The Original Given Name of Jesus (pbuh) [in mother tongue Aramaic] - Etymological analysis
"Yaso'a" ( يسوع )
is merely a rendition of the Hebrew "Yeshua"
( ישוע), which in short means that it is borrowed from Hebrew and is
therefore not Arabic! In the Arabic lexicon Lisan Al-Arab by
Ibn Manthoor, there is no
definition of
"Yaso'a" as an Arabic word. However, in the same lexicon, the
root word of "`Eesa" ( عيسى) is
the Arabic word "'EES" [AIN, YA'A, SEEN] which stands for something white in colour mixed with darkness/blackness or reddishness. By this, we have proven
beyond doubt that "`Eesa" ( عيسى) is
indeed totally Arabic, unlike "Yaso'a".
there is a complete void of information linking Jesus to the name "Yeshua"
in his lifetime. The Talmud was written between 300-600 A.D. Other commonly
quoted books like the "Toledoth
Yeshu`" were
satires written to defame Christianity as late as the 10th century A.D. nearly
1000 years after Jesus. Ironically, from the disparaging writings against Jesus
came the Arabic "Yaso'a" ( يسوع )
as they are the only source for this name being attributed to Jesus in the
Middle East.
So What is His Name Historically?
Jesus and even the
earliest Christians spoke Aramaic. Much of the Old Testament, such as the Book
of Daniel, was originally in Aramaic though a large bulk of those codices are
lost forever. Neither the Greek of the Textus Receptus upon which the New
Testament is based, nor the Hebrew of the standardized Tanach upon which the
Old Testament is loosely based were their native tongues.
spoke Aramaic. Thus, the New Testament would have to be dependent upon it. Much
of the Old Testament was in Aramaic as well, and the earliest Christian
societies throughout Arabia from Palestine, to Syria, to Nabataea spoke
Aramaic. So what is Jesus' name in Aramaic?
Jesus the Messiah.
- "Eesho
M'sheekha" in Syriac. Syriac is a late variant of Aramaic
widespread in Christendom, thus coined "Christian Aramaic".
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- "Eesho
M'sheekha" in Aramaic, taken directly from the
"Peshitta". The "Peshitta" is the Aramaic New Testament
and closely resembles the language of Jesus.
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Thus, Jesus would have even called himself "Eesho" (ܝܫܘܥ) (Please
see Page 12) and listen audio here
or more specifically "`Eesaa" since
the Northern Palestinian Jews pronounced the letter "shin" as "seen".
Word "EESA" ( عيسى) in
the Bible
Below is an image of a page taken from the International
Bible Society translation in Farsi of the first chapter of the Gospel of
Matthew. The words which are underlined mean `EESA MASIH or `EESA عِيسَى ( عيسى) respectively.
Nearly all Bible translations which are non-English (including the Arabic
Bible) uses the Hebrew name "Yeshua", therefore it is
surprising to see `EESA MASIH being used in the Farsi bible.
The usage of EESA MASIH in the Farsi translation is prove by
itself that the Christian translators do accept the Qur'anic name of Jesus
We have proved and firmly established the
fact that the name "Eesa" ( عيسى)has an Aramaic origin.
In short, let us break down the whole
argument so as to elucidate it better for the readers to understand:
- The word "`EESA" ( عيسى)
in the Qur'an comes from "`EESHO" (ܝܫܘܥ)in Aramaic (see Page 12)
and listen audio here, a
language which predates Hebrew by several hundred years and never had any etymological ties with the Hebrew derivative "YESHUA" ( ישוע) or even the word "E'SAU" ( עֵשָׂו; )
- Since the language Jesus (pbuh) spoke and taught was Aramaic, the
Qur'an have accurately taken his name in Aramaic and not the Hebrew
derivative, "YESHUA" ( ישוע)
- The name "YASO'A" ( يسوع ) for Jesus
(pbuh) in the Arabic Bible is merely a transliteration of the
Hebrew name "YESHUA" ( ישוע) and is therefore fallacious to claim that this is the
correct Arabic name of Jesus (pbuh) since as originally said, Hebrew is
not Jesus' native tongue. Therefore, the Noble Verses which clearly states
that the Qur'an is in pure Arabic, remains unchallenged.[7]
- Also check in the bible the Greek lexicons Ἰησοῦ ( iēsou ) Now since greek tradition is to put ‘s’
after a name ending with ou or a sound therefore to find the original name
just remove ‘s’ from the end like Musa became Moses and Eesa became Jesus.
