throughout all His creation, 
And He will appear to punish the Gentiles,
 And He will destroy all their idols.
And do thou, Joshua (the son of) Nun, keep these words and this book;  
For from my death [assumption] until His advent there shall be CCL times (Year weeks) (i.e. 250 year weeks i.e. 250*7 = 1750 years).

The meanings of the original Hebrew word (according to its idiomatic usage in that context), which has been translated here in English as ‘times’, are ‘year weeks’ as explained by the editor. The ‘year week’ stands for ‘seven years’, in the same way as the ‘day week’ stands for ‘seven days’. Consequently ‘250 year weeks’ will mean ‘ 250 x 7 years, i.e. 1750 years’.

Above passage foretells the advent of the ‘kingdom of God’, which is to be established 1750 years after the death of Moses (PBUH). To appreciate the exact personality that was to establish the foretold ‘kingdom of God’, first of all we have to find out the point of time in the world history that falls 1750 years after the death of Moses (PBUH).

Exodus of Israelites under Moses (PBUH) from Egypt during the period of Pharaoh Rameses II who ruled Egypt ( 1290 to 1224 BC) i.e. Rameses II drowned and died in 1224 BC. [Oxford Bible Atlas] & [ Exodus 14:5-18,21-23,26-28]
- Israelites wondered for forty years in Sinai before entering into the land of Canaan. Moses (pbAh)
 died at the end of this forty-year wandering in the wilderness before the entry of the Israelites into the Promised Land of Canaan under the leadership of Joshua son of Nun. It shows that Moses (pbAh) died in the year 1184 BC (1224-40=1184). That the Israelites had wandered in Sinai for forty years after the announcement of this punishment for their misbehavior in Sinai and before their entry into the Promised Land of Canaan.

The punishment of forty years wandering in the wilderness had not started just after the entrance of the Israelites into Sinai. There had elapsed a number of events and misdeeds of the Israelites stretching on a long time that justified this heavy punishment. The description of this period is stretched in the Bible on 26 chapters of the book of Exodus, complete book of Leviticus (27 chapters), and fourteen chapters of the book of Numbers; which make a total of 67 chapters. It would have definitely taken at least four years of the sinful activities of the Israelites to justify the pronouncement of the punishment of forty years wandering into the wilderness of Sinai. 
It means that Moses (PBUH) would have died almost forty four years after the death of Rameses II who died of drowning in the sea in the year 1224 BC. As such the year of the death of Moses (PBUH) becomes 1180 BC (1224-44=1180). It can thus be affirmed that the gap between the death of Moses (PBUH) and the birth of Jesus Christ (PBUH) is 1180 years.

Birth Year of Muhammad (PBUH)
It is almost unanimously held that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born in AD 570.
Geo. W. Gilmore observes in his article ‘Mohammed, Mohammedanism’:
Mohammed, ‘The Praised,’ the posthumous son of AbduAllah, a member of the Koraish tribe, by Aminah, was born at Mecca Aug. 20, 570, and died at Medina June 8, 632.

Moses (PBUH) foretold about none other than Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his prophecy recorded in the ‘Assumption of Moses’
It can thus be appreciated that the number of years from the death of Moses (PBUH) till the birth of Jesus (PBUH) is 1180 years; and the number of years from the birth of Jesus (PBUH) till the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is 570. Now 1180+570 make nothing else than 1750 years. It reveals that Moses (PBUH) foretold about none other than Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his prophecy recorded in the ‘Assumption of Moses’. It should also be borne in mind that there is only one prominent figure in the annals of history that fulfils this prophecy of the ‘Assumption of Moses’ in letter and spirit. It is only the person of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and none other than he. He came exactly after 1750 years from the death of Moses (PBUH). As such, there remains no justifiable reason to denying the sincerity of the claim to the apostolate of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for an honest, impartial, and unbiased person.

The book "ASSUMPTION OF MOSES" consisted of 12 chapters, originally of 1,100 stichoi [lines], about half of which had been discovered. This ‘Assumption of Moses’. According to the Introduction of this book by its editor, it was originally written in Hebrew, between AD 7 and 29. A Greek version of it appeared in the first century AD. The Greek version was translated into Latin not later than the fifth century. Included in ‘The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English’, Vol. II, edited by R. H. Charles in conjunction with many scholars, (The Oxf. Univ. Press, 1979), pp. 414-24, with an Introduction to this ‘Assumption’, pp. 407-13.  It was first published in 1913. Please download "Muhammad foretold in the bible by Name" Courtesy Abdus Sattar Ghauri (Al Mawrid Institute of Islamic Sciences) for full details,d.bmk&cad=rja

189 Coptic Christians glorify Pilate because he released Jesus son of THE Father i.e. Jesus Christ the son of Mary. Early Syriac manuscripts of Matthew present Barabbas' name twice as Jesus bar Abbas: Jesus the Son of the Father, a.k.a. Jesus Christ manuscripts in the Caesarean text-type— the Sinaitic Palimpsest, the Syriac lectionaries and some of the manuscripts used by Origen (185-254 CE) an early church father, scholar, theologian in the 3rd century— all support Barabbas' full name as Jesus Barabbas in Matthew. As the New International Version Archarelogical Study Bible Commentary states: 

“The reading “Jesus Barabbas” for his full name (Barabbas) in Matthew 27:16-17 was found by Origen (an early Church Father) in many manuscripts and is still found in some early versions….”  [1] 

Even in early versions of the Manuscripts of Matthew in the verse 27:17, the full name is found to be Jesus Barabbas. So who really is Jesus Barabbas? None other than - Jesus the son of the father i.e. Jesus Christ. In Aramaic word Bar means “the son of” someone. So Jesus Barabbas is the Son of “Abbas”. And Abbas simply means Father in the New Testament. In the New Testament, Revised standard version, Simon is called Simon bar Jonah or Simon the son of Jonah (Matthew 16:17 Revised Standard Version). So Barabbas really is “the son of the father”. 