Another greek tradition is called J-walking is to put ‘j’ in front of
every name therefore remove ‘J’to find the original name from the prefix
. Yaqub became Jacob, Ayub became
Job, Yusuf became Joseph, Yahya became John. So do a little exercise to
remove (J from prefix) and (S from suffix)
- Luke 1:31 clearly informs that Jesus is INDEED A SON OF MARY. MARY IS NOT GOD THUS JESUS IS NOT A SON OF GOD. Again iēsoun is mentioned You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him iēsou. So Easa Alaiyhissalam pbuh is also mentioned and clearly identified in the QURAN as Easa SON OF MARY WHICH IS A MIRACLE OF QURAN as well. It is also a proof that Quran is Not authored by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
- Question is mostly asked that When was it the Christians abandoned the original name of Easa son of Mary which they now call Jesus?
Answer is actually quite simple, Jesus word is just a greekanised version of the name Easa so Just remove the prefix J in the beginning and suffix S from Jesus what remains is esu or better go with the pronuciation sound in a flow which will be "Esa" which is very close the to real name Esa because while saying Jesus we pronounce as Jeesas with an a sound so in the same flow we remove J and s we simply get Esa.
Some Aramaic sources did say Jesus name as “Yeshua” sometimes which means “he was saved” because according to Matthew 2:13 Angel of the Lord (i.e. Jibreel on whom be peace) appeared in Joseph’s dream to take Easa son of Mary to safety i.e. flee to Egypt because King Herod is searching for him and will kill him. So Joseph took Easa son of Mary to safety in Egypt. Matthew 2:16 Herod got very angry at Magi (kind of Monk) that he didn’t identify Easa for him so he killed all new born male babies upto the age 2 years and below. So we find out here that Yeshua is actually NOT a name its also a PATRONYMIC which means some one was saved. So Easa was known as the Yeshua i.e. Easa Yeshua i.e. Easa who was saved by God Allmighty. People also used to call him Jesus BarAbbas i.e. Jesus son of the Father (Metaphorically not literally) because he was a righteous person, A Prophet and messenger of God Allmighty and this Jesus BarAbbas the real Messiah made by God himself was released by Pilate in Matthew 27:17.
Jesus name according to some aramaic sources was Yeshua Mashiakh / Yeshua ber Maryam. This word Yeshua is from a triliteral root word like all semetic words Yashey meaning save or to deliver however the scale of this name is passive its a passive participle NOT ACTIVE not savior but SAVED !!!! PASSIVE. Yeshua means the one who is saved by God!!! Indeed !!! Please read this article to further enlighten yourself about it - Another Important point here is Yeshua (one who is saved) cannot possibly be Yahweh (Yahaye or the Living God) because The Living God Allmighty is the one who saves people so Yeshua cannot save Yahweh its a simple common sense. They are not equal in any way So this solve the mystery of trinity as well !!!!
- Thus, the Qur'an's historical accuracy in its usage of "`Eesa" ( عيسى) rather than the Arabic "Yaso'a" ( يسوع ) for the name of Jesus is indeed noteworthy to say the very least. "Yaso'a" is actually based upon a problematic Hebrew nomenclature for Jesus which is littered with disagreement and controversy. There is no historical agreement or resemblance on what Jesus' name was in Hebrew or even if those references are indeed referring to Jesus! There have been a plethora of explanations attempting to rectify this variance in the Hebrew versions of Jesus' name, but all are based on conjecture and none are based on historicity or textual evidence. All such flawed etymological gymnastics are already defeated by the mere fact that Hebrew was not even Jesus' language. Indeed, the burden of proof is upon the Christian world to produce documented evidence of Jesus' existence from his own time period. As God has promised in His Word:
"And from each
people shall We draw a witness, and We shall say: "Produce your
proof"; then shall they know that the Truth is in Allah (alone), and the
(lies) which they invented will leave them in the lurch." (al-Qur'an, Sura' Al-Qashash (28):75)
Further reading:
Quran not only recorded the original
name of Isa Son of Mary but Also the real Character of Isa Son of Mary.