Read in Mark 14:36, Jesus allegedly calls on God as “Abba” meaning Father in Aramaic the language Jesus spoke. He says: Abba, Father, he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will." (Mark 14:36 NIV). 
Keep in mind that Mark was the earliest Gospel written around 65-80 CE. 
So Jesus himself refers to God, as Abba, Aramaic for Father. And as we’ve seen Jesus referred to himself as the Son of God, God as Father and is “the son of the Father”. So really Barabbas and Jesus Christ are really the same person with different names. Jesus the King of the Jews who was probably an insurrectionist. This can be found in Mark 15:8-9,11: The crowd came up and asked Pilate to do for them what he usually did. "Do you want me to release to you the king of the Jews?" asked Pilate,…. But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Barabbas instead. (Mark 15:8-9, 11 New International Version) 
So the crowd decided to let Barabbas go and let the king of the Jews be crucified according to the earliest Gospel, the Gospel of Mark (60 CE). Going back to Matthew 27:17 in the earliest manuscripts, Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus the son of the Father was able to get away by Pilate and Jesus the King of the Jews, an insurrectionist was crucified . 
The chief persists and elders had asked for Barabbas- the son of the father- Jesus Christ to be released and Pilate released him and allowed Jesus the King of the Jews- Jesus who is called the Messiah- to be crucified, satisfying the crowd. The sign above Jesus crucifix had said “Jesus the king of the Jews” and not “Jesus Christ” or “Jesus the son of the father” thus supporting that indeed Jesus Christ had gotten away and instead another name with the same name, Jesus the King of the Jews i.e. the Messiah, anointed of Israel was crucified instead (see Mark 15:26 and Matthew 27:37). 
Another Important point to note how the churches would view Pilate if he indeed did allegedly had Jesus crucified? Not very good. However to the contrary the churches did indeed have a high opinion of him. As Jerald Dirks (2001) writes: 
“If Pilate did, indeed, sentence Jesus Christ to death by crucifixion, how should the early churches have viewed Pilate and his associates? Would not Pilate have been vilified to the ends of the earth by the early Christian churches? Might not Pilate have been formally condemned by the early churches to eternity in hell? One would certainly think so. However the facts are radically different. On October 28th, the Eastern Orthodox Church calendar lists the feast day of Saint Procla, the wife of Pontius Pilate. On June 25th, the Coptic Christian Church lists the feast day of Saint Procla and of Saint Pointius Pilate! Procla was canonized as a saint by both the Eastern Orthodox Church and by the Coptic Christian Church. How did the early Coptic Christian Church ever justify canonizing as a saint the man who condemned Jesus Christ to death by crucifixion? This just defies all reason and all logic. What did these early Christians know that modern Christians don’t know? Perhaps they knew that Pontius Pilate, their beloved saint, was the man who released Jesus Christ. Perhaps, they had a better understanding of Matthew, than do most modern Christians.”  [Dirks 2001]
"However, it is not just within the so-called apocryphal writings that one finds evidence that it was not Jesus who was crucified. The canonical gospel of Matthew 27:11-26 states that Pilate gave the crowd a choice between releasing "Jesus who is called the Messiah" or "Jesus Barabbas". (Any Christians who might wonder about the name "Jesus Barabbas" are urged to consult the New Revised Standard Version of Matthew 27:17 for this identification, which is based on some of the oldest surviving texts of this verse.) Matthew then goes on to state that the crowd chose Jesus Barabbas and that Pilate released Jesus Barabbas. Of note, Barabbas, i.e., "bar Abbas" is not a given name but is a patronymic, i.e. a statement that one is the son of so-and-so. Translating from the Aramaic language, the langauge spoken by Jesus, "bar Abbas" may be translated as "son of the father". In short, Matthew tells the discerning reader that Pilate released "Jesus, the son of the Father", and condemned a different Jesus, who was claiming to be the Messiah, i.e., the annointed one. So who was who? Does this help explain why Pontius Pilate was canonized as a saint by the Coptic Christian Church? Does one justify sainthood for the man who condemned Jesus or for the man who released him? Certainly, Matthew raises the very real question of who was actually released and who was actually crucified." [4] 
At least two Canonical Gospels or Early Christianity support the Islamic position that Jesus Christ was not crucified and had got away from the alleged crucifixion. Pilate had released Jesus Barabbas- Jesus the son of the father, the Jesus Christ we all know and had another Jesus, Jesus the King of the Jews or the Messiah, an insurrectionist probably about to lead a revolt against Rome to be crucified. After this, the Gospel writers wanted to finish their theological story and thus made up the story to make it look like Jesus Christ was crucified   when in reality he had gotten away, thanks to Pontius Pilate. Anyways, this supports the Islamic view point of the crucifixion as always Allah knows best! 

190 Jesus had No Biological Father

Because Jesus did not have a biological father people generally used to call him Jesus son of the Father (Jesus Barabbas) and he was well known with this Patronymic and we know that Bible states that Jesus Barabbas (son of the father) was released and therefore not crucified at all. Traditionally the whole arabic (Arbi) and aramaic (Ibrani) (ancient and present) speaking belt take pride in telling their name together with suffixing their complete ancestory or try to tell as much upto they remember e.g. Jaffar bin (son of)___ bin ____ bin ____. Jesus original language was aramaic which he used to speak. So the society back then also used to say their own names with ancestry however Jesus didnt have a biological father so his introduction back then was Jesus son of THE Father not son of any father or A father because he was a Prophet and messenger of Allah God Allmighty. All righteous people back then were called by a good patronymic like Bar Yameen son of the right. Sons of light meaning not just any light helogen lamp or tube light etc... but sons of THE Light. THE is implied that its taking about THE Father or THE Light. Even we dont need to mention THE while translating to english because in Aramaic the language of Jesus it was implied that BarAbbas meaning Son of THE Father not just any father used metaphorically as obvious.

191 John 19:34
Another Sign of Jonah comes in as a nightmare for Christians clergy as Jesus or the alternate of him was Obviously ALIVE at all stages!!! If Jesus died on the cross, his blood would clot and thus no blood would have gushed out of his body when his side was pierced. But the Gospel states that blood and water came out: John 19:34: "But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water."

Bible is basically itself a time bomb from which Christians can realize the truth and come back to Islam which was and is the original religion of All Prophets of God and it is Islam that all the Prophets of God taught and they were all righteous muslims . Catholics always say faith is enough and works are not required for salvation they are afraid that from the same Bible people can realize to become muslims and embrace Islam inshaAllah.

192 John 21: 12-13 Jesus saith unto them, come and dine. And none of the disciples durst ask him, Who are thou? Knowing that it was the Lord. Jesus then cometh, and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise. (John 21:12-13)
Jesus joined and shared with his disciples in eating fish and bread.

193 Mark 16:19 
Some of the changes that took place were made to Prophet Jesus' message after his ascension are so fundamental that they strike at the very root of Christianity. For example, the only two references to the ascension of Jesus that were found in the gospels of Mark and Luke in the King James version have now been removed form the Revised Standard Version, edited in 1952. Before the removal of the passages, the relevant verses read as follows:

"So then after the Lord had spoken to them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God." Mark 16:19

194 Luke 24:51
And it came to pass; while he blessed him, he was parted from them, and Carried up to heaven." 
The relevant verse in the Gospels of Mark has been removed along with a number of other verses that immediately preceded and succeeded it, sixteen verses in total.
Verse 51 of Luke now reads as follows:
"While he blessed them he parted from them." The words, "Carried up to Heaven" have been removed.

Islam revived the knowledge of Jesus' ascension (Quran 4:157) which the Pope and pasters and local fathers have been hiding.

195 The other two rebels on the right and left also cursed and insulted their leader i.e. Jesus king of the Jews for leading them in this mess. 
Matthew 27:44 In the same way the rebels who were crucified with him also heaped insults on him.
Also make no mistake it was indeed jews's own man whom jews had annointed  themselves and called him Jesus king of the jews and Not the Jesus son of the father whom Allah had annointed himself. Matthew 27:37 Above his head they placed the written charge against him: this is jesus, the king of the jews.

196 Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) never said about himself that he is son of God. It was rather Jews own man who claimed to be King of the jews called himself son of God!
Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) never called himself son of God. God has no sons or daughters. its basically a blasphemy. What happened was that Jesus Barabbas  (Jesus son of the father) whom people called as such because of his righteousness as per Jewish custom and tradition. When Pilate released Jesus Barabbas the other Jesus who claimed to be king of the jews claimed that he himself is the son of God just to save his own ass. But by his saying of this claim the jews and elders got angry with him because they knew it was a straight forward blasphemy so then they said: 
" Matthew 27:41 In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him. 
Matthew 27:42 Because of him the other Jesus Barabbas (the son of the father the righteous one, the Prophet of God, the real Messiah who was made Messiah by God himself) was saved whom the jews wanted to kill by crucifiction humiliation but their plot had failed and jews themselves were humiliated ........ (Jews said) He’s the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him. (Now Jews became against their own man after they saw their plan failed and a clear blasphemy from their own man whom they had annointed themselves) 
Matthew 27:43 He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him, for he said, ‘I am the Son of God.’” This wicked man who was a paramilitary insurrectionist (a rebel leader) whom the jews had annointed who claimed to be king of the jews had claimed that he is son of God to get rescued but just by his saying that he was bombarded by the jews themselves.