Christians wrongly characterised Isa
Son of Mary as divine whereas he is just a servant/Prophet/Messenger of ALLAH.
Emanuel: What does it really mean?
Courtesy : Mohamed Moukhtar
Paul said on Acts 22:6 "About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me. 7 I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, 'Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me? 8 “Who are you, Lord?” Some are asking why did he ask "Who are you" and then call him Lord? However were there any witnesses? Indeed, for Paul said “the people with me saw the light but didn't hear the voice.”
Shockingly the same book of Acts gives us a different account of Paul’s own statement, by saying “the men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone.” Acts 9:7 some are asking, did they hear the voice or not? Did they see the light or not?
Shockingly when Paul first encountered what he thought to be Jesus, he saw a light falling from heaven, but Jesus had ONLY this to say about a light falling from heaven "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” Luke 10:18. WHO IS SATAN? Jesus answered : "When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44".
Emanuel: What does it really mean?
Courtesy : Mohamed Moukhtar
The Book of Isiah of the Old Testament relates the story of a virgin who conceives and gives birth to a child.
Most translations in all languages explain that the meaning of the phrase: " Emanuel " is : " God is with us. "..
Furthermore they emphasize that this is the name of the child born of the aforementioned virgin..
The book titled in Arabic: " Al Kanz Al Jaleel fi Tafseer Al Injeel ", meaning : " The Magnificent Treasure on Gospel Exegesis ",a book compiled by a group of Christian scholars, found at the House of Egyptian Bibliography, Daarul Kutub Al Masreya, in Cairo, mentions that this prophecy of Isiah, was fulfilled in the reign of Ahaaz the King..A matter that negates any reference of this verse to the Jesus the son of Mary.
Some recent French translations of the Bible, explains this phrase: " Emanuel " as a supplication, invocation, pledge or prayer meaning: " Let or May God be with us. "
Accordingly, any attempt to prove the fulfillment of this prophecy in the person of Christ Jesus son of Mary, is negated, that the prophecy refers to his name: " God is with us.", hence he was therefore God incarnated, living on earth..
For the meaning of that " name ", assuming it referred to Christ son of Mary is: an invocation meaning : " Let God be with us " or " May God be with us. "
( Review the book titled in Arabic: An Nubuwa wal Anbiyaa', meaning Prophecy and Prophets, by General Ahmad Abdel Wah'haab, Wahba Book House, Al Jumhuria St; Abdeen, Cairo, Egypt. )
Moreover, if the birth of Christ Jesus from the virgin Mary should make him into an incarnated God, and a Son of God, yet Christian sources relates about another virgin, besides Mary the mother of Jesus Christ, who gave birth in the reign of Ahaaz the King, as the Christian interpreters of the Gospel have said, in their interpretation of this verse of the Old Testament..Shall the Christians then accept to go to say that the son of this virgin was also a Son of God, and an Incarnated God?!
If their response were in the negative, why is it then that they refuse and deny Divinity or God's Sonship for another person who was born in a way similar exactly to that of Jesus Christ ( i.e. of a virgin without a father or male intervention) as the Bible informs us..?!
About the LABELS: Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Courtesy : Mohamed Moukhtar
Yahud, translated Jews Yahudi, translated, Jew, Yahudiyah, translated Judaism, sounds more like Judea, which is a place in Palestine..In fact Judea is also translated al Yahudiyah in Arabic..Judeans are those who live in Judea, so a Judean is a native of Judea..
The sons of Jacob who is also called Israel in both the O.T and the Qur'an, are the Israelite, the Bani Israa2eel. But Judaism and Christianity are two faith, which people claim to adhere..What i meant to say is that, it is came to pass that a people claimed themselves as being Jews. God did not label them as such..So Judaism is a man-made name that men accordingly call themselves as such..