197 John 19:12 Jews while trying to avoid any incoming persecution on them or their Jewish community in Roman control the jews acted as they were against any king and refused to accept this guy jesus king of the jews who was acting against Rome or plotting against Ceaser.  Jesus king of the jews was Jews’ own man whom they had anointed to be their king i.e.  the jews’ self-made king or the jews-made messiah. [John 19:12 …… the Pilate said ….. that Anyone who claims to be a King opposes Ceaser.]

Note Jesus Barabbas son of the father the real Messiah that was made by God Allmighty himself was rejected by the jews and the real Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) never claimed to be king of the jews and we all know that. Infact Jesus son of Mary said “My kingdom is NOT of this world”.

Jesus always avoided any kind of conflict with the Roman empire whatsoever so he was NOT a rebellion or king against Roman authority. Even once Jews plotted the arrest of Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) before and failed. See Mark 12:14-17 They came and said to Him, “Teacher, we know that You are truthful and defer to no one; for You are not partial to any, but teach the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to pay a poll-tax to Caesar, or not? 15“Shall we pay or shall we not pay?” But He, knowing their hypocrisy, said to them, “Why are you testing Me? Bring Me a denarius to look at.” 16They brought one. And He said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” And they said to Him, “Caesar’s.” 17And Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they were amazed at Him.

198 John 19:13  Now Pilate says …. “Here is your king,” Pilate said to the Jews. Now Pilate is intimidating the jews that he knows that you cunning jews made this wicked man their king. Indeed it was jews king whom jews themselves had anointed; Now Jews were well aware that Pilate will not tolerate any act of rebellion or quo against the Roman empire or Ceaser and they had apprehension that Pilate was sure that this Jesus king of the jews was the one whom jews hailed as their king and also this king had claimed to be their king but jews were trying to come clean and told Pilate to crucify their own anointed this jesus king of the jews their own guy. Pilate said rhetorically this guy i.e. Jesus king of the jews
Now Jews were angry that their own man to whom they made king was doing a great blasphemy to save himself this wicked their own man called himself son of God so to claim he was righteous enough to be released but Jews got greatly angry on his blasphemy and they pushed ceaser to crucify this king of jews who is doing blasphemy.

199 Mark 11-13 Jews while trying to avoid any incoming persecution on them or their Jewish community in Roman control the jews acted as they were against any king and refused to accept this guy jesus king of the jews who was acting against Rome or plotting against Ceaser.  Jesus king of the jews was Jews’ own man whom they had anointed to be their king i.e.  the jews’ self-made king or the jews-made messiah. Mark 11:11But the chief priests stirred up the crowd to have Pilate release Jesus Barabbas instead. 12“What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of the Jews?” Pilate asked them. 13“Crucify him!” they shouted.
So Pilate released Jesus Barabbas son of the father (implied metaphorically) the righteous one and handed over the wicked rebellion king of the jews for flogging and crucifixion.

200 Matthew 26:24 If The Said Death And Resurrection Of Jesus Christ ( pbuh ) According To Christian Apologetics Was For The Salvation Of Man How Come He Said In Mathew 26 : 24
The Son of man goeth as it is written of him; but Woe ( Eternal Damnation ) unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed ! it had been good for that man if HE HAD NOT BEEN BORN.
And To Complicate Matters The Bible Recorded Jesus Christ ( pbuh ) As Saying On Behalf Of Those That Betrayed And Hanged Him On The Tree Thus ; Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do....Luke 23 : 34.
Does These Not Clearly Show That The Said Crucifixion And Blood Sacrifice Has Nothing To Do With The Salvation Of Man ?

201 Luke 23:39 The other 2 rebellions/criminals

 rhetorically asked their leader the Jews self-made 

king the jews-made messiah (NOT the Jesus Barabbas 

son of  the father the God’s-made messiah) aren’t you the Messiah king of jews if you are then save yourself and us!. But this wicked man their leader rebellion the king of jews the threat to Roman empire was rejected by the jews after his Blasphemy (Matthew 27:43). Luke 23:39 One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!” So these rebellions/criminals were mocking their boss for leading them into this mess and trusting jews who ditched them at the needed time just because jews wanted to save themselves.

202 Jesus didn’t want to be killed or crucified and Jesus was hiding from the Chief Priest and Romans which is why the Jews paid thirty pieces of silver to Judas (the insider) giving them the necessary information about Jesus.
Mark 8:26…Neither go into town, nor tell it to any in the town.  
Mark 8:30 And he charged them that they should tell no man of him.

Jesus son of Mary pbuh never said anything about the cross or carrying the cross its the christian missionaries delusional souls affected by the jinns who they think is Holy Ghost in them manifest on them to write what they desire and hide the original. Now see Mark 8:34-35 Christian clergy is making fool the poor Christians regarding the cross symbol since ages. Bible translators translated it as “Take up his cross and follow me” Now when we read the Original word it is not cross or Stavros it is infact histémi 2476. ORIGIN which means to make to stand, to stand Definition: trans: (a) I make to stand, place, set up, establish, appoint; mid: I place myself, stand, (b) I set in balance, weigh; intrans: (c) I stand, stand by, stand still; met: I stand ready, stand firm, am steadfast.
So the Correct translation of Mark 8:34-35 will be as follows:
….. “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and stand firm and steadfast and follow me”.

So in reality Jesus son of Mary pbuh never said about cross because cross has NOTHING to do with Jesus son of Mary pbuh.
Jesus’ supplicated and prayed to be saved from crucifiction:
Sit ye here, while I go and pray yonder. (John 26: 36)
And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me.   (John 26: 39)
…. He went away again, and prayed the second time and prayed, saying ……and prayed the third time, saying the same words.   (John 26:42-44)
God heared his prayers and saved him by lifting him up alive as mentioned in scriptures (Isaiah):
John 11:41-42 And Jesus lifted up his eyes, and said, Father, I think thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always.

203 Jews had crowned this wicked rebellion as their 

God’s Messiah and called him king of the jews and 

they said that because of him the Jesus son of the 

father (Jesus Barabbas) was released/saved so because of this guy the real Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) the God’s real Messiah whom God himself made Messiah whom the jews had rejected was released and was saved and no further persecution for Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) and his disciples anymore because of jews own wicked king of jews “the others were saved” Luke 23:35 i.e. the real Jesus son of Mary alongwith Jesus son of Mary’s disciples were saved.
204 Single Event and different parties perspectives:

  •  Romans took it as punishment of sedition/Paramilitary insurrectionist against Rome.
  • The Jews alleges it as a punishment of blasphemy.
  • Jesus king of the Jews (whom Jews themselves made king or messiah or the jews anointed one) realised it a punishment from God.
  • Jesus Barabbas (Son of the father) considers it a Mercy from God that he was released as he had prayed and was saved alive.
  • Christians think a sacrifice presented for their salvation the idea which Paul feeded them like pagans think of previous sacrificed greek gods for their salvation.
  • Jesus family believe Jesus son of Mary was saved by God
  • Peter denies that the man who was beaten the shit out of was the replacement of his master that’s why Peter truthfully denied and did not recognize that replaced man. Peter knew that Jesus son of Mary will be saved by Allah but Peter wanted to be sure which is why Jesus son of Mary told him that you will deny me 3 times before the cock crows. After seen from his own eyes that Jesus was saved by God the best Rock disciple cried because of God’s great plan and Peter was completely humbled.
  • Simon the Cyrene another switch considered it as a help to the replaced man who was a man of the Jews whom Jews had anointed  to be their king and he was the one who had claimed be the king of the jews was a paramilitary insurrectionist and was a threat to Rome.
  • Coptic Christians celebrate every year to this day the anniversary of Pilate and his wife because they had released Jesus son of Mary (PBUH)

Now Do we need a Sherlock Holmes or Scotland Yard to investigate who was actually crucified? The answer to this question is “no need” because the confirmation that Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) the real Messiah made by God was never crucified and never killed and Quran confirms that and also we have ample evidence from the Bible statements if we properly scrutinize it without any bias as we have proved it in the 200+ proofs from the Bible that Jesus son of Mary the real Messiah was never crucified.  Stupid jews can make any tom dick harry a messiah. But the Real Messiah was saved and lifted by Allah Allmighty God (Direct Ascension)!. 