Nasaara, translated Christians, Nasraani, translated Christian, Nasraaniyah, translated Christianity, sounds more like Nazareth, which is also a place in Palestine..In fact Nazareth is translated al Naasiryah in Arabic..Nazarenes are those who dwell at Nazareth, so a Nazarene is a native of Nazareth..
The followers of Jesus Christ also known as Jesus of Nazareth, called themselves the Nazarenes..Whether you call them Christians or Nazarenes ( Nasaara ) today, then again God did not label them as such..It came to pass that people claimed themselves as being Christians, Nazarenes ( Nasaara ). So Christianity, the Nazarene faith or ( Nasraaniyah ) is a man-made name that men accordingly call themselves as such..
Islam, which means Submission and Surrendering, is the name that Allah ( God ) applies to those who Sincerely Worship Him, whatever their place in Human History and Geography..
It is the Religion that is acceptable to Allah ( God )..And it is the Faith that Allah accepted for the those who believe in the Final Book of Revelation and the Prophetic Office of Mohammad..PBUH
أَمْ تَقُولُونَ إِنَّ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْمَاعِيلَ وَإِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَالأَسْبَاطَ كَانُوا هُودًا أَوْ نَصَارَى قُلْ أَأَنْتُمْ أَعْلَمُ أَمِ اللَّهُ وَمَنْ أَظْلَمُ مِمَّنْ كَتَمَ شَهَادَةً عِنْدَهُ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَمَا اللَّهُ بِغَافِلٍ عَمَّا تَعْمَلُونَ البقرة:140
" Or do ye claim that Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes were Hudan ( Jews ) or Nasaara ( Christians ). Say ( O Mohammad ): Is it that you are more Knowledgeable or Allah?
And who is more unjust than him who suppresses a witness that is with him from Allah. And certainly Allah is not negligent of what ye do." Al Baqara ( the Heifer ) :140
Jewish Professor Admits All Prophets Were Muslim
The Truth about Jesus (Jew by race & Muslim by religon)
1. Jesus (pbuh) taught that there is only One God and Only God should be worshipped as taught in Deut 6:4, Mark 12:29. Mus...See More
1. Jesus (pbuh) taught that there is only One God and Only God should be worshipped as taught in Deut 6:4, Mark 12:29. Mus...See More
Lamb of God - Courtesy Dr. Lawrence Brown
There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.
-Ansel Adams
Many Christians claim to find proof of the crucifixion and atonement in John 1 :29, which calls Jesus Christ the "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world." Others are more speculative, and for good reason.
To begin with, Christians disagree on the meaning and significance of this concept of "lambness." Some question the Bible translation while still others fail to link Old and New Testament "Lamb of God" references into a reasonable chain of logic. Even John the Baptist, whom this verse quotes, seemed to have trouble with the term.
The Christian claim is that John the Baptist knew who Jesus was, and identified him as the "Lamb of God" in John 1 :29. But if he knew Jesus so well as to identify him with certainty in one verse, why did he question Jesus years later: "Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?" (Matthew 11 :3)
The Christian claim is that John the Baptist knew who Jesus was, and identified him as the "Lamb of God" in John 1 :29. But if he knew Jesus so well as to identify him with certainty in one verse, why did he question Jesus years later: "Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?" (Matthew 11 :3)
Among those who have difficulty rectifying Old and New Testament inconsistencies are Catholic clergy themselves. The New Catholic Encyclopedia admits inability to determine the origin of the title "Lamb of God," for although attempts are made to trace the term through Isaiah (Chapter 53) by way of Acts 8:32, "this text is incapable of explaining the expression ... " (New Catholic Encyclopedia Vol 8, p.338)
The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament has this to say:
"The Aramaic might also offer a basis with its use of the same word for both 'lamb' and 'boy or servant.' Thus the Baptist in Jn. 1:29,36 might have been describing Jesus as the servant of God who takes away the sin of the world in vicarious self-offering (Is. 53)."(221-Kittel, Gerhard and Gerhard Friedrich. p.54.) Excuse me, but was that servant of God? Hm ... lamb/servant; animal/human ... Perhaps we should be content that the translators confined their differences within the same animal kingdom, but all the same ...
So could John the Baptist's native Aramaic have been corrupted in translation to the New Testament Greek amnos? Could the correct translation be "boy" or "servant" rather than "lamb?" If so, any link between Old and New Testament references to "Lamb of God" would shred faster than ticker tape in a turboprop. Hence, it is with great interest that we encounter the New Catholic Encyclopedia agreeing that the Aramaic word talya' can be translated to "boy" or "servant," as well as "lamb." (222- New Catholic Encyclopedia Vol 8, p.339) Furthermore, the proposal that the phrase uttered by the Baptist was "Behold the Servant of God," and not "Behold the Lamb of God" is, in their words, "very plausible" and "much easier to explain.'?" (ibid p.339)
As with pais theou, the first translation of which is "servant of God" rather than "Son of God," could this be yet one more instance of theologically prejudiced mistranslation? Quite possibly.
Finally, there is the now-familiar pattern of Jesus being labeled "Lamb of God" in the Gospel of John but in none of the other gospels, which implies a minority opinion or, at the very least, lack of substantiation. Once again, the vote is three gospel authors to one that the phrase was never spoken in the first place, or not stated with the meaning into which it has been translated. Had the original meaning been "servant of God," (assuming the phrase was uttered in the first place) the other three gospel authors are to be applauded for refusing to corrupt the message into an abstract recipe of "lambness." On the other hand, if we are to trust the Bible as the word of God, we have to wonder why God didn't inspire this knowledge to the other three gospel authors. Assuming God's objective to be that of spreading His truth as widely and precisely as possible, we have to ask which is more likely:
1. Our infallible God failed to propagate His truth three times (uh-no).
2. The author of the book of John, verses 1:29 & 1 :36, espoused a false doctrine twice. (Possible, but let's assume not, for if this were the case it becomes difficult to trust any part of the Bible.)
3. The true meaning is "servant of God," but doctrinal prejudice resulted in the translation "Iamb of God."
Perhaps we should consider this issue in the context of Christian creed as a whole, for the doctrine of Jesus being the "Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" bleeds into those of original sin and atonement. After all, what's the need for a sacrificial lamb, if not to atone for the (original) sin of the world?
Further reading on Lamb of God
Further reading on Lamb of God
According to a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) the last and final messenger of God described the skin color of Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) was reddish.
Abu Hurayrah (RA) narrated that the Prophet said,
"On the night on which I was taken for the Night Journey (Isra'), I met Moosa (PBUH) and I met 'Eesa." The Prophet described him [Eesa] by saying, "He is of average height and reddish, as if he had come out of the bath. "(1)
(1) Agreed upon.
According to the bible the color of Jesus (PBUH) skin was Burnished bronze i.e. Dark Brown.
Book of Revelation 1:14-15 14The hair on
his head was white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing
fire. 15His feet
were like bronze glowing
(polished bronze
refined or like burnished bronze or brass of Lebanon which is heated in a
furnace) in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. 16In his right
hand he held seven stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all
its brilliance.
![]() |
Burnished Bronze color of Jesus skin mentioned by Paul |
The original word, χαλκολιβανον, means the famous
aurichalcum, or factitious metal, which, according to Suidas, was ειδος
ηλεκτρου, τιμιωτερον χρυσου, "a kind of amber, more precious than
gold." It seems to have been a composition of gold, silver, and brass, and
the same with the Corinthian brass, so highly famed and valued; for when Lucius
Mummius took and burnt the city of Corinth, many statues of these three metals,
being melted, had run together, and formed the composition already mentioned,
and which was held in as high estimation as gold. See Pliny, Hist. Nat., lib.
34, c. 2; Florus, lib. 2, c. 16. It may however mean no more than copper melted
with lapis calaminaris, which converts it into brass; and the flame that
proceeds from the metal during this operation is one of the most intensely and
unsufferably vivid that can be imagined. I have often seen several furnaces
employed in this operation, and the flames bursting up through the earth (for
these furnaces are under ground) always called to remembrance this description
given by St. John: His feet of fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace.
Note above is what Paul saw the Double-edged mouth /sharp tongue like a serpent (Satan).