So dear brothers and sisters, in actuality Jesus whom all Christians know and love as son of the father was released at the outset of this cruci-fiction story recorded in the bible. Now the question is who is behind forcing you all very deceptively to believe that Jesus (Son of the father metaphorically) was crucified. It was Paul who deceived and lied about Jesus teachings and he tried to hijack the Original teachings of Jesus son of Mary. 
Find out more about Paul the deceiver and liar the teacher of Wickedness It was James who was the teacher of righteousness on whom Paul barked like dogs and hatran awangelian infact and Paul barked against the other gospel which James was teaching which was the original teachings of Jesus (PBUH). read here Now you know that Quran (The last testament) confirms what was in the bible OT & NT that Jesus (Son of Maryam) was never killed nor crucified rather infact he was saved by Allah and Allah raised him up unto himself i.e. direct ascension. So Why you don’t accept the religion of all the Prophets and messengers of ALLAH i.e Islam/Salam/Shalom/Peace. What is stopping you from embracing Islam. 

Former Christians Doctors of divinities, pastors, priests and missionaries are embracing Islam/ accepting Islam Alhamdulillah. Just a few names are mentioned below:

  • Dr. Jerald F. Dirks - Former minister (deacon) of the United Methodist Church. He holds a Master's degree in Divinity from Harvard University and a Doctorate in Psychology from the University of Denver. Author of The Cross and the Crescent: An Interfaith Dialogue between Christianity and Islam (ISBN 1-59008-002-5 - Amana Publications, 2001). He has published over 60 articles in the field of clinical psychology, and over 150 articles on Arabian horses
  • Abdullah al-Faruq - Formerly Kenneth L. Jenkins, minister and elder of the Pentecostal Church
  • Viacheslav Polosin - Former Archpriest of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • Anselm Tormeeda - 14th century CE scholar and priest
  • Khadijah 'Sue' Watson - Former pastor, missionary, professor. Master's degree in Divinity
  • Ibrahim Khalil - Former Egyptian Coptic priest
  • Anonymous Female Missionary - Former Catholic missionary
  • Martin John Mwaipopo - Former Lutheran Archbishop
  • Raphael - Former Jehovah's Witness minister
  • George Anthony - Former Catholic priest
  • Dr. Gary Miller (Abdul-Ahad Omar) - Former missionary

As we have seen throughout the Old Testament, the atonement relationship between God and man was never limited to blood sacrifices. There were many means by which a human being obtained forgiveness from God for wrongdoing, including fasting, repentance and prayer. Therefore to limit God’s forgiveness to blood atonement is not only unbiblical but also a gross injustice to God’s merciful nature.  (Coutesy: )
Dr. Lawrence Brown (books & videos), 
Dr. Jerald Dirks (books & videos)
Kathleen St.Onge (Bridge to Light), 
Brandon Toropov (Beyond mere Christianity)
Hamza Tzortzis
Tark El Nimir
Ustadh Ali Ataie
H.M. Baagil M.D
Dr. Zakir Naik
Late Sheikh Ahmad Deedat
Majid S. Al-Rassi (Book: Islam is your birthright!)
and Common sense which is not very common :)

Other related articles/debates on Crucifiction:

Live debate between Pastor Rockny and Dr. Zakir Naik
From the book of Ahmad Deedat The Choice Islam or Christianity By Ahmad Deedat

1 comment :

  1. Therefore I am convinced that Qur'an the final book of islam faith is deemed corrupted and not to consider authentic or what so ever.
    Almighty God is a God of many chances, think before it's too late.