The Mysterious Encounter of Paul
Paul said on Acts 22:6 "About noon as I came near Damascus, suddenly a bright light from heaven flashed around me. 7 I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, 'Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me? 8 “Who are you, Lord?” Some are asking why did he ask "Who are you" and then call him Lord? However were there any witnesses? Indeed, for Paul said “the people with me saw the light but didn't hear the voice.”
Shockingly the same book of Acts gives us a different account of Paul’s own statement, by saying “the men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone.” Acts 9:7 some are asking, did they hear the voice or not? Did they see the light or not?
Shockingly when Paul first encountered what he thought to be Jesus, he saw a light falling from heaven, but Jesus had ONLY this to say about a light falling from heaven "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” Luke 10:18. WHO IS SATAN? Jesus answered : "When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. John 8:44".
So Finally find out who is the Allmighty God who is the creator of the heavens and the earth
2:117. To Him (ALLAH) is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: When He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: "Be," and it is.
ALLAH The Original name of God
◕ ALLAH is the name of the one true God in the Arabic language. ALLAH is the god of both Christians and Jews, as well as Muslims, Christians and Jews who speak Arabic use the name "ALLAH" to refer to God.
● English Bible
"James, a servant of ⇛God and of the Lord Jesus Christ"
[James 1:1]
○ Arabic Bible
"Ya'qub abdu ⇛ALLAH wal rabu yasu' al massih"
[James 1:1]
[ bib/wb/arb/jam.htm]
◕ ALLAH or 'Alah' [Alef - Lamed - He] is the very same name used by Jesus Christ in the language he spoke (Aramaic).
(and that would be sufficient proof against those who claim that Allah is moon god.)
● English Bible
"He said to them: What things? They say to him: In regard to Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was a prophet, and mighty in discourse and in action, before ⇛God, and before all the people" [Luke 24:19]
○ Aramaic Bible
"āmar ləhūn mānā āmrīn leh al yešū haw dəmen nāṣraṯ gaḇrā dahwā nəḇīā wəḥayləṯān wā bəmelṯā wəḇaḇāḏē qəḏām
⇛ălāhā waqḏām kūleh ammā." [Luke 24:19]
[ index.php]
◕ The name for God in the language of Moses (Hebrew) is (Eloh or Eloah) written with the very same letters [Elef - Lamed - He] and pronounced almost the same as (ALLAH).
The suffix "-im" of the word "Eloh-im" is a plural of respect in Hebrew.
● English Bible
"In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth"
[Genesis 1:1]
○ Hebrew Bible
"bərêšîṯ bārā ⇛’ĕlōh-îm; ’êṯ haš šāmayim wə’êṯ hā’āreṣ"
[Genesis 1:1]
[http:// transliterated.interlinearbible .org/genesis/1.htm]
■ ALLAH in the Arabic language is the greatest and most inclusive of the Names of God. It is a word of rich meaning, denoting the one and only God and ascribing no partners to Him.
■ ALLAH is the special name of God and is the most precious name because it is not a descriptive name like the other Ninety-nine names of ALLAH, but the name of God's own presence.
■ It is impossible to alter the word in Arabic unlike in English; such as creating a plural form (gods), or changing genders to (goddess).
■ Although commonly referred to as a "He", the word "ALLAH" in Arabic is absolutely unique as it is genderless. The use of "He" is only employed because, just like in English, it would be disrespectful to refer the Almighty Creator as an "It."
■ The word ALLAH is absolutely unique in the Arabic language and is not just thought of as a name for God, but as the personal name of the One true God. Nothing else can be called ALLAH.
Say, [O believers], "We have believed in ALLAH and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him. [Qur'an 2:136]
◕ ALLAH is the name of the one true God in the Arabic language. ALLAH is the god of both Christians and Jews, as well as Muslims, Christians and Jews who speak Arabic use the name "ALLAH" to refer to God.
● English Bible
"James, a servant of ⇛God and of the Lord Jesus Christ"
[James 1:1]
○ Arabic Bible
"Ya'qub abdu ⇛ALLAH wal rabu yasu' al massih"
[James 1:1]
◕ ALLAH or 'Alah' [Alef - Lamed - He] is the very same name used by Jesus Christ in the language he spoke (Aramaic).
(and that would be sufficient proof against those who claim that Allah is moon god.)
● English Bible
"He said to them: What things? They say to him: In regard to Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was a prophet, and mighty in discourse and in action, before ⇛God, and before all the people" [Luke 24:19]
○ Aramaic Bible
"āmar ləhūn mānā āmrīn leh al yešū haw dəmen nāṣraṯ gaḇrā dahwā nəḇīā wəḥayləṯān wā bəmelṯā wəḇaḇāḏē qəḏām
⇛ălāhā waqḏām kūleh ammā." [Luke 24:19]
◕ The name for God in the language of Moses (Hebrew) is (Eloh or Eloah) written with the very same letters [Elef - Lamed - He] and pronounced almost the same as (ALLAH).
The suffix "-im" of the word "Eloh-im" is a plural of respect in Hebrew.
● English Bible
"In the beginning God created the Heaven and the Earth"
[Genesis 1:1]
○ Hebrew Bible
"bərêšîṯ bārā ⇛’ĕlōh-îm; ’êṯ haš šāmayim wə’êṯ hā’āreṣ"
[Genesis 1:1]
■ ALLAH in the Arabic language is the greatest and most inclusive of the Names of God. It is a word of rich meaning, denoting the one and only God and ascribing no partners to Him.
■ ALLAH is the special name of God and is the most precious name because it is not a descriptive name like the other Ninety-nine names of ALLAH, but the name of God's own presence.
■ It is impossible to alter the word in Arabic unlike in English; such as creating a plural form (gods), or changing genders to (goddess).
■ Although commonly referred to as a "He", the word "ALLAH" in Arabic is absolutely unique as it is genderless. The use of "He" is only employed because, just like in English, it would be disrespectful to refer the Almighty Creator as an "It."
■ The word ALLAH is absolutely unique in the Arabic language and is not just thought of as a name for God, but as the personal name of the One true God. Nothing else can be called ALLAH.
Say, [O believers], "We have believed in ALLAH and what has been revealed to us and what has been revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the Descendants and what was given to Moses and Jesus and what was given to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him. [Qur'an 2:136]
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God (ALLAH) created the heavens and the earth.
1 فِي البَدءِ خَلَقَ اللهُ السَّماواتِ وَالأرْضَ. Check here on bible site
الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِي خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ وَجَعَلَ الظُّلُمَاتِ وَالنُّورَ ۖ ثُمَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِرَبِّهِمْ يَعْدِلُونَِ Quran 6:1. Praise be Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth, and made the darkness and the light. Yet those who reject Faith hold (others) as equal, with their Guardian-Lord.
قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌِ Say, "He is Allah, the One and Only. (QURAN 114:1)
2:117. To Him (ALLAH) is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth: When He decreeth a matter, He saith to it: "Be," and it is.
Allah is the absolute creator of the divine laws. Being the creator, It is only logical to understand that he does not abide by these laws. From these laws is the law of reproduction which is a pivotal point regarding the story of Jesus (PBUH). However one who reflects can understand that Allah has purposely made 4 examples to teach us that he isn't governed by such laws. so what are the 4 examples?
1. Prophet Adam was created from No male and no female
2. Eve was created from One male and no female
3. Jesus was created from No male and One female
4. All of us have been created from One male and One female
These are 4 examples to understand the divinity of our creator and if we understand the difference between the creator and the created... then there is no difference that can be overcome between christianity and Islam. Or any other religion for that matter. Muhammad (PBUH) in the Bible. Jesus (PBUH) in the Quran. ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE.
1. Prophet Adam was created from No male and no female
2. Eve was created from One male and no female
3. Jesus was created from No male and One female
4. All of us have been created from One male and One female
These are 4 examples to understand the divinity of our creator and if we understand the difference between the creator and the created... then there is no difference that can be overcome between christianity and Islam. Or any other religion for that matter. Muhammad (PBUH) in the Bible. Jesus (PBUH) in the Quran. ONE GOD ONE MESSAGE.
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